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  1. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is why everyone hates us lmao
  2. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    MKG is like a sleeping cancer cell you're hoping doesn't wake up or infect any of the nearby perfection...forever looming, his own LDR-universe version of a lovecraftian horror..stay dormant miss kelly
  3. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Norman Fucking Rockwell: Song Information
    Released songs:
    - Mariner's Apartment Complex
    - Venice Bitch
    NFR tracks yet to be released:
    - How To Disappear*
    - Cinnamon*
    - Sylvia Plath*
    - Norman Rockwell
    - Happiness Is A Butterfly*
    Wild Card Songs:
    - Architecture*
    - Roses Bloom For You*
    - Yosemite*
    - Bartender
    - Talking Like An Answering Machine
    - Mary (Mind Of Mine)
    - Hey Baby Blue*
    - Stupid For Feeling So Happy*
    - MGK feature*
    - Jessie Rutherford studio date
    *Heard in some capacity via snippet/tease/live performance
  4. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I guess the reason why I feel the energy of all the songs she's teased so far, so much, is because of the heartfelt lyricism. Even if Venice Bitch is not that deep and even though I didn't really connect with Sylvia Plath's acapella, MAC, Happiness Is A Butterfly, Cinnamon, How To Dissapear and now Hey Baby Blue and Stupid For Feeling So Happy, they all remind me of her acoustic songs from her Lizzy days in the sense that's she's trying to be a poet/writer more than a building up a great composition for the songs. Don't get me wrong, Jack's production has been amazing so far with all the delivered tracks, they are amazing even when the songs are not trying to sound grandiose like BTD songs did, or raw like UV was, or cinematic like Honeymoon, or whatever LFL's vibe was(no tea, no shade, i luv all my baes), they're trying to reach out to the listener with the lyrics and the chill vibe we've all been loving sonically. 
    I'm so glad Lana's taking this direction and hope she keeps the same energy for when we finally listen to the whole album <3
  5. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by bored in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Why do we all think she's gonna change the album? Other than she did it with Lust For Life (1 out of 5 records thus far). If we do get a trap record produced by Rick with In My Feelings 2.0 aimed at Azealia Banks, I'm holding all of you responsible for doubting her and constantly mentioning it.
    The album obviously wasn't finished in September, but she wanted to drop two finished songs for fans cos she felt it was the right time of year for them. She's teased several songs all sharing the same sonic palette, or at least I ain't heard any trap beats yet? The album is most likely done and she's just having a break for the holidays, maybe finalising her poetry book before the Gucci campaign and album roll out begins.
    And I think the Machine Gun Kelly was probably for his project or will never see the light of day (like a lot of her songs).
  6. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Create an Unreleased Lana Album/Playlist   
    Her unreleased since 2012 makes a good album (maybe a few exceptions from 2011)
    1. Angels forever Forever angels
    2. Hollywood
    3. JFK
    4. Beautiful People
    5. Starry eyed
    6. Us against the world
    7. Fine china
    8. Yes to Heaven
    9. You and me
    10. Children of the bad revolution
    11. I don't wanna go
    12. Driving in cars with boys
    13. Your girl
    14. Best American Record
  7. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by HunterSThompson in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Just came back here to say I NEED to hear Cinnamon soon 
  8. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by white gold in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    she also did it on LFL and one day you deaf gays will realize
  9. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Ideally we'd get a long album that's still cohesive and doesn't have fillers, it's not like those two criteria are necessarily mutually exclusive. Alternatively I'd love her to go the Ultraviolence route again – release an 11-track album that is one body of art and make four or five extra songs available for the fans (bonus tracks etc.), but unfortunately Lana doesn't seem to be a fan of deluxe editions (anymore).
    The big problem I have with the "quality > quantity" argument is that not everyone defines a good or bad track the same way. Everybody has a different taste, so the song that one person might consider the absolute high point of an album might be one that someone else usually skips. That's why, if I had to choose between a short, cohesive album and a longer, less cohesive one, I'd probably go for the latter. There's nothing stopping you from making a ten-track playlist of your personal favourites for whenever you want a shorter listening experience. Because let's be honest, there are hardly any albums out there that don't have at least one song you don't really like.
    For me, personally, the main issue with Lust For Life isn't that it's an incohesive, "messy" album (although that's definitely a problem, too), but that the material in general wasn't up to her usual standard. That's why I find it hard to even make a short playlist that I would enjoy listening to on a regular basis – the songs are just not as good as they could (should) be.
    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Don't be gay, stream Born To Die today.
  10. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Kinda like UV, if she included the deluxe tracks with Flipside and Is This Happines all in one. Together that's like, 16 songs and ALL sounded cohesive.
  11. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i vaguely remember her saying HtD was the last one they recorded/did for the album, i feel like she might've had it written/sequenced, maybe a demo recording..but i don't really know. ever since Change i can't tell if the snippets are live moments (like how Change's IG snippets were practically recorded the night she got home from completing the record) or old videos
    cause the HtD snippet we got was pure piano, but it seemed like they were producing/mixing it WEEKS after on IG Live, and that also begs the question if most the snippets we got are pure piano demos Jack & her recorded beforehand to fully produce next time he was in town (since we know he's in Cali like 1 week every month)- so we could have 11 + HtD being the absolute final track, with them mixing and sequencing things before physical copies are made OR HtD was the 11th and last track written/recorded that she fully finished about a month ago. i really don't know cause she don't ever SAY anything.
    if we're talking theoretical though, would y'all prefer an 11/12 track album or something longer like LfL had 16 (should've been 18)? 
  12. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by ultrababy in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
  13. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Instagram Updates   
  14. mrborntolose liked a post in a topic by G4YB1RD in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    wat do u kno    
  15. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    What I’d like to know is why she’s gone all quiet all of the sudden. She’s posted once or twice about random other shit but we haven’t heard anything about the album since she sang How To Disappear which is confirmed for the album but it was kind of a random performance without an official single release... idk why she didn’t sing MAC but instead chose How To Disappear to perform without releasing it
  16. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    A wish: LDR7 will feature a ballad named 'Anna Nicole Smith'
  17. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I get what ur getting at, don't u focking say it 

  18. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    honestly this is all tea all shade Video Games, Young and Beautiful, and Venice Bitch are easily top 100 songs of the entire century so far, out of every single genre if there was a list of genuine talent and influence and acclaim across many artist's discographies and overall pop culture Lana would take 3 spots with those songs
    Video Games was explosive, Y&B should've gotten that fucking grammy and it has had such immense power and such an aura around it, and Venice Bitch is easily top 5 tracks of the year, and top 5 tracks in her entire repertoire.

    I'd rather daily discussions on why VB is the best track of 2018 period than collaborations from people who think Cherry is top 5 off of LfL 
  19. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Headphones 99% of the time. Also I just want to say that Honeymoon sounds heavenly with headphones on, especially if you're laying down for bed (or high).
  20. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by BluVelvUnderground in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yeah, UV has always been considered her consensus best around here. HM was kinda meh for the longest time, until it somehow got some kind of re-evaluation. But yeah, musta been bias, because I swear there was nothing but a rain of love for it before. Just surprised it's now considered some kind of "stain" or something. 
  21. G4YB1RD liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Say whatever you want about LFL but Heroin is still up there in her masterpieces list. 
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