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  1. Leo liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Lana's staying power   
    I don't feel smug against the 'bandwagon' or newer fans (I love new fans tbh), just genuinely lucky to have discovered Lana back in late 2011 where I could follow her career from the build-up to BTD and watch her blossom from then on. I didn't like her music at first, but there was something striking about that woman, I thought her live vocals were terrible and shaky but her submissive behavior was what grabbed my attention. As a 13 year old, at the time, she's the first celebrity who I really took an interest in (forgetting about the jonas brothers).
    Back then, I didn't know one person who liked her - people hated her and they seriously hated me for liking her and sure, she still has a LOT of hate but that's part of the package and I can name many people who may have detested her in 2012 but now have a good bit of Lana on their iPod. 
    What some people don't understand is, a musician doesn't have to be a perfect role model. She always gets picked up for having 'surgery' and being 'anti-feminist' etc. but so what? Everyone has controversial opinions and she doesn't have them to preach to all her fans, she has them because she's human, an independent, strong-minded woman who hasn't let herself fall victim to the music industry - this is also present in her music and although I prefer BTD to UV, I was really proud that she made an album which was so her and so NOT just what the pop industry wanted from her.
    Another thing some people don't understand is, she's not a typical pop entertainer. I don't get involved in stan wars because people always insist on bringing out the 'how many awards does your fave have' and 'my fave sold this many copies in 2014' because Lana honestly doesn't give a fuck... And she's still made herself an icon (which she has undeniably always dreamed of). Jesus, I don't even know how she does it.
    (btw, i really love this thread - i think it's great to have a thread where we can just celebrate and rant about our appreciation for our Lana)
  2. Leo liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'd love to have something On Our Way-ish on HM. Easy, simple and positive with a dreamy touch and AKA-vibes and her voice sounds natural (without the few parts in the song where her voice sounds a bit off, obviously)
  3. Lad liked a post in a topic by Leo in Marika Hackman   
    Fourth song from the upcoming album:

    Am I the only one who's not really feeling this style she seems to be going for? The three songs we've heard besides "Drown" so far are nice and all, but they all lack something to make them stand out imo
  4. Leo liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Marika Hackman   
    The preorder for the deluxe is on iTunes and it is 27 songs!
  5. Leo liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    If you read what I wrote carefully, the antecedent of the word "that" in the sentence you quote was her history of saying "really questionable shit about gay men". Are you saying people should agree with all the questionable shit she's said about gay men?
    The interpretation my post offered most clearly... if you ignored half of what I wrote. Just saying bro.
    Good god, this is getting fucking ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with merely expressing surprise that people seem to be giving a pass to someone saying offensive things about a group and being even more surprised that many people in the group in question seem to be giving them a pass. The latter is simply a recognition of the sad reality that people who are not part of the group often don't care as much.
    Lately you almost seem determined to read things into my posts that aren't there.
  6. Leo liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I don't want Auerbach returning just like I don't want Haynie returning. Either one would color the sound too much and it'd sound either like UV2 or BTD2. The one producer I'd like to return is Kahne because he was able to produce the widest variety of tracks. Unlike BTD and UV, none of the songs on AKA really sound like each other, but it's still a cohesive work. Unfortunately, I don't think that's ever gonna happen again.
  7. Rebel liked a post in a topic by Leo in Marika Hackman   
    The Guardian interview, with a (not that subtle) hipstery touch: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/jan/25/marika-hackman-interview-we-slept-at-last-laura-marling
    Love that she got inspiration from the opening credit of "True Detective", the only opening credit in a tv show I never wanted to skip besides the one in "Twin Peaks".
  8. Leo liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Tove Styrke   
    Okay my artist threads are either huge successes, dismal flops, a year ahead of their time, or I'm the only one excited about them. I'm obviously hoping for the first but expecting the last here. I heard Tove's new track "Ego" like two weeks ago and was mildly impressed, but as soon as I downloaded her latest EP Borderline I became absolutely obsessed--even her cheesy Europop 2011 debut is shockingly great. Think the same topical and sonic realm as MØ but more distinct.
    Ideal entry point:

    Current single:

    The past:

    My favorite song:

    Not gonna @ you hoes!
  9. Leo liked a post in a topic by Pretend in Tove Styrke   
  10. Leo liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    here's the thing with lana -- you can't expect there to always be meaning behind what she writes. not meaning that you can connect with personally, at least. everything she writes is personal and internal and so a lot of it might come off as useless or opaque at best. if you're a ~*~ true ~*~ fan though (whatever that means) you should be able to disregard the shitty recycled trope here and there or you can just connect it to a larger piece of the puzzle (the puzzle being her as an artist, as a character, as an actual human being). maybe the above lyrics don't say much in terms of broad all encompassing meta / psychosocial philosophy or whatever it is you're looking for, but they still communicate aspects of her true self (and her internal world), whether intentional or not. the lyrics you quoted still fall in line with the rest of her work and retain a certain consistency you'd expect from a true artist. you should appreciate that at the very least
    i.e "get us while we're hot" --> while she's still "young and beautiful" and "shine(s) from words but not from beauty"
    she's known to have an affinity for diamonds and the color blue and beaches and she writes about how she 'shines like lightning', etc. 'glimmering', 'bright blue ripples' all conjure up images of shiny, pretty, bluish things. she's obviously an extremely visual person so why not re-use some words that not only roll off the tongue but draw out images that she appreciates? its kind of tired at times but its still very lana
    also, "watching me" in the swimming pool and "watching me" get undressed says a lot about her personality and her histrionic tendencies. you can go off on some tangent here about the male gaze and the paradoxical superficiality of those lines (which juxtapose the depth that's present in her other songs, etc). whatever
    "elvis" and "marilyn" are obviously figures of classic americana. the line suggests that they've raised her and that they've also nurtured her aesthetic / artistic appreciations like surrogates while jesus (who may or may not actually exist) remains her 'bestest' friend (and maybe even her only one, during certain periods in her life). then she goes on to say "we don't need nobody, cause we got eachother" ... "or at least i pretend". that's kind of fucking sad. it's like she's perpetually lonesome and doesn't have anyone else but herself and her own imagination. which suggests (on a larger scale) that she loves to create (or at the very least, finds solace in) worlds of her own; worlds inside her head. recently we've started to wonder if any of the men or any of the experiences she's written about are even real, or if its all just pure fiction. and i didn't even connect those thoughts with that particular line until now. and it 100% justifies the james franco quote:
    do you see what i mean? despite seeming innocuous and possibly even superficial, everything is still connected back to her internal self, somehow. and new music will always give you another look into her mind and might even forge a newfound connection with something she's already written in the past. there's always consistency and there's always truth (internal, though not always external). that's all that matters when it comes to art; staying true to your intuitions. so toss your haughty expectations in the trash and just appreciate her for being her (and relentlessly so)
    the fact that we're even having this discussion and dissecting these ~meaningless~ lyrics actually attaches meaning to them, i think. so i hope you feel fulfilled lmao
  11. Leo liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana Song You're Currently Obsessed With   
    I am crazy about "Hollywood's Dead" right now. The chorus is so damn good and I can't stop singing "You're sickeningly beautiful." Wish she would make a more orchestral version and release it.
  12. Leo liked a post in a topic by Gecko in Marika Hackman   
    I can't wait to listening to her album... for now I adore all her tracks pubblished on YT
  13. Gecko liked a post in a topic by Leo in Marika Hackman   
    Fourth song from the upcoming album:

    Am I the only one who's not really feeling this style she seems to be going for? The three songs we've heard besides "Drown" so far are nice and all, but they all lack something to make them stand out imo
  14. Rayse liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Is she trying to finally get rid of me and the other 27 loyal straight male fans with this album title??
  15. Leo liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in Marika Hackman   
    She uploaded a new song.

  16. comeintomybedroom liked a post in a topic by Leo in Marika Hackman   
    She has released 4 EPs. Her first full-length album wll be released in February 2015 
  17. comeintomybedroom liked a post in a topic by Leo in Marika Hackman   
    Same! Only a little more than 5 weeks left
    Starting to agree with you on Bath Is Black, it has grown on me more than I thought it would. Marika seems to agree as well, I remember her saying somewhere that Bath Is Black is the only song from her previous work that she thought was good enough to be put on a debut album, or something like that. So hopefully the upcoming album is filled with songs as good as Bath Is Black!
  18. Leo liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    So... Wow...

    I just read through 90% of this thread and.... 

    I gotta say I'm really kind of overwhelmed, shocked and ultimately disappointed by so many of the comments I see here. It would seem that a large majority of the fans here really don't give a fuck about the content or concept of Lana's music as long as we "get a new look for the era" or she stops doing "boring jazz" (which is an oxymoron) or she stops wearing "jeans and tshirts" or starts "using makeup." Again and again the comments here read like a tug of war with everyone pulling her in all different directions. This is one of the first times I have ever truly hoped she does not ever read this forum. There used to be a lot of constructive, thought out criticism here from people who had a wealth of knowledge about music- from genre specialties to music history- and could discuss Lana's work in an interesting way. People could really discuss the cultural significance of what she was doing or dissect her lyrics. This is all just like... "stan" vomit. And if Lana were to ever read through this... Wow... I can't imagine. I would be SO uninspired to see what my fans were discussing and valuing about my art. It's not that there is criticism- I have read thoughtful critiques on her work here before that I wish Lana could/would read because I think they would inspire her so much. However, so many of the comments here miss the mark completely on what is important. She is an ARTIST. Allow an artistic process to HAPPEN. She is not your barbie doll to dress up and style. She is a person who is trying to communicate her soul through a difficult business called the Music Industry that has become LESS and LESS about the actual music.

    Do you guys see how so many of us have been conditioned to value the PACKAGE over the PRODUCT in this industry? They are destroying our minds and our ability to appreciate diversity and art in the music world. By us placing so much emphasis on how she looks, we keep perpetuating the kind of business models that starved funding our of Ultraviolence. Labels send interns onto forums like this to get a read on what the fan bases are looking for, what they want. The music industry has taught you to care more about Lana's hair than her words, so now when a label lackey comes on here to read through this garbage, what they will report back to their bosses is "They want a pretty girl, the music seems so secondary." This means, ultimately, more label control. The label could pressure Lana into a package she isn't comfortable with and as a result, we get a less authentic and self-expressing artist. 

    This is all hypothetical, but this is how things happen. Consumers of art need to seriously take more responsibility when using their voice. 

    I can't imagine how I would feel if I read through pages and pages of comments that missed the point of what I do completely. I would be completely devastated and hollow. 

    (Not to say that EVERY post was like this, but I'm just highlighting a few that really stuck with me. Come on guys, we can do better than this. And I'm not even saying Lana's look isn't important to some degree- as she has often used it as an extension of expression of the music. But come on, some of these comments... We are smarter than that and we care about Lana's authentic expression more than that... right?) 
  19. Say Yes to Heaven liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I know, but she clearly has considered it for an album title as well.
    It was a joke btw, i'll keep stanning even if she names the album "Music to suck dick to"
  20. sjrq liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Is she trying to finally get rid of me and the other 27 loyal straight male fans with this album title??
  21. kik liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Is she trying to finally get rid of me and the other 27 loyal straight male fans with this album title??
  22. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I know, but she clearly has considered it for an album title as well.
    It was a joke btw, i'll keep stanning even if she names the album "Music to suck dick to"
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Leo in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Is she trying to finally get rid of me and the other 27 loyal straight male fans with this album title??
  24. Leo liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
  25. Leo liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in "Lana Del Ray" turns 5!   
    HONESTLY the best album she's ever made & one of my favourites of all time. She combines the clever lyricism of the Sirens era with the unique production of latter albums. Despite what she said about her ideas for the album being different to Kahne's, I still believe that this album is absolutely perfect - I can't fault it at all. It's absolutely criminal that it didn't receive a wider release and that the general public know her for Born to Die as opposed to this fabulous record.
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