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Lana Leaving a Salon in Beverly Hills - February 1, 2017

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U guys chill. It's not that serious and Anne shouldn't care what a couple of anonymous losers(no offense) think of her

I'm trying but I'm human man when it's by several people for some I really genuinely do not understand and on an extended period it starts getting on my nerves. Like the things you say for example, they're as bold and as sexual as what I say, maybe you're strong enough not to care but I'm battling too much things at the same time not to, I come online to escape reality and be free to say what's eating me alive in real life and not being able to feel safe anywhere is so destructive. It's easy to say it's not serious when first you know the reasons why you're talking in a derogative way of a person, when you know this person is fragile and will almost certainly react, when you're part of a band that shares your opinion about said person. For me it's serious and I regret but I don't have any other way to take it. I wish I never had beef with anyone 


Anneways. I'm logged into this forum every second because I love Lana more than I love anything else and I consider this community to be the most accepting of precisely all this energy and love I have. I learned a lot from being here two years and I would love to stay as long as possible because there is no greater knowledge resource about the person that inspire and keeps me alive everyday and I just want to make this clear. To get back on topic, Lana looks really beautiful. There you go, I wasn't extra, I can do that as well but it's just not me


Edit: I apologize for the meltdown AGAIN but I can feel myself getting out of depression and my triggerness should be less frequent in days to come, thank you and take care


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I use to hate the middle parting in her hair but since her face has become less bloated and more natural it suits her much better now. I love the ombre hair as well but sadly that's not gonna last but who am I to complain? Lighter Haired Lana slays anyway  :defeated:  I'm wonder if she's getting ready for the album photoshoot  :icant:


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Please stop making fun of Anne I've noticed it a lot recently in various threads, I find it awful how people seem to relish upsetting her when she's done nothing wrong - it's very disappointing to see nastiness

what doe you expect from someone like that person, anne unlike them deserves to be here, shes only contributed positively to this forum she is amazing.

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nnn I don't get why we have to make fun of ppl for loving the absolute crap out of lana, you know, on a form about Lana and how much we love her like okay please leave my friend alone lmfao. But anyways, lana looks absolutely beautiful ohmygod  :flutter:  :flutter:  :flutter: 


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She is looking amazing!! Hope she is making another music video with this look. However, it does look like she is still touching up her face (maybe botox?) I just hope it doesn't get to this point:


 I am not sure it's botox..I think it's more like fillers.I don't know why she does it really ..she doesn't need this..It alters the harmony of her face..But maybe it's just weight gain..I really love her,tho I'm not judging <3 

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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