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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I just listened to the song for the first time after reading everyone's comments and was expecting wayyyyy worse. Talk about drama queens. I even read one comment saying how no matter how "tragic" this album is... I mean, seriously? Everyone loved Love and LFL, and now we get one somewhat bad song and now the album will be tragic and everyone on here is "unstanning". What kind of immature, flaky fans does Lana have?


I guess this is what happens when your fanbase is 90% gays and immature teenagers.


Do your thing Lana. At least I'll be here to support you.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I just listened to the song for the first time after reading everyone's comments and was expecting wayyyyy worse. Talk about drama queens. I even read one comment saying how no matter how "tragic" this album is... I mean, seriously? Everyone loved Love and LFL, and now we get one somewhat bad song and now the album will be tragic and everyone on here is "unstanning". What kind of immature, flaky fans does Lana have?


I guess this is what happens when your fanbase is 90% gays and immature teenagers.


Do your thing Lana. At least I'll be here to support you.

:gclap:  :gclap:


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thanks for the joke, it made my day


It's true.


Lust For Life, Coachella, and Love are better than all the released singles for Honeymoon except Music To Watch Boys To.


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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I just listened to the song for the first time after reading everyone's comments and was expecting wayyyyy worse. Talk about drama queens. I even read one comment saying how no matter how "tragic" this album is... I mean, seriously? Everyone loved Love and LFL, and now we get one somewhat bad song and now the album will be tragic and everyone on here is "unstanning". What kind of immature, flaky fans does Lana have?


I guess this is what happens when your fanbase is 90% gays and immature teenagers.


Do your thing Lana. At least I'll be here to support you.

I support her too, but I know that she can make AMAZING songs, I mean, AKA, UV and HM are fucking masterpieces, and Love, LFL and CWIMM were a little bit... underwhelming, you know? I do support her, but I do hate some of her producers, her managers and interscope 

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So how is she gonna release another single and not even release the music video of the previous single??


I'm thinking that this might just be a song to go with the pre-order, maybe.


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the more i listen to it the more i like it, i might be in the minority on this one but i like lana's songs with the trap beats lol. i agree that it sounds a little rushed but overall i think its a really cool song

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ugh okay idk at first I was about to burst into tears bc its just not Lana's standard


Now after a few more listens, the bridge and outro are heavenly but I am still disappointed


She can do so much better - I just hope another track hasn't been pulled to put this one on instead

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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Remember when she worked with David Kahne on a dime store budget and made simple music with gorgeous production that had meaningful lyrics? Now we get unmixed Garage Band tracks from two weeks ago.

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Well, first Lana song that I didn't like. I LOVE her to dead but those beats... It's perfect for #7 song in the album... NOT a single.


Whatever, Lana I need that pre-order now





(tho is better than everything Halsey will ever do)

???, ?????????

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Okay I'm thinking what its lacking is real passion - you can hear her passion at 1:50 and the bridge/outro, but not anywhere else


Also I never thought I'd see so many people defend Honeymoon 


Because HM was, for the most part, good. It just played it too safe and didn't take any risks.

This is just straight up awful, so yes, HM is comparatively god-tier.

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I really feel like this album (from what we've got so far) would've been better as a simple acoustic album. LFL so far is the only song that seems to be able to hold up to its production. Both Love and this single have themselves contorting into uncomfortable lyrical, phrasal turns as they clash with the production which comes off as forced and unflattering. I can't help but think she herself had imagined most of these songs as acoustic but decided to dress them up in production in order to be more salable/to make it "for the fans". I wish she would've just done what felt natural. Maybe this is exactly what she wanted though.


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Because HM was, for the most part, good. It just played it too safe and didn't take any risks.

This is just straight up awful, so yes, HM is comparatively god-tier.


Personally I love HM - I just know its not as well received among others!


But I do agree it didn't take many risks and was too safe!

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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