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btw since we don't have anything to talk about did anyone notice how, despite quite a lot of promo, Lorde's new song i getting the same views on youtube as Love when it was released ? :creep:


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btw since we don't have anything to talk about did anyone notice how, despite quite a lot of promo, Lorde's new song i getting the same views on youtube as Love when it was released ? :creep:

Lorde's more commercial tbh, she's more "popular".  It's not surprising.  Besides, she had a successful promotion campaign that wasn't rushed bc some "fan" leaked her single.

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*makes a random live stream at 2 in the morning California time*


"Hi kids, here's my new album. It's on Apple Music. You're going to love it. It's a lot like Born to Die. My favorite track is the jazz one. Okay, lots of love."


*blows a kiss and waves before pointing the camera up to the ceiling for the next 30 seconds while the faint sound of an Elon Musk lecture plays in the background*


*Camera turns off and we do not hear from her for the next three years except when she hangs out with Father John Misty and/or spots a spider in her home*


this is so accurate it hurts

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Lorde's more commercial tbh, she's more "popular".  It's not surprising.  Besides, she had a successful promotion campaign that wasn't rushed bc some "fan" leaked her single.

yeah, but I was saying despite all that the two videos got the same amount of views which is pretty incredible. Again, Love could do wll commercially if they just pushed it a little more


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I like Lorde's single, however, where is Lorde in the song?
I hear the group Fun or the Bleachers

then I hear the movie La La Land after the first part of the song

but where is Lorde?


(of course, Lorde is a misnomer anyhow, as her first album, all I heard was Lana and Chuck's baby sister imitation of Lana as mass produced

by the dozens of people that for years had been bringing Lorde to market (and I like Lorde, so this is not said as a negative, it just is)


Meanwhile, I cannot believe Lana did it again

to repeat myself

after her early stuff, I figured, nothing could be as good or top it

then Born to Die, nothing could be as good or top it

then Paradise, nothing could be as good or top it

then Ultraviolence nothing could be as good or top it

then Honeymoon nothing could be as good or top it

making 4 of the best 20 albums in history from someone who has listened to music for way too many decades

while other albums have had great one or two or three songs

I still am waiting for the first song from either a Lana album or unreleased, to be one I did not care for.

Perhaps it might be an eternal wait, as I am starting to think that is not possible


and then Love the single was released

and Lana did it again


and forever, I can hear the song and play it, along with the others.


Would I like it to be the #1 song for the entire spring and summer and then the #1 song of the year


But how exactly does that better my life or make a difference to me?

I have the music

Which is everything I need to enjoy the song


besides the days are gone (and kiddies- this actually was the way it was in the 1960s-

when one went to a beach in NYC (Coney Island or Long Beach on the Island), and walking from the water to the shack where coke was a dime and we gulped the little green bottle down and it tasted like acid, and a million people were on the beach, each with a little transistor radio, each tuned in to WABC music radio 77  playing the

same song out loud so one could sing along and not miss a beat on the hot summer sand, where it truly was a communal experience.....

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I dont know why you all keep comparing her to fuking Lorde, they are not the same in any way and have music that reachers different types of music listeners.

I love Lorde, I'm just surprised Love had the same amount of attention in the first days as Green Light despite having a rush release and no promo at all


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@post 4537 (note I am not repeating your brand new board name, how did you change your name???) who were you prior???


Love is Lana

Lana is Love


from the first vocal breathe to the last, the song is 100% Lana







nobody sings like Lana


truly unique

truly one of a kind


everything else is generic or an outright copy


also note- I have not heard that other song, as there is no official release, will not seek it out, will not listen to it until there is one

or until it is known it is not part of the album


now I do hope as soon as this album is released, then the next one begins


I might yet take the ship over and see her in some of her concerts overseas this year but I won't fly (unless you get me stoned and toss me on the plane without my

knowledge. I will take the ship like Kate Bush does.


and by the way, I don't have time to go through 40 page  a day of people arguing over something silly for hundreds of post (speaking of the Mariah posts, by the way

I bumped into Tommy Mottola the other day, cool guy. He is doing a Broadway musical of "Bronx Tale"


One day I see Lana composing her albums or side projects into  Broadway musicals, perhaps with Lin Manuel Miranda or Elton John (who is a fan of Lana's)








by the way- @@Elle


can you please tell the poster in response 4537 NOT TO PUT FAKE WORDS AND HAVE IT QUOTED AS MY WORDS


THAT is like every word out of Donald Trump's mouth, an impeachable offense and is quite rude.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I don't have time to go through 40 page  a day of people arguing over something silly 



Right but you have time to write an essay about how Lana should do a musical and how every thing she does is totally new and creative compared to every other artists in the world, cause they are totally generic and copycats, not forgetting the mention of one of your "cathartic" life moments where we are brought back with you just like a time-machine


How many years old are you? I'm thinking about 56 or 12

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by the way- @@Elle


can you please tell the poster in response 4537 NOT TO PUT FAKE WORDS AND HAVE IT QUOTED AS MY WORDS


THAT is like every word out of Donald Trump's mouth, an impeachable offense and is quite rude.

MESS :lmao:

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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Am I the only one who truly dislikes the coffee shop line? Like, if it was just a random line in the second verse then okay but it's part of the fucking chorus :rip:

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