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Make me your Dream Life

Lana Song that Currently Sums Up Your Thoughts on Love?

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I'm sure most of us have gone through the ups and downs, or at least know what it's like to fall in love, to be immersed in another person. Lana's got quite the catalogue when it comes tracks on love, either losing it, or living in it. 

Right now, which Lana song sums up your current thoughts on the concept of Love? Is there someone, something you'd like to go home to, or get away from?


If you were aware of having feelings towards someone, which song would you choose to play for yourself, or even that other person?
Would there even be a song that would closely describe what you were thinking or feeling?

*Currently, sincerely listening to: This Is What Makes Us Girls

 How bout you?


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I think Love (her song) sums up how I think universal love is- how it only matters if you're feeling love and happiness and connection etc :)


The song that reminds me of my bf, who is the only person I've been in love with, is Honeymoon for the wishful dreamy parts, Born to Die overall, and Blue Jeans for when I'm feeling like I really don't want to lose him.

In fact BTD and Blue Jeans are two of the songs that got me addicted to Lana in 2012- yes we've been together that long haha :) so I will always associate those two with making it through all the bad times, fighting for love.

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I guess it's the classic Damn You!

That sour taste of losing that one person still somehow comes out sweetened by nostalgia.

"I pray your life is sweet, you fucker... Damn you" is so raw & still filled with unconditional love




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Old Money, Video Games, Damn You, Born to Die, Off To The Races (you are my one true love part, then kicks into that instrumental). I love being dramatic. But yeah, probably Old Money and Video Games are the most relatable for me when it comes to my love life

Your Band Is All The Rage  :(

omg yes i forgot about this one!! 1 million percent relatable <3



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