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Party Favor

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  1. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
  2. knives liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  3. fvck liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  4. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  5. Vanilla Icy liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  6. Ryusei liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  7. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  8. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  9. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    People who say trump winning is a hard pill to swallow need a punch in the fucking mouth, especially when they say they don’t support either but we’re commenting trump 2020 multiple times in the last few pages <3 
    hard pill to swallow being told you’re an idiot, I know. 
  10. fvck liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I’m now reached the point of extreme anxiety. All the trumpets are very loud on how trump is for sure going to win. And I know right now biden is in the lead, tomorrow is the actual Election Day and I can’t deal with this man or his supporters for another 4 fucking years. 
  11. Mash Tragic liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    the polls are lies, the allegations against trump are lies, him being friends with jeffrey ep is a lie, his only paying 750 in taxes is a lie.....  trump did bad things years ago and that's ok but biden is awful for something he did 30 years ago. trump has allegations of having sex with like 7 different minors that he then paid off and refused a dna test, but photos of biden being a weird old person means he's a pedophile. trump goes on tangents, joe's stutter (that he's had for his entire career bc it's a literal condition) means he has dementia. trump survived covid therefore he covid isn't bad. biden wears masks therefore he's a sheep. 
    oh and also abortion is murder <3
  12. alienprincess liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
  13. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    oh i know <3 sorry if i made it seem like i was attacking you or anything, i just sometimes end up rambling when im talking about something im anxious or passionate about 
  14. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    they truly believe that ANYTHING trump does to this country is for the better of us. nothing he has done now phases them, nothing he'd do if reelected would either. they think biden is a 'commie' and trump is a 'true american' hero who's exposing democrats. the most terrifying thing out of all of this is just knowing how many people think like this exist in america. i know the polls show a ton of hope, but his supporters are unhinged. my step father tried telling me that i needed to open my eyes to communism bc that's what biden is going to turn america into. 
    as scary as it is, im gonna TRY and be a bit more hopeful. biden has a decent lead (so in the very least we know it's not impossible for him to win). im a pessimist but im really trying to think positive for the sake of myself, and all the others out there who are equally fearful of their rights being threatened  
  15. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    they truly believe that ANYTHING trump does to this country is for the better of us. nothing he has done now phases them, nothing he'd do if reelected would either. they think biden is a 'commie' and trump is a 'true american' hero who's exposing democrats. the most terrifying thing out of all of this is just knowing how many people think like this exist in america. i know the polls show a ton of hope, but his supporters are unhinged. my step father tried telling me that i needed to open my eyes to communism bc that's what biden is going to turn america into. 
    as scary as it is, im gonna TRY and be a bit more hopeful. biden has a decent lead (so in the very least we know it's not impossible for him to win). im a pessimist but im really trying to think positive for the sake of myself, and all the others out there who are equally fearful of their rights being threatened  
  16. Venice liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
  17. Venice liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    they truly believe that ANYTHING trump does to this country is for the better of us. nothing he has done now phases them, nothing he'd do if reelected would either. they think biden is a 'commie' and trump is a 'true american' hero who's exposing democrats. the most terrifying thing out of all of this is just knowing how many people think like this exist in america. i know the polls show a ton of hope, but his supporters are unhinged. my step father tried telling me that i needed to open my eyes to communism bc that's what biden is going to turn america into. 
    as scary as it is, im gonna TRY and be a bit more hopeful. biden has a decent lead (so in the very least we know it's not impossible for him to win). im a pessimist but im really trying to think positive for the sake of myself, and all the others out there who are equally fearful of their rights being threatened  
  18. knives liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
  19. True Romance liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
  20. Mer liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    oh i know <3 sorry if i made it seem like i was attacking you or anything, i just sometimes end up rambling when im talking about something im anxious or passionate about 
  21. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
  22. JamiDelRey liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I’m now reached the point of extreme anxiety. All the trumpets are very loud on how trump is for sure going to win. And I know right now biden is in the lead, tomorrow is the actual Election Day and I can’t deal with this man or his supporters for another 4 fucking years. 
  23. knives liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    they truly believe that ANYTHING trump does to this country is for the better of us. nothing he has done now phases them, nothing he'd do if reelected would either. they think biden is a 'commie' and trump is a 'true american' hero who's exposing democrats. the most terrifying thing out of all of this is just knowing how many people think like this exist in america. i know the polls show a ton of hope, but his supporters are unhinged. my step father tried telling me that i needed to open my eyes to communism bc that's what biden is going to turn america into. 
    as scary as it is, im gonna TRY and be a bit more hopeful. biden has a decent lead (so in the very least we know it's not impossible for him to win). im a pessimist but im really trying to think positive for the sake of myself, and all the others out there who are equally fearful of their rights being threatened  
  24. crazyforme liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
  25. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Lol they would consider all of this a win
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