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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

296 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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A good thing that came out of the get free/creep mess is (other than promo) how much appreciation the song is getting in the fandom! Before I felt like I was the only one praising it :)


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Idk it's hard to tell. It could just be a fan changing their twitter name/icon to Lana and speaking in the chat to make it seem like it's her lol

It might be fake ofc but it seems real because the person shot a video of the chatroom and tried hard to prove that it was real. Meh nobody knows but I want to believe it haha

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idk about Borns' other dates in Australia but he just announced a show on April 3 in Sydney, and Lana's show is April 2 in Sydney. So I'm willing to bet that he is her opening act for her show or will at least show up on stage and do GSOYB with her or something. Super excited. If he's the opening act I'll be so happy cause his new album is actually really solid.


April can't come soon enough :-(


I dont even know BORNS apart from Lana, but if thats the case for Brisbane too with him being a special guest, thats alright cause I like his voice and I think God Save Our Young Blood would sound good live!

Id rather someone I remotely know of + like than someone I dont know or dont like at all :P

Idk it's hard to tell. It could just be a fan changing their twitter name/icon to Lana and speaking in the chat to make it seem like it's her lol


Plus she's said "it's coming you little bitch" before to that girl asking about Tropico on youtube. She doesn't seem like the kind of person to say the exact same thing twice.

Probably a fake account just trying to make it look funny.

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idk about Borns' other dates in Australia but he just announced a show on April 3 in Sydney, and Lana's show is April 2 in Sydney. So I'm willing to bet that he is her opening act for her show or will at least show up on stage and do GSOYB with her or something. Super excited. If he's the opening act I'll be so happy cause his new album is actually really solid.


April can't come soon enough :-(

Guess i better bring a pillow and blanket to that show since i’ll need to sleep during the BOREDS opener.

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Lana has been snubbed for the Brit Awards nominations and I'm actually affronted. How Pink managed to get one for her frankly shit, watered down attempt at a 'comeback' and the seminal album of our generation of degenerate beauty queens (LFL in case yall were wondering) didn't, I will never know.

The Brits are CANCELLEDT.  :bye:  :bye:  :bye:

'So I try to say goodbye my friend // I'd like to leave you with something warm // But never have I been a blue calm sea // I have always been a storm'

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idk about Borns' other dates in Australia but he just announced a show on April 3 in Sydney, and Lana's show is April 2 in Sydney. So I'm willing to bet that he is her opening act for her show or will at least show up on stage and do GSOYB with her or something. Super excited. If he's the opening act I'll be so happy cause his new album is actually really solid.

April can't come soon enough :-(

Well shit, maybe I should go to these shows :/ arg


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​The crowd singalongs on every damn song are making Lana lazy

I don't know which is worse- the girls singing along so loudly it overshouts Lana, or the boys doing the same thing

(especially evident in the non-professional videos of the shows), where whomever is filming that persons voice is the loudest..


​Don't you see that this habitual screaming every lyric (and when its done it is to the version in ones head from the record), that

​when Lana sings, you miss out on the nuances in her voice/singing/tonight's performance and in essence

YOU ARE MAKING HER LAZY because then she ends up just shrugging and singing the exact way the audiences are and not her own

​that day version (one reason to go to multiple shows is to hear the nuances, and not a canned daily re-creation of the same exact thing.


​Why can't people just let her sing?


as the vocals on the album are layered and there are no real backup singers on stage, well, what does one expect.

She can't sing both front and backup at the same time.

That’s a great point but I think she is really happy when the crowd sing along.

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