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  1. 320kbps liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  2. grabmebymyribbons liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  3. highbybeaches liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm so sorry it happened to you, condoleances. And you're right about court. 
  6. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  7. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    GUYS! off topic sorry but
  8. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by UltraHeroin in Melanie Martinez   
    I never really stanned her and i'm glad that i didn't 
  9. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Blue Rev in Melanie Martinez   
    Still can't believe this is happening. Saw her trending on Twitter and thought the album had finally been announced...


    Melanie's answer of "she never said no" sounds really bad. Her career is pretty much over.


    Tag, You're It was my favourite Melanie song and I don't think I can listen to it again. Completely new meaning.

  10. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm cackling

  11. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Melanie Martinez   
    OMG I knew there was a reason I never liked her

  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Melanie Martinez   
    I am SO upset. I don't even know if what I am going to say about this is going to make sense, because I'm so distraught and confused right now.   
    I cannot believe I ever stanned this woman and what makes me even more angry at myself is that I PAID LITERAL MONEY to see her in concert - I don't care that I've lost money but I am just mad at myself because I feel like I just financially supported a rapist and that's so upsetting to think about. I feel so guilty and ashamed for ever liking this woman, even though I could never have known what kind of a person she really was.
    At first, I was a little skeptical because obviously as it has been discussed here already, sometimes people do make up stories of rape that turn out to be false. And then I did consider that this girl was just trying to generate publicity and launch her own career....
    BUT!... Melanie's response pretty much just confirms that she did sexually assault her friend. "She didn't say no" is NOT an excuse. EVER. You cannot touch somebody without getting 100% confirmation that they consent to it. She might not have said no, but she also didn't say yes, so clearly this seems to be a case of rape. 
    It seems silly but I feel so guilty for supporting Melanie.  I genuinely loved her music and her artistry, but now that is all gone. I know I shouldn't make this about me, because my struggle of not feeling like I can enjoy her music or videos anymore is NOTHING in comparison to somebody being sexually assaulted, but nevertheless, I'm upset about this whole situation.
    I will wait it out a bit more to see where this goes, before I delete her music (and possibly even burn or totally trash my 'CRYBABY' t-shirt), but in the meantime I refuse to listen to her music.
    I think what is most upsetting about this situation is that these kinds of stories are not so isolated. There is a systemic sociocultural problem of sexual assault, rape and harassment and this is only one of many stories. If it seems like there have been so many cases of sexual assault in the media lately, but just imagine how many more there are that go unpublicized and don't get heard about, because of fear of speaking up. 
    Again, I'm very conflicted as to what to believe right now and I am extremely upset and confused about this whole situation. I just hope that whatever the truth may be, justice is delivered.
    And if Melanie did actually assault someone, which it is looking like she did, I hope those of us who have supported her in the past will move on. It's so disgusting to see people actually defending rape on Twitter (just in general), and saying that even if Melanie is a rapist it shouldn't matter. That kind of attitude is gross. Ew. 
    Gosh... I'm so disgusted right now. I might even stan Halsey now to replace this bitch 
  13. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Elle in Melanie Martinez   
    Wow. This news is very saddening to read. My heart goes out to Timothy.
    I’ll be re-reading this thread tomorrow to evaluate some of the things that were said here, as I’ve received a lot of reports of posts in this thread. If you guys see a questionable post, PLEASE report it. I’d look now, but it’s 4am and I’m running on no sleep. But yes, tomorrow.
    (Also, why tf is the comment section on Melanie’s Instagram just full of vine references m????)
  14. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    Just have to share this persons tweet
    Friendship is not consent!
  15. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by TROPICUM in Melanie Martinez   
    'She never said no' ????? like what the heck??? she basically confirms there was some sexual intercorse... and that she indeed never said yes.
  16. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Melanie Martinez   
    There's no saving her career omg. Girl is over for good and she'll never release music and she'll work at Taco Bell for the best of her life 
  17. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Melanie Martinez   
    I really don't understand how you're going to spend pages on this forum stating that she's probably lying when Melanie herself has not even come out saying that her accuser is lying. I really don't understand how you're going to complain that no one read your articles when you cherry picked less than ten HIGHLY publicized cases of false accusations of rape and left out the thousands of articles on the internet about actual rape. Here's a PEER REVIEWED article that shows that only between 2-8% of rape accusations are false and here's a report by the UNITED STATES NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE saying that only 36% of rapes are reported, only 34% of attempted rapes are reported, and only 26% of sexual assaults are reported. I hope that reading these two articles can begin enlighten you as to why it may be a lot easier to find sensationalized media pieces about false rape accusations and how they and the people who repeatedly bring them up when someone accuses someone of sexual assault can actually intimidate and harass victims into not reporting their experiences. While reflecting on those articles you can also reflect on how while you are entitled to be skeptical of accusations, spending several pages on an internet forum repeatedly pushing the idea that no one should take these accusations seriously until they are tried and found guilty in a court of law, is pushing past the "I have an opinion" and into the "I'm trying my best to discredit a victim because I hold societally inherent views that will go through any length to discreadv sexual assault victims". As stated earlier in this thread (which you seem to have ignored), innocent until proven guilty only holds up in a court of law, and is not applicable in a court of public opinion. As for your last point, it is always important to have these types of conversations because we as a society need to make sure sexual assault victims feel comfortable reporting these instances as well as making sure to fight against rape culture in our society.
  18. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Melanie Martinez   
    Stan twitter stop defending her gross sexual preditor ass and stop harassing her abuse victim demanding some concrete visual evidence that you think abuse victims randomly just record while they're being abused challenge!
  19. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Melanie Martinez   
    I honestly don't know what the fuck to think.
    Part of my does hope Timothy is lying, but that's only my inner denial acting up.  She (timothy) deserves all respect until proven otherwise, until then I'm waiting for a statement from Melanie herself before I jump ship entirely and get rid of my vinyls and shirts (which was expensive as fuck and I don't think I have receipts so I'm not sure what I'll do with them).
    With rape cases I always like giving the victim the benefit of the doubt, however I do understand that people can lie about these things. And sure, I could make a situation in my head up for a reasoning Timothy is lying about this. But, until Melanie says something herself, I'm staying away from her and her music.
    What I find really disgusting (apart from the accusation) is the fact that people are aware Melanie can do something like this, but still support her anyway. Like what the fuck. It's hypocritical in a sense that they support an artist for being deep and writing about sexual assault, but will still support them if the artist in question does sexual assault their self, if you get my drift.
    What really gets me in all this, is her relationship with Yung who well, most of you know. I mean, in a way, I could see how Melanie might not know about some of the stuff that's happened unless someone directly told her. But after this it makes it a lot more suspicious.
  20. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by HunterSThompson in Melanie Martinez   
    You have a friend who is legally considered a public figure like MM? Because if not, then the standard we're all talking about does not apply. Really cool if your friend is a public figure though!
  21. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Melanie Martinez   
    You'll be a lawyer too? And you like Heroin too? What a legend  
    Yep, her comments are activated on her second to last post https://www.instagram.com/p/BZY7kZalsC3/?hl=es-la&taken-by=littlebodybigheart. She's over, indeed. 
  22. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by HunterSThompson in Melanie Martinez   
  23. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Melanie Martinez   
    Right? It's not necessarily about her aesthetic but something about her seemed very off.
  24. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Melanie Martinez   
    I never liked Melanie. I always got a bad vibe from her.
  25. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by highbybeaches in Melanie Martinez   
    She needs to release a statement soon addressing this because her silence and turning off comments could be an indicator of gulit
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