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  1. Sucker liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Lady Gaga   
    sine from above stans LEMME SEE UR HANDS 
  2. partymonster liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Instagram Updates   
    Let's be honest, if she speaks about Floyd it'll be a double-edged sword.
    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. 
    If I were her, I'd RT something on Twitter so I could raise awareness and that way I would be talking about it while not talking about it (so the focus wouldn't be on me but on the subject)
  3. urgirl liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    sis... maybe i worded it wrong, my point was that the instances don't occur where you must choose between one particular issue to talk about at a certain time. things like twitter allow you to tweet and retweet in literally 2 seconds, so you CAN raise awareness about everything you care about. it's possible.
    this is going off the topic of lana so if you wanna carry on you're free to PM me 
  4. partymonster liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Instagram Updates   
    i have conflicting feelings over this.
    on one hand, nowadays it's almost like, if you write a tweet or make an insta story about it, you're good. as if that requires any sort of effort or means the celeb in question is actually spending time thinking - let alone acting - on the injustice they just briefly mentioned on social media beyond the time it took them to write or RT the post. i believe that it's virtue signalling more than anything else.
    on the other hand, these people have huge platforms and the very least they can do is be clear about their stance, even if it's a surface level one. so i tend to think that yeah, even though social media posts are basically meaningless, saying nothing is the worst option.
    re: lana, i'm not holding my breath. she's an out-of-touch rich white woman who just dated a cop & self-professedly still believes that there's such a thing as "good cops", so. if she doesn't say anything, i'll hold it against her especially after her tone-deaf comments, but if she does i'll honestly just shrug.
  5. partymonster liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Instagram Updates   
    I'm really disappointed that Lana hasn't spoken out about this topic, on top of all the other shit she did recently.
    I would like her to read this text called The Deafening Silence of Whites by Marianne DiMascio: https://www.uvm.edu/~vtconn/?Page=v24/dimascio.html&SM=search_menu.html
    "I want you to say it because then at least I know who I’m dealing with. It’s when you don’t say it, that’s when I get suspicious of you . . . I don’t know when they’re looking at me what they’re thinking . . . I want to be connected to this person. I want to know who you are." 
    I need to know if Lana is still a person that I can look up to and, honestly, right now I'm not sure anymore. 
  6. clementines liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Lady Gaga   
    sine from above stans LEMME SEE UR HANDS 
  7. partymonster liked a post in a topic by Honeybear in Lady Gaga   
    that's gossip, babble on 
  8. partymonster liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lady Gaga   
    Have U ever considered that pop music might just not be for you?
  9. partymonster liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Lady Gaga   
    this album is kinda a masterpiece. i was slightly dissapointed on first listen... i loved it, but i felt like it needed to grow on me or something. but im on a second listen rn, and holy SHIT it's so good. godga is back.
  10. partymonster liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Lady Gaga   
    Billboard n USA Today are praising it yessssssss 
  11. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    the statement applies to people who are aware of the issue, not those who aren't aware- "if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor" i promise you it takes 30 seconds to share a petition or make a simple post which i'm sure everyone has the time to do (unless there's an extreme emergency)
  12. Jane B liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    i think we're expecting too much from someone who dated a cop.
    i have a very strong feeling this issue is all over the usa right now, plastered on all the news channel and social media. as an american, lana is definitely aware of the issue and is choosing to stay silent (so far), she also went out of her way to make a post dragging everyone "trying to start a race war" so why can't she make a simple post raising awareness or sharing the petition that literally everyone is posting?
    p.s. if u haven't already... sign please chng.it/rCmxbrRzWZ
  13. partymonster liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Instagram Updates   
    I undestand why she hasn't posted but I think she should post. Who cares if people will drag her or not, this is serious and important. Either you are with them or you are against them 
  14. partymonster liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Instagram Updates   
    I'm sorry but it’s really pissing me off that Lana has said nothing in support of George Floyd/the black lives matter movement. I used to take her silence on important political issues as just part of Lana’s image/persona, but now since she has had no issue speaking out about things that effect HER, whether it be Trump in 2016 or her most recent “question for the culture”, there is really no excuse for remaining selectively silent. Idk I’m just feeling really disappointed with Lana at the moment. Her behaviour is screaming white feminist and I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt with the *questionable* IG posts but her silence on the George Floyd murder is even more problematic and indefensible to me. 

  15. partymonster liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    I'm not saying you're white at all. The majority of the people railing against WOC in particular and dismissing their insights on what Lana said are white. I didn't @ you. You quoted me. If you saw something in my post that made it feel like I was @ ing you, that's your issue.
  16. partymonster liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    PSA to everyone who still doesn't see why people find Lanas posts racist. A YouTuber named "for harriet" has a video explaining it. its pretty long but i think she does a good job at explaining everything very cohesively . there are other vidoes explaining the point of view but i think hers is the best
  17. partymonster liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    And where did I say POC have all the same opinions? Please, please quote where I said that. This whole thread is full of people saying "actually this POC thinking that is racist is wrong" so don't try and come for me because you saw yourself in what I said ;C
  18. partymonster liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    White lanaboards members telling people of color their opinions and experiences of racism are wrong and bad, what's new
  19. partymonster liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    Lana did however claim to have care and support for the black community in her instagram video. if someone has millions of dollars and a huge influence on millions of kids around the world, i just don't buy that you get to do nothing with all your power and still claim you advocate for them
    Just because she didn't say word for word BLACK WOMEN CANT BE DELICATE does not mean that it wasn't implicitly suggested 
  20. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t think lana should post anything tbh... she never has said anything about BLM and after the whole incident it’d look like she’s only doing it for show. She’d get the same reaction as camila did for posting it, hope she’s doing something behind closed doors though.
  21. partymonster liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Instagram Updates   
    i don't think she'll say anything– she seems really angry and defensive (ie the last video) which makes me think she's not likely to share anything political or vulnerable (though you're right, she should anyway). also, tbh, she has never posted anything about BLM (i don't think) and i hardly see her starting now. i always knew her politics were extremely uninformed and ignorant, but the whole recent debacle really highlighted just how flimsy and narrow they really are.
  22. American Whore liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t think lana should post anything tbh... she never has said anything about BLM and after the whole incident it’d look like she’s only doing it for show. She’d get the same reaction as camila did for posting it, hope she’s doing something behind closed doors though.
  23. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t think lana should post anything tbh... she never has said anything about BLM and after the whole incident it’d look like she’s only doing it for show. She’d get the same reaction as camila did for posting it, hope she’s doing something behind closed doors though.
  24. partymonster liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Lady Gaga   
    Chromatica feels like a re-introduction of Popga to the GP. If she does do another pop record (which I think she will) we'd be getting something a lot more experimental like her old self.
    I just think she played it safe BC of everything that happened with ARTPOP. I think this era is everything she wanted to do with that record and I'm happy that for the most part it's working out.
    I need to listen to the record a bit more but my first impressions is that I really like it. Sine From Above is probably my favourite which I never thought I'd say in a million years lol
  25. partymonster liked a post in a topic by urgirl in Lady Gaga   
    It’s illegal to listen to 911 without listening to chromatica II before
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