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About MrFameKills

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  1. This album is infinite tea! I'm nostalgic, 4 years ago was an entirely different world for me
  2. Wait snippets leaked? Are they confirmed for the album? YEAH IMMA SAMURAI YOU JUST NEVER SEEN MY ENAHGYYY
  3. I love the album but i especially need to highlight LoveDrug, that song is laced with crack
  4. I only want @111 to lay it to us hard if it's true, until then The Right Person IS STILL Staying
  5. its VERY Marina, idk what to tell you Some of you are acting brand new, she wont repeat EH end of discussion, but this is where her music is now and at least it has more life to it than L+F the high pitched voice is a million times better than that cancerous Orange Trees hook
  6. The backlash to the snippet on X has me baffled. What did everyone expect? I think MARINA fans are finally waking up to how she's actually sounded to everyone all this time. Her lyrics have always been cringe, production is shoddy and ages poorly. And that's her charm! The vocals at the start of the snippet are so classic Marina, let this millenial woman live out her breedlove~ aesthetic in peace honestly, she's so inoffensive now. And i am "excited" for the inevitable political song or songS she has cooked up for us!
  7. Hold awn it sounds fun, i might actually tune in
  8. Oh Slayrina Chartdemandis dont end Tayflop like that
  9. The way i'm transported instantly to the glory days of not just Gaga but pop girls in general - the huge eras with actually good MVs, performing on every talk show etc. None of the tiktok shite nowadays! And its not redundant, she seems to actually be enjoying pop music this time around
  10. Blown away cuz i did not expect this return to form This has the personality that Chromatica lacked, so safe to say i'm now very hyped for the album. I never needed her to do the ol' DarkGa shtick but if she executes it well, then i'm all here for it Let me find my old stan card and reactivate it
  11. Knowing her she'll acknowledge The Abyss in a post in about 10 days
  12. Oh PoetGa Alighieri dont end Tayilliterate like that
  13. Well i still dont like the cover but i get the vision now...with the teaser and all
  14. Last 5 minutes of me still holding onto it being just a promo shot and the real cover is coming
  15. Oh trust me i do to, but i just decided to use the specific lingo i saw (which tbh is kinda funny) Anywho, Sticky is probably my favorite rn
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