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Ultra Violet

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  1. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Personal Associations You Make With Lana's Songs   
    All seem to be moments when something about these songs just clicked with me.
    FMWUTTT & The Blackest Day: bus/train rides in the evening when it's getting dark.
    Yayo (Paradise): when I first realised how beautiful the song is and i started dancing around my room to it.
    Black Beauty: walking under trees in spring- trees that were dropping yellow, purple and red flowers all over the path and the grass.
  2. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Embach in Personal Associations You Make With Lana's Songs   
    Ooooooh, I could write 100 pages about this 
  3. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by 14n4 in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    thank you !!!!!!! you get it . 
  4. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    That's exactly why I can't with the "video game" pop-ups in this video. It's so distracting infront of the beautiful portals world. I only liked the ending because it was like a surprise return to the crybaby era.
    Also, can anyone really remember any periods of hate, backlash and bad treatment Melanie has had besides the T*mothy situation? Because I certainly don't think she's referencing that time. As far as i know she's really not treated any differently to every other female solo musician out there.
  5. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    That would honestly be good tho. It would be fitting to lean more into that (after Mad Hatter as the Crybaby album closer and the ending of K-12), rather than the spiritual alienified version. she should have kept more of the portals outtakes on the album if she wanted what she's currently going for.
  6. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    A real estate company proposing beachfront houses to be built over the rubble of Gaza

    Not surprisingly this same company has built plenty of houses for illegal settlers in the West Bank.
    Remind me again how this isn't colonisation and ethnic cleansing?
  7. Mer liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I read your reply as helpful, rather than belitting!  But I appreciate the clarification anyway.
  8. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Nahime in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Not yet. They are too busy killing indiscriminately civilians and Israelis hostages.
  9. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Mer in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Yes you're absolutely correct, in my statement I did not at all mean to minimize the rampant Islamophobia Arab people face. And I acknowledge that having a war happening near your home country is terrifying. My only point was such a dramatic escalation into Lebanon and Jordan would be highly unlikely, not that the fears and horrors faced by people in Gaza (and other parts of the Arab world) at the moment are not valid and at the hands of a settler-colony. 
  10. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    A real estate company proposing beachfront houses to be built over the rubble of Gaza

    Not surprisingly this same company has built plenty of houses for illegal settlers in the West Bank.
    Remind me again how this isn't colonisation and ethnic cleansing?
  11. Fingertips liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Short interlude here. Double standards against Arabs are just crazy. Jews have experienced shit that imo justifies feeling like people want them extinct. They're allowed to talk about it. So why can't someone like @14n4 talk about feeling targeted by Israel without being called clueless, when look what's actually happening to Arabs in the neighbouring countries!! How they feel is also justified.
  12. rabbit liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    A real estate company proposing beachfront houses to be built over the rubble of Gaza

    Not surprisingly this same company has built plenty of houses for illegal settlers in the West Bank.
    Remind me again how this isn't colonisation and ethnic cleansing?
  13. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    A real estate company proposing beachfront houses to be built over the rubble of Gaza

    Not surprisingly this same company has built plenty of houses for illegal settlers in the West Bank.
    Remind me again how this isn't colonisation and ethnic cleansing?
  14. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Short interlude here. Double standards against Arabs are just crazy. Jews have experienced shit that imo justifies feeling like people want them extinct. They're allowed to talk about it. So why can't someone like @14n4 talk about feeling targeted by Israel without being called clueless, when look what's actually happening to Arabs in the neighbouring countries!! How they feel is also justified.
  15. SoftwareUpgrade liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    That would honestly be good tho. It would be fitting to lean more into that (after Mad Hatter as the Crybaby album closer and the ending of K-12), rather than the spiritual alienified version. she should have kept more of the portals outtakes on the album if she wanted what she's currently going for.
  16. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Donald Trump banned from Colorado ballot in historic ruling by state’s Supreme Court   
    Unfortunately it's only one state, which is usually blue. But we'll see if it does much, honestly. Maybe other states can push this same thing, too. It's the first step of banning him. It'd be funny if the states with people running against him, like Florida, bans him too so other people get chosen as the candidate.
    (I can't live in a Desantis dystopian America though.... that cannot fucking happen, absolutely not.)
  17. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Donald Trump banned from Colorado ballot in historic ruling by state’s Supreme Court   
    IT'S HAPPENING! if this spreads, Trump may be done
    Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from 2024 ballot | AP News
  18. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by champainproblms in Melanie Martinez   
    honestly so sick and tired of her acting like a victim and like her fans are so awful when she should be thanking ppl still care enough for her to even be given a budget to make these fugly videos and awful "films" shes been putting out. its so embarrassing like nobody is forcing you to be a public figure if you hate it so much
  19. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Pop The Balloons in Melanie Martinez   
    Yes but also she isn't even treated that badly, Charli XCX was asked to sign a enema and someone's dead mothers ashes like you don't see Charli pulling this shit 😭 I think her and Melanie need to be friends so Charli can teach her how to deal 
  20. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by The Siren in Melanie Martinez   
    No she was not. If she did we'd have a better visual.
  21. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by 13 Bitches in Melanie Martinez   
    wish we could force melanie into reading this thread in a clockwork orange kinda way because all the comments on her posts are “yassss queen you ate that” and she needs to open her eyes 
  22. RebeccaJuno liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    I Liked the ending. It was better than the whole music video. But the video overall was also better than VOID so I'll take it I guess.
    Idk about you but I'm sick of her falling through all these portals. I get it. It's the whole album and it has meaning and it's supposed to feel tiring, but now I feel the pattern is boring and too on the nose already.
    What's saving me my fan status is that Ive started paying real attention to all the Portals session outtakes, like Death (2020), Hawaii Space Guitar, Garden, Dragons Blood and Mother of Pearl. I'm seeing how beautiful, spirital and etheral this era could have been, and these songs pull me much more emotionally. But for some reason the songs she chose for the final cut make it seem less about the concept she's going for aesthetically and more about human crybabys life. Likes its been a mix up.
  23. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    Also, the top youtube comments on Void and Tunnel Vision send me I guess it's good some people think they're experiencing the peak of her career, but to me it's like they're watching something completely different.
  24. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    I Liked the ending. It was better than the whole music video. But the video overall was also better than VOID so I'll take it I guess.
    Idk about you but I'm sick of her falling through all these portals. I get it. It's the whole album and it has meaning and it's supposed to feel tiring, but now I feel the pattern is boring and too on the nose already.
    What's saving me my fan status is that Ive started paying real attention to all the Portals session outtakes, like Death (2020), Hawaii Space Guitar, Garden, Dragons Blood and Mother of Pearl. I'm seeing how beautiful, spirital and etheral this era could have been, and these songs pull me much more emotionally. But for some reason the songs she chose for the final cut make it seem less about the concept she's going for aesthetically and more about human crybabys life. Likes its been a mix up.
  25. litterallylindsaylohan liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    I Liked the ending. It was better than the whole music video. But the video overall was also better than VOID so I'll take it I guess.
    Idk about you but I'm sick of her falling through all these portals. I get it. It's the whole album and it has meaning and it's supposed to feel tiring, but now I feel the pattern is boring and too on the nose already.
    What's saving me my fan status is that Ive started paying real attention to all the Portals session outtakes, like Death (2020), Hawaii Space Guitar, Garden, Dragons Blood and Mother of Pearl. I'm seeing how beautiful, spirital and etheral this era could have been, and these songs pull me much more emotionally. But for some reason the songs she chose for the final cut make it seem less about the concept she's going for aesthetically and more about human crybabys life. Likes its been a mix up.
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