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  1. When you get to high rank you should add me
  2. No topic for this amazing series is criminal, especially after the amazing success of Monster Hunter Wilds. Someone kill chatacabras with me they deserve to be bullied
  3. this is the best assassin's creed in a loooong time. i'm definitely having fun with this one! i've also not really been following the trailers and stuff for this game but decided to pick it up after i saw the good reviews and oh my god the fact we get a base camp to decorate???? i am gagged
  4. 320kbps

    Selena Gomez

    guess that explains it!
  5. 320kbps

    Selena Gomez

    Bluest Flame sounds like a brat song
  6. Cupid's Girl is definitely a step up from butterfly (i still can't get into it i'm sorry guys) but this song.......... she did sumn for sure
  7. 320kbps

    Ethel Cain

    i mean after Perverts came out she literally posted "okay time to finish b-sides" so i'm assuming she'd been working on both for a while
  8. 320kbps

    Lady Gaga

    get rid of How Bad Do U Want Me and Don't Call Tonight and just put in Can't Stop The High and Kill For Love and you have an immaculate album idk why she made this choice
  9. 320kbps

    Lady Gaga

    Can't Stop The High OUTSOLD
  10. 320kbps

    Lady Gaga

    okay after listening to the full album a couple times, i don't think the singles are misleading at all. a lot of the songs use similar production elements, and a lot of the songs also have similar ad-libs that disease has (the gasping, yelling, etc) amazing album i'm in love with it summerboy mixed with brown eyes YAS
  11. 320kbps

    Lady Gaga

  12. i was excited but honestly this song is kinda giving katy perry or something it's not for me......
  13. 08/21/2018 i was making album artwork for my unreleased collection hehe
  14. 320kbps


    i definitely think this is better than her debut, oklou can do no wrong
  15. 320kbps

    Ethel Cain

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