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  1. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    I mean if u really wanna do that, how is it not? why shouldn't people be able to access lanaboards?
    the internet is way easier to use for research and you know that. stop acting like making a trip to the library (which many people don't live extremely close to one, so their access is already limited and that's barely even factoring in transportation, which sets more limitations, and depending on the area it could be very outdated and underfunded etc) and having to pick a book (or ask around for suggestions) then locate it and then having to find information somewhere within that book is the same thing as googling whatever you were curious about and finding the answer in like 3 seconds
  2. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    ^Internet at this point in the US is deserving of a human right, in first world countries you NEED the damn thing to do pretty much anything.
    What this'll do is allow companies to throttle certain sites and sources as they please. Lets give a hypothetical, in some areas, especially the extremely poverse ones- we don't get very many options for cable, internet, or cell service. We fucking don't. A company like Comcast can hold a whole goddamn area in monopoly and any start-ups are going to have a damn hard time to do anything. Let's say Fox News decides to pay them off, Comcast can now make it hell to visit any other news site than Fox.
    It's also disgusting that it'll be legal for companies to charge for separate services, if you want to use music services you could have to pay a different fee, lets say you want to get Hulu, Youtube, Amazon, Netflix whatever the hell, but Comcast decides to have their own streaming service (hypothetical) they can just make every other one of those sites run slow as shit and force you to use their inhouse services. Prices for said services can literally go up due to them having to pay more taxes so their speeds don't get buffered or worn down by the providers. 
    People don't have that kind of fuckin money, surprising I know, not everybody can afford every little damn thing most people on here can. It was considered a Title II utility so it couldn't be throttled, I'd rather have a level playing field open for freedom of speech and 0 forced bias from my provider than any pro-capitalism service capable of forced manipulation and slower speeds for things they don't like. 
    And the dude running for this to happen, he's IA, so? there's no point in bringing that up besides an unnecessary argument & light race baiting.
    His argument is that while companies can do this, the market can decide they don't want these types of unfair companies and drop them, except in many places there's literally 0 fucking option to drop a monopolized company like Comcast. Consumers can't decide where the market goes with 2 bullshit options, with a third that's 0 fucking internet.
    There's also the argument that people against N-N are giving that "Why do you want the government micromanaging the internet", if the Government (especially the admin we have now) was trying to micromanage and fuck with our internet in the way those saying think- they wouldn't be letting this happen as easily as it seems. 
    One of the last things people can do is use these- call your congress, write emails, letters, ask and tell them to do the right thing. They're made to represent you and not the powerful companies paying them. Actually use the fucking democracy you're given in the most pivotal way you can:
  3. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    States member to the European Convention on Human Rights have an obligation to realise the right of receiving information. So I would assume net neutrality is important in order to uphold this right. Is there an equivalent Article in US Human Rights Law?
  4. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by HunterSThompson in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    U.S. doesn't have human rights law besides civil liberties and protections in the our constitution (but that is not the same as human rights)
    (In our constitution we don't have that right by the way)
  5. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana at the AM Awards in London, UK - November 14, 2017   
    that's some hot tea right there but the other day 30stm won an award despite not releasing new stuff since 2013 while in that span of time lana had 3 critically acclaimed albums, we almost stop thinking about some of these things. i don't even know how managers get to be nominated, maybe they were simply because despite lana making what is considered "niche" music she still has a big platform and didn't compromise most of her artistical choices (??)
  6. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    listening to Cherry & In My Feelings for the first time

  7. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The scene where she's coming out of the pool in Shades of Cool, is probably my favorite out of all her music videos. It's so breath taking: the "youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu",  the colors, her attire, and the way she cocks her head a little bit afterwards.   
    I also really wish she'd do more makeup looks like this nowadays. I think it suits her a little better than the long, thin eyeliner she's been rocking this era and whatever she's been doing with her lips (like the way shes lining them).
  8. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm low-key torn on the album's aesthetic. I love it because it's so diverse, but I feel like cohesiveness was part of what made Lana's aesthetic kind of shine, if that makes sense.
    BTD, Paradise, UV and HM had imagery that fit the music, but with LFL, the earthy, 70's flower child look that best suits the songs,  Love, 13 Beaches, Coachella, GBA, WTWWAWWKD, BPBP, Tomorrow Never Came, Heroin, and even Change, clashes with the 60's girl group look for the title track and Get Free (although the latter could fit the album cover's  aesthetic). And then there are bops (which are the best tbh) like Cherry, WM, SB, GL, IMF that suit Lana's adidas phase. And then there's the sci-fi witchy and space theme. 
    Don't get me wrong, I love how varied the imagery is, and how she uses different looks and visuals to tell the stories of various songs on the record, but I feel like Lana always incorporated imagery that would represent the album as a whole story. I guess she did that because either she herself was not sure what she wanted the record to be ("Lost for Life") or maybe because this record touches on themes that are bigger than herself, politically and globally speaking, she wanted to represent different sides of herself.
    I don't know, I'm just very interested in the psychology behind all this imagery that seems random on the surface but must have deeper connections to one another. It's Lana, we're talking about. Abstract, over-analysis is expected. 
  9. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Lana Del Rey Grammy Submissions Leaked   
    Depends on the contenders, but LOVE feels like one of those once in a lifetime experience. It feels like if the general masses, say, have never known LDR / Love, and it becomes a nominee... they would feel so grateful that it had ever once upon their lifetime crossed their path.
    ^wow I just sound so high or drunk right there, or just pure too biased to make the slightest objective/realistic opinion, since I really am so disconnected with current music atm (and since when, idek).
    But oh vey! Set dem tracks off to the races!
  10. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    I wanted to add so many of these women in hollywood were groomed into the entertainment industry by their families. Emma Stone was taken out of school when she is in 4th grade so she could be an actress. These men and women do these sexual favours because if they didn't they would have their careers ended. Could you imagine having no education and trying to get a job in the states that isn't a trade field that pays a living wage, it's nearly impossible. 
  11. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    Okay that's Banned
  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    As the residential Hole/Courtney stan, I'd like to point at that Courtney screams "you can't rape the willing" because those were the words used against her by one her rapist. She was forced to perform oral on Ted Nugent when she was 12, she consented because she felt powerless, she wanted to report it and he told her she couldn't because she "consented" SHE. WAS. TWELVE. Her songs about rape are first-hand accounts and often dig into her self-blame for them. I highly fucking doubt she would be okay with you using the most fucked up parts of her life to justify your digusting ass views on rape. Screaming those words at shows was meant to be a source of power for her, not some disgusting ass remark a victim blamer, slut shamer, and rape apologist use to defend the actions of rapists. And fuck you for ever thinking rape is anyone's fault but the rapist. It doesn't matter how anyone fucking dresses, where they are, who they're with, IT'S. NOT. THEIR. FAULT. THEY. AREN'T. ASKING. FOR. IT. IT. IS. ALWAYS. THE. RAPISTS. FAULT. YOU. FUCKING. NAKED. MOLE. RAT. 

    (apologies to actual naked mole rats for the comparison) 
  13. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    @evilentity @elle please ban this person,
  14. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    what the fuck dude
  15. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    you're a sick, sick person.
  16. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by loleetah in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    Graham you've become one of my favorite members lately
    This thread is wild these newbies are getting too comfortable
  17. bummersummer liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana at Chuck's birthday party in LA - November 19 2017   
    lana this era dresses like a 90s babe 
  18. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by tropicunt in Lana Song You're Currently Obsessed With   
    It always just strikes me, it's such an amazing song which paints such vivid pictures in my mind.
    Also Trash Magic has always been one of my favorites and I often get in moods where I just have to listen to it
  19. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in States of Mind When Listening to Each Album   

    Where does your mind wander to first, before having a listen to each of Lana's albums? We all know each record has it's own themes, so for the most part, having a different set of feelings (or not) would only be natural when it comes to listening to her songs. 

    For me, for the most part

    So where does your mind wander, and how do you see yourself thinking and feeling when it comes to each of em?

  20. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    is there a brite light fan club i can join so i can find my peers? that song is so hypnotic, no matter which version. 
    And (we all know) lolita has an air of Britney's Spears magnus opus: Toxic. 
  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    oh god i feel like the poor soul who is finding about who the murderer was at the end of a poirot episode 
    thanks babe
  22. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by ParadiseFreak in In your opinion, what is the best era?   
    The "Paradise" era, which includes Tropico was her strongest era of vision IMO.  70% of BTD is amazing, as well as Ultraviolence... but all of Paradise was top notch.  It's unfortunate, in a way, that it got lumped in with the BTD era because to me it's a fully unique listening experience.  Deeper than most of the BTD songs, and produced much better than either BTD or Ultraviolence.  And after doing Tropico, her visual output has been increasingly lazy and boring.  And I have to add, I think she looked the best in this era also
  23. Belladonna liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana at Chuck's birthday party in LA - November 19 2017   
    lana this era dresses like a 90s babe 
  24. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana at Chuck's birthday party in LA - November 19 2017   
    lana this era dresses like a 90s babe 
  25. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by TROPICUM in Charles Manson found Dead at 83   
    Rot In Piss
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