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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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If Meek Mill really manages to cheat his way to #1, I want to see heads roll.

no matter what's gonna happen billboard already gets huge backflash and they basically always do when they pull shit but it hasn't stopped them from pulling shit or doing sudden rule changes (wo/ announcing them before the counting week starts). 

lana and flower boi better team up and fight this shit, I swear if meek mills gets number one WE UNLEASH HELLL

if they keep counting more days than the first seven it's probably gonna be tyler who will get the #1 not meek. (meek's streams already look ridiculous btw.)


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Nice, so the original tracklist for the album (when it/if it was called BAR back in January/February) was something like:

  1. Young and in Love
  2. Best American Record
  3. Something Real (I have no idea when this was re worked into 13 Beaches so there's that)
  4. Lust For Life (solo, blade runner version)
  5. Groupie Love (solo)
  6. God Bless America
  7. When the World Was At War We Kept Dancing
  8. Tomorrow Never Came (Solo)
  9. Beautiful People (Solo)
  10. Yosemite
  11. Heroin
  12. Malibu
  13. The other song she said she scrapped, "Wild One" maybe?

Seems nice and cohesive but it doesn't have Cherry, White Mustang (also I don't know when were this two recorded) or Change so I'm glad the tracklist changed.

I don't think TNC and BPBP were ever meant to be a solo versions considering (from what I understood) Sean and Stevie were brought in mid-production. Roses Bloom For You may also have been in the tracklist depending on when the snippets were recorded. 


Also where did you get Something Real from? Never heard of it before. 

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Check out the Payola scandals of the 1950s. Also isn't it interesting that the only week there are technical issues is the week that Lana has her new album out. Also don't forget the fake letters against her Academy Award nomination for Young and Beautiful. She should have had a nomination but there was a behind the scenes effort to screw her. Let's face it: Fake News has now spread to fake music charts. Maybe Billboard is being controlled by a cabal. There's another possible reason but you can't mention it anywhere anymore since we live in a politically correct society.

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NOT here for that tyler the begger or meek flop taking lana's number one





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Check out the Payola scandals of the 1950s. Also isn't it interesting that the only week there are technical issues is the week that Lana has her new album out. Also don't forget the fake letters against her Academy Award nomination for Young and Beautiful. She should have had a nomination but there was a behind the scenes effort to screw her. Let's face it: Fake News has now spread to fake music charts. Maybe Billboard is being controlled by a cabal. There's another possible reason but you can't mention it anywhere anymore since we live in a politically correct society.


i absolutely forgot that happened 


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I don't think TNC and BPBP were ever meant to be a solo versions considering (from what I understood) Sean and Stevie were brought in mid-production. Roses Bloom For You may also have been in the tracklist depending on when the snippets were recorded. 


Also where did you get Something Real from? Never heard of it before. 

BPBP I think it was meant to be solo at one point,  until she decided she wanted a woman in the record, also it's been registered for a long time (2015, I don't think she had plans of bringing someone to the song since then).


Tomorrow Never Came was only a demo consisting of Lana's voice and an organ (I think) until Sean came in (yeah I think this was never supposed to be solo).


If my memory is not failing again, Roses Bloom For You was written/recorded on March.


Something Real: http://lanadelrey.wikia.com/wiki/Something_Real_(song) 


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Okay but this novel would actually be the most amazing inspiration for Lana's next album


It's called The Future Eve and it's a 19th century classical science fiction novel, and the one which popularized the term "android"


Here's a synopsis (from wikipedia)

When Ewald calls, he reveals that he is close to suicide because of his fiancée, Miss Alicia Clary. Alicia is described as being physically perfect but emotionally and intellectually empty. She will say whatever she believes others want to hear. Far from having any ambition or goals of her own, she lives her life based on what she believes is expected of her. Ewald describes his frustration with the disparity between her appearance and her self and confides that though he can have no other, she is so hopeless that he has resolved to kill himself.

Edison replies by offering to construct for Ewald a machine-woman in the form of Alicia but without any of her bothersome personality. He shows Ewald the prototype of the android, named Hadaly, and Ewald is intrigued and accepts Edison’s offer. Edison reveals that he has invited Alicia to his residence at Menlo Park in order to set the process in motion. He then explains to the still somewhat doubtful Ewald how he will interact with the android and how natural it will all feel.

Ewald then presses Edison to tell him why he created Hadaly in the first place. Edison relates a long story about Mr. Edward Anderson who was tempted into infidelity by a young woman named Miss Evelyn. His indiscretion, brought about by the guile of Miss Evelyn, ruins his life completely. Edison then says that he tracked down Miss Evelyn only to discover that she was not as she appeared, rather she was horribly ugly and her beauty was entirely the work of cosmetics, wigs, and other accessories. Edison created Hadaly in an effort to overcome the flaws and artificiality of real women and create a perfect and natural woman who could bring a man true happiness. Edison then takes Ewald back to Hadaly and explains to him the exact mechanical details of her functioning: how she moves and talks and breathes and bathes, all the while explaining how natural and normal Hadaly’s robotic needs are, comparing them to similar human actions and functions.

After the details of the android's functioning and construction are covered, Alicia arrives and is escorted in. Edison convinces her that she is being considered for an important theater role. Over the course of the next weeks, she poses for Edison and her exact physical likeness is duplicated and recordings of her voice are made. Eventually, Edison sends Alicia away and introduces Ewald to his android-Alicia without revealing that it is not the real thing. Ewald is very taken with her and she secretly reveals to him that she is in fact not simply an android but has been supernaturally endowed with the spirit of Sowana, Edison’s mystical assistant. Ewald does not reveal this fact to Edison but instead leaves with Hadaly-Alicia-Sowana. However, before he can reach home to his new life with his new lover, Ewald’s ship sinks and the android, who was traveling with the cargo, is destroyed.


So a female singer with emotional issues (aka normal by most standards) is recreated as a robot to be the perfect woman and chanteuse and it turns out the robot lady is actually a supernatural spirit 


Like, the character is shockingly like Lana. For instance,


“I learned that she came from a good family, and that her betrothed had forsaken her to marry a girl with a fortune. Alicia left home, intending to lead a Bohemian life as a singer. However, she later gave up this idea. “Her voice, appearance, and dramatic talent would have provided her with an income sufficient for her needs. But she was glad to have met me just when she was setting forth into the world."




"Her heavy brown hair, which hung about her like a mantle, had the radiance of a summer night. Her face was an exquisite oval. Her hands were not quite as aristocratic as the rest of her form, but her feet had the same eloquence as the Greek statues. “Her eyes were beautiful, her brows perfectly shaped. The sound of her low voice was so thrilling, the notes of her songs so stirring, that I was overcome with a strange emotion. My admiration, as you shall see, was of an unknown order."

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BPBP I think it was meant to be solo at one point,  until she decided she wanted a woman in the record, also it's been registered for a long time (2015, I don't think she had plans of bringing someone to the song since then).

BPBP is definitely a solo demo, it was registered way before lfl was ever bound to happen and brought stevie in and let go of the first production (wasnt it a justin parker production or was he credited as the writer only?). they wouldn't get a completely unfinished demo registered tho.


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anonymous sources suggest it might be something to do with the Singles charts, and with the #1 song of the last 12 weeks Despacito  all of a sudden dropping (whereas it had been assumed it might be #1 long enough to break records (17 weeks)

How conveinient  for Billboard to blame Nielsen isn't it???


Something stinks

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Check out the Payola scandals of the 1950s. Also isn't it interesting that the only week there are technical issues is the week that Lana has her new album out. Also don't forget the fake letters against her Academy Award nomination for Young and Beautiful. She should have had a nomination but there was a behind the scenes effort to screw her. Let's face it: Fake News has now spread to fake music charts. Maybe Billboard is being controlled by a cabal. There's another possible reason but you can't mention it anywhere anymore since we live in a politically correct society.


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Billboard literally could freeze this week, just repeat last weeks charts and not have a new chart at all.


Up until a few years ago, they did just that over Christmas. And officially they just continued last weeks numbers for this week, and then went with next weeks new numbers for the next chart.


Let's hope not.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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