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  1. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Justin Bieber prostitute scandal   
    Can you imagine what kind of totally confused and distorted perception he must have of all this? I don't think that a person with a clear view on things would do what he's done, let's be honest here. Something must be very wrong with his surroundings. I know it may seem like a dated example since the industry has changed completely ever since, but looking at Céline Dion being a former teen star, also, it is possible to go through that phase without any scandals at all. However, her surroundings, meaning family/management, were incredibly stable, attentive and regardful. The circle of people she still works with today on all professional levels hasn't tremendously changed. She was and is in a very safe place when it comes to her professional associates. It's kind of stays in the family, so to speak. I don't see the same thing happening with Justin Bieber. He's openly exposed to the incredible pressure put upon him, alone through the media. I don't know if any of you can imagine the money and people involved that he's ultimately representing. It is not even an overstatement to say that his success and sole existence is the reason why some people can feed their families. You can see how no effort is done at all to keep him away from all that. But I guess it's also the media age we live in. There is no way escaping it because as a commercially successful artist, you are dependent on it.
  2. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Which songs do you think were intended for the new album?   
    There aren't?
    ~Body electric and I dance like Morrison~?
    My attempt to justify songs as Paradise outtakes, though I in fact don't know for sure: "JFK" appeared as a title some time before the tracklist was released, alongside "Because of You" and "Burning Desire". Only one of these songs made it to the album, but I think it's safe to say that it wasn't entirely an invented title based on the legitimate song titles it surfaced with (BD being released and BOY being registered). It seems like "Young & Beautiful", "Hollywood", and "Starry Eyed" were all uploaded alongside "JFK", perhaps creating some sort of natural grouping by Nowels himself. In addition, "Hollywood" carries some repetitive lyrics from The Paradise Edition and in "Starry Eyed" you can hear the beginnings of some Haynie samples, which do not indicate the departure from heavy production that she has claimed for her new album. I personally recognize loads similarities between these tracks and Born to Die/Paradise, whereas "Black Beauty" and "Angels Forever, Forever Angels" stand out as a touch more poetic and even more personal. However, they're all demos, so the soundscape is similar across the board.
  3. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Trash Magic * SUPERULTRAVIOLENCE 10 YEAR EDITION   
    Star Spangled Danger (and add "aka Lizzy Grant") 
  4. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Which songs do you think were intended for the new album?   
    It's not the word "outtake" I object to. It's the word "Paradise". Here's what you originally wrote:
    Um, the thing is, as far as we know, we don't actually know either of those things. I don't see why I'm the bad guy for pointing that out and asking for some receipts to back that up. It's annoying how often bullshit assumptions and speculation with no basis gets repeated until it becomes accepted as fact in this fanbase. And I think I've laid out a pretty good case why that mattered in this instance beyond accuracy for accuracy's sake.
    Again, what is this based on?
  5. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Viva in Justin Bieber prostitute scandal   
    I find your comments quite offensive tbh
  6. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Justin Bieber prostitute scandal   
    Ugh... while everybody is going on about the shit he does, and yes, I do raise and eyebrow and roll my eyes when I deliberately see what he's doing, I also wonder what it must be like to grow up with the whole world watching. There is obviously a tremendous lack of stability in his life, poor management that facilitates exposure to drugs, alcohol, prostitutes and God knows what else... I don't know if there is any parental influence anymore and it's kind of sad, really. I am not trying to excuse anything that he's done (I don't even know that much about him) but I think it's a little one-sided and delusional to bash a 19-year old who has lived most of his teen years being in the spotlight. Not ranting at any of you, really, but that's just something I wanted to get off my chest after occasionally seeing the media coverage. Funny, I saw that one report a while ago in which Bieber yelled he wanted to be left alone... and that brief report actually tried to emphasise, highlighting how important it is to leave him alone, yet they made another bullshit report out of it. I don't know what kind of people run that news desk, but things like these make me wonder if it's a bunch of retards.
  7. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Justin Bieber prostitute scandal   
    omg, i thought the same thing when i first heard
    @@Viva honey, tell us how that diq was 
  8. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Justin Bieber prostitute scandal   
    @@Viva getting around tho
  9. Hellion liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  10. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Some Mexicans say Dia de los Muertos is a super sacred holiday only Mexicans can participate in and anyone else taking part in it or using any of its symbols is appropriating it. Others say that it's open to everyone and that as long as the symbols are treated respectfully (you can paint a sugar skull on your face but don't urinate on one) it doesn't matter. With things like this, it's rarely as clear-cut as people seem to think it is. And without seeing Tropico in advance, we have no idea how she will deal with the matter. If Ride is any indication, she'll do something kinda thoughtless (I still cringe seeing the headdress, omg lana why that's like wearing a purple heart as fashion) but common among Americans. So... we'll see
    So happy this is finally coming out. And I pray it'll be in theaters so I can drag my friends to see it.
  11. Valentino liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  12. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in CONFIRMED: Lana Del Rey DID NOT deny Kayne West's Request   
    I think you forgot this gif:

  13. liam liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  14. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  15. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lady Gaga   
    Side-eying the fuck outta anyone that ranks Jewels 'n Drugs last.
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in CONFIRMED: Lana Del Rey DID NOT deny Kayne West's Request   
    Yeah, even if you buy that the world is going to pot-- and I don't really, every generation seems to make these claims about the next-- I think the Kardashians are more a symptom than a cause.
    BTW, this forum has really been going downhill lately...
  17. getdrunk liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  18. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  19. dietpepsicola liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  20. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  21. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  22. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
  23. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    what if this is tropico... we waited all this time for 13 seconds
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