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Whatever that was she Tweeted about, it doesn't make sense. She's either Catholic like she says. "GOD Knows I Tried" "I Talk to JESUS" or she's a witch. One or the other.


Doesn't matter tho. Regardless, she's hot and a good person

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Why are you so bothered? This isn't even making a huge impact apart from a few websites making articles and some backlash from ardent trump supporters. Would you rather she remained passive and simple for the rest of her career? It's not like controversial opinion is out of the ordinary for Lana anyway.


Freefalling is normal, she does minimal promo for her single, which has been out for a week, before schedule. Usually her singles drop way before this point. Quit worrying about charts and performance, she's always been an album-driven rather than a singles artist anyway.


Who even cares if this turns people off from her? To be different is in her nature as a non-mainstream, alternative artist. This whole occult direction is intriguing regardless, so I don't understand the complaints.

Honestly, I guess because I just don't want Lana to become known to the general public as the "witch" because no matter what good Lana is using it for, there are people who will always associate that particular word with evil and satanism which could hurt Lana and her career. I personally don't care what she does! I love her no matter what. I just don't want Lana to be stuck with that stigma forever in a negative way

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So many other artists would have made some huge social media post by now clarifying exactly what they meant and what their intentions were and usually bringing it back around to their new single/album/tour. 

Writing something intriguing, but vague is something Lana has mastered since day one and I love it. I can't think of another contemporary artist who is able to create such a large conversation/debate based on a quote or lyric like she does. 

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Honestly, I guess because I just don't want Lana to become known to the general public as the "witch" because no matter what good Lana is using it for, there are people who will always associate that particular word with evil and satanism which could hurt Lana and her career. I personally don't care what she does! I love her no matter what. I just don't want Lana to be stuck with that stigma forever in a negative way

Lana's already been known as "depressed" "anti-feminist" "manufactured by producers" "flop at singing", to be called a "witch" will just add to a long list :lmao:

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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Honestly, I guess because I just don't want Lana to become known to the general public as the "witch" because no matter what good Lana is using it for, there are people who will always associate that particular word with evil and satanism which could hurt Lana and her career. I personally don't care what she does! I love her no matter what. I just don't want Lana to be stuck with that stigma forever in a negative way

you mean, like it has hurt Stevie Nicks?


Weren't you posting a few pages back how you didn't care for her chart performance?


Besides, the new releases have surpassed her plus some typical weekend songs. She is not yet falling like a rock. HBTB and WC did WAY worse

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I honestly don't understand why people care about her tweeting about witchcraft, it's not a big deal! She had books in her house about it we already knew she probably had an interest in it...


If there was gonna be backlash there would have been already. The people currently freaking out in this thread are the only ones who will be freaking out. This is very different from glamorizing suicide.

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Why do things have to be this binary ? Why are some of you so deadass serious ? Do yall realise that it's most likely just an aesthetic, just a concept ? And I don't think she'd ever be a straight up witch, she's too much of a valley girl for that to happen. Whatever suff she's into, it's probably a mix of science, esoterism, etc. Her tweeting a picture in which she impersonates a drag version of Morticia is not enough to classify her as a practising witch dabbling with Satan. I'm sorry but it's not even a matter of opinion at that point, it's just methodology.

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^Ikr. She's serving culty Source Family solve et coagula vibes for the era and just decided to jump on this spell thing because it was in the media

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I honestly don't understand why people care about her tweeting about witchcraft, it's not a big deal! She had books in her house about it we already knew she probably had an interest in it...


A single fan telling others about it is way different than an artist officialy speaking out about their interests. The range of the "news" straight from her is like 1000 times bigger obviously?



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I think at first I think we took it seriously because it's kind of a shock to hear that kinda thing from Lana herself, but tbh I think it's mostly aesthetic.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I think Love will be back on top soon. On Spotify UK, her song isn't featured on the new releases page yet (because obv she had to release it early) so once the song gets featured (should be next week) then hopefully she'll reach a few more places to the top.

It won't be added that late, arranging a spot on a Spotify playlist isn't that hard it just seems they didn't bother to do so. it's already on some playlists but very low (it's like the 65th track in the new releases thing germany)


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Really though I just think its a clever marketing ploy to gain some publicity (Which obviously is working  :teehee:) that or she having a laugh and trolling the fúck out of the media/fans.


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