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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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So... last night I had a dream about the LDR6: the album was really similar to honeymoon, but with a "lighter" mood, it had some pop beats, but they're really soft, I don't know. The whole album was like Pink lace (#ffddf4), and her lyrics were way more complex. She talked about politics, but in a more mature way. Her aesthetics were really LDR aka Lizzy Grant, with a lot of cute flowers and stuff. I mean, it was a cute, cohese and good album. But the critics weren't so good (here metascore was 69). I remember that the song that I loved the most was the last one, it had a real trip hop feel, it was great. Oh, and instead of a photoshoot inside those "little books" (sorry i don't remember the name of those things that come with the cd), there's a lot of videos with Lana in a vintage swimsuit talking about politics, her personal life, art and science. A$AP Rock, Fionna Apple, Marina and Joan Baez did the interviews

This BETTER be a premonition!!

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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someone leak Daneel Olivaw

What’s that?

It was confused, floral and odd


Great!! I’d love that!!

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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someone leak Daneel Olivaw

her best song ever!



we need it more than lib or yosemite 

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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So... last night I had a dream about the LDR6: the album was really similar to honeymoon, but with a "lighter" mood, it had some pop beats, but they're really soft, I don't know. The whole album was like Pink lace (#ffddf4), and her lyrics were way more complex. She talked about politics, but in a more mature way. Her aesthetics were really LDR aka Lizzy Grant, with a lot of cute flowers and stuff. I mean, it was a cute, cohesive and good album. But the critics weren't so good (here metascore was 69). I remember that the song that I loved the most was the last one, it had a real trip hop feel, it was great. Oh, and instead of a photoshoot inside those "little books" (sorry i don't remember the name of those things that come with the cd), there's a lot of videos with Lana in a vintage swimsuit talking about politics, her personal life, art and science. A$AP Rock, Fionna Apple, Marina and Joan Baez did the interviews



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I honestly thought that the EP would open with something like Burning Desire, the piano melody, and then she'd take us on a slow mo-adrenaline junkie high. Lots of flags waving, people cheering, huge halls and marble floors. Dramatic lighting from wide palatial windows, chasing each other during a swim, dizzying golden waters from a strong sunset and then drowning yourself in cologne before you get vibey in the ballroom. 


Happiness would either be a orange/yellow butterfly during the day on an elevated flower hill. Bartender, languid, and Sylvia would be complaining that her dress captures the wrong attention, and the dessert is room temperature. All that from some opening keys. Give us Monaco for LDR6 Lanaaaaa




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So... last night I had a dream about the LDR6: the album was really similar to honeymoon, but with a "lighter" mood, it had some pop beats, but they're really soft, I don't know. The whole album was like Pink lace (#ffddf4), and her lyrics were way more complex. She talked about politics, but in a more mature way. Her aesthetics were really LDR aka Lizzy Grant, with a lot of cute flowers and stuff. I mean, it was a cute, cohesive and good album. But the critics weren't so good (here metascore was 69). I remember that the song that I loved the most was the last one, it had a real trip hop feel, it was great. Oh, and instead of a photoshoot inside those "little books" (sorry i don't remember the name of those things that come with the cd), there's a lot of videos with Lana in a vintage swimsuit talking about politics, her personal life, art and science. A$AP Rock, Fionna Apple, Marina and Joan Baez did the interviews


She better take this dream, turn it to a thing

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Hello lipsters, how you doin ? I came here to say Honeymoon is the record of her career and she will never be able to top it, and I hope this new album will be also slow. bye!

Honeymoon is such a weird way to write Ultraviolence


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