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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. @evilentity Do something, please. This --> is kinda going on right now.
  2. All of it? Uh... maybe... a month ago? Or more? When was the last time you were on a roof/rooftop?
  3. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Fine China vs Dum Dum
  4. Hmm... theater. I go too seldom. I've only seen like 5 plays or so. Rain or snow?
  5. @Elle I think we need to close this thread and start a new one all over?
  6. Can everyone just... stop? You both are clearly not sharing the same opinions and can't seem to stop bringing this up, and people can't help but commenting about this argument as well. Look, I get what you're both saying, but this is the thread for the new video snippet that Lana shared. I'd love to read other opinions about it than to keep on seeing this argue going on and on. And yes yes, I don't have to read it, but it's hard not to when it takes up most of these pages. If you guys really want to discuss it further, why not do it on you PMs as Arcadia suggested? Then come back if you wanna add some thoughts on the video.
  7. She said that Summer Bummer was her favorite some week before it got released. O__oWhich means that she gets ya love this album if she have 3 favs so far.
  8. I got The Godfather feels of the music in the video. And Salvatore reminds me of the Godfather as well... I hope this will be a good music video. My hopes are up again.
  9. I think that we'll get Groupie Love in it as well, Lana and the guy get together, she gets jealous or something and steals his White Mustang while driving away from him. End of music video story.
  10. I was thinking the same!! I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but now it really feels like a combo music video! Maybe not as long as Tropico, but still!
  11. GURL I woke up for water (it's currently 1:44 in the night now), checked my phone for no reason at all, saw Lana's tweet and IG update and thought the music video is released WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME ok back to sleep bye
  12. Wait, what?? FOURTY TWO COPIES?? Man, that's greedy! So unfair. Not that I had any chance to buy one (and I wouldn't want to buy signed, I'd rather meet her and get something signed), but still. They should have had a maximum of two copies-limit or something.
  13. Uh... I must've been 7 or 8, so at least 15 years ago. I think MTV was on at my (then) best friend's house. Otherwise, I have never watched MTV. When was the last time you used moisturizer?
  14. Tbh, I don't think their outfits are very good either... Can't Johnny Blue Eyes fix cute outfits for all of them? Those skirts look as if they're from H&M. http://www.hm.com/se/product/73717?article=73717-A I can't remember exactly, but she didn't sing it in London, at all.
  15. I thought she was dead. As in not making music anymore. I haven't heard of her for years.
  16. Whose idea at 5 Points Records was it to slaughter the demo for Brite Lites??
  17. I WANT THIS!! I like the final version as well but this is SO much better!
  18. Persian bop. I wish dad taught me Persian so I could understand the song and my relatives too (when they speak Persian). Anyway. It's still a bop. Arash - Boro Boro
  19. Hopefully I'll remember her and stop mixing Tove Lo up with Lykke Li, their names are too similar in my ears. Short and ends with an L.
  20. I know my brother really likes Lady Wood so I thought of starting there... but I guess it's better to start from the beginning and check out the videos. ;k)
  21. Someone please introduce me to my fellow countrywoman since she seems to be super successful and cool and I should know her. She made "Cool Girl"? I liked it when it was played on the radio. Oh, and for everyone that are wondering, she supposedly premiered Disco Tits on a festival here some day ago and the song will be released tomorrow. I only know this thanks to Universal Music Sweden's Twitter account.
  22. U2 - Blackout (single) And then I'd like Songs of Experience, please.
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