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  1. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Grimes   
    this is why i dont pay any attention to her until there's a pre order, she's non existent to me until she drops a single, i cant keep up with her shenanigans
  2. Mash Tragic liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    You can bet your sweet ass that she and her mom have been reading us for months, maybe years. 
  3. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by details in Sky Ferreira   
    true but dolby atmos is not the one to blame for that 
  4. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
    My ass is indeed sweet. /Endthread
  5. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by HeyBlueBaby in Sky Ferreira   
    On Apple Music it’s garbage. They ruined the album 
  6. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by Air in Sky Ferreira   
    Omg if she fell out with Jorge, it's over OVER. 
  7. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Truth after truth after truth 
    Second this!
    Who's willing to do that? Please someone brave (to deal with pressed blind stans) stand up. 

  8. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by LunaeManifestum in Sky Ferreira   
    this is high quality tea
  9. Mash Tragic liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    A year ago this thread was plagued by stans defending her and attacking members who said negative things about her. 

  10. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Truth after truth after truth 
    Second this!
    Who's willing to do that? Please someone brave (to deal with pressed blind stans) stand up. 

  11. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Truth after truth after truth 
    Second this!
    Who's willing to do that? Please someone brave (to deal with pressed blind stans) stand up. 

  12. feelingxcx liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Plot twist:
    Capitol didn't renew Halsey contract because they want to focus on Sky Ferreira and do her right. 
  13. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by EmptyPromises in Sky Ferreira   
    Someone needs to post this under the #FreeSkyFerreira posts because its TRUTH
  14. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Sky Ferreira   
    the (30 year old woman) ended me hshdjdjk…
  15. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by AtomicMess in Sky Ferreira   
    I want to become a flop star just to be professionally read to filth by you.
  16. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by details in Sky Ferreira   
    the parentheses are killing me 
  17. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by 111 in Sky Ferreira   
    She started teasing DF release in March. (nobody made her do that) Kept delaying it cause the video wasn't ready. Why? Because she didn't like it, fired the editor and took it upon herself to edit it (nobody made her do that) delaying the song release for over 2 months. She eventually gave up and told Capitol to release the song without the video being ready. I posted the initial date it was coming on with that ugly cover, she then changed her mind and delayed the release for another week (nobody made her do that) to replace the cover with a cuter pic from the video. She then went on a press tour all summer repeatedly insisting that the video and the album are coming in 2023 (nobody made her do that), giving contradictory statements like "the album is finished, just needs a bit of touch-up" in one interview to "the album is almost finished, I still need to write a few songs" on another (nobody made her do that). She also showed up late and looking ill to these interviews. She then went on a mini tour (nobody made her do that), swaying around on a stage she showed up late to (she has maybe showed up on time ONCE), never finishing a full set and firing the tour sound engineer because they couldn't make her decaying, off-key, atrophied vocals sound good. When questioned about her lateness to one of these shows, she non chalantly claimed she was in a car accident with no proof whatsoever. (nobody made her do that) After a disastrous and unprofessional festival tour, she started being shady to Capitol and Halsey with snarky comments and stories (nobody made her do that), giving the middle finger in front of the Capitol building (30 year old woman). She started teasing her next single Descending (nobody made her do that), complaining that it was the song she wanted to put out. She figured out that she can manipulate her dumb stans to boost her ego on her journey of self victimisation and pathological narcissistic attention seeking by addressing the rotted Free Sky Ferreira community with her mother using vague comments and likes. Over a decade she fell out with many people in the industry such as Elton John, Dev Hynes and apparently with Jorge, her main producer and writer for Masochism because of her antics. Anyone who still gives her the benefit of doubt or has any respect for her should be ashamed of feeding into her load of bullshit and enabling her. 
  18. samsclubPRESENTSavamax liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Imagine Elon having a threesome with Grimes and Sky and paying for their music lol
  19. Mash Tragic liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Capitol could drop Sky and release AI Sky Ferreira music and call it a day. 
    All of us would be happy. 
    Boo human Sky. 
    Yas AI Sky. 
  20. viktoria liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Capitol could drop Sky and release AI Sky Ferreira music and call it a day. 
    All of us would be happy. 
    Boo human Sky. 
    Yas AI Sky. 
  21. yosemites liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Capitol could drop Sky and release AI Sky Ferreira music and call it a day. 
    All of us would be happy. 
    Boo human Sky. 
    Yas AI Sky. 
  22. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by samsclubPRESENTSavamax in Sky Ferreira   
    didn't she say the reason she was there was because she was the face of some handbag? idk all I remember was the rumour that elon tried asking her out and he denied the rumour by being like helllloooo I was on a date with my MOTHER!
    so messy and embarrassing for everyone. bless that seating coordinator for giving us something in a drought. 🙏
  23. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by DownhillLullaby in Sky Ferreira   
    darling that's the exact thing she did last year
    she didn't promote a thing she just showed up

  24. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by EmptyPromises in Sky Ferreira   
    Imagine if she shows up at the MET without promoting anything, this thread would be a bigger trainwreck 
  25. EXODUS liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
    We actually not even on a drought of sky l*aks, it's just that 2022 was a very unusual year, I think we've never been that much fed with actual relevant Sky songs ever
    Like, 3 masochism songs (4 if you count Don't Forget), gloves and cobra??? It was more than anyone expected
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