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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. This song has to be her catchiest ever. Once it gets in my head, it just will not leave.
  2. I missed her so much. It feels so good to be fed
  3. anyways, I have nothing against the girl, but it does irritate me how much abcdefu is a ripoff of Hot Girl Bummer and Do Re Mi by blackbear.
  4. I like it, but I’m a little disappointed that the song she made for Euphoria isn’t better. This is my favorite TV show of all time and Lana is my #2 artist of all time, so it’s a little disappointing that Euphoria didn’t get her best work. Then again, it seems like Lana has a trend of saving her best songs for her albums. Her standalone singles for movies/series have never been as good as the stuff on her albums imo. and also, I’m sure the song will be a lot more powerful in the actual episode than standalone. I’m not going to complain about Lana constantly feeding us, but I wish she would gain more of a focus again. I haven’t been feeling much of her music post-NFR, and it seems like shes choosing quantity over quality. Or maybe the pandemic just fucked me up and I’m the problem, not Lana… idk.
  5. 256 page court document dropped tonight. Updates so far: FBI special agent Sherine Ebadi has corroborated allegations that Britney was illegally surveilled by her father (Jamie Spears) and he could be subject to criminal prosecution under state and federal law. Black Box Security, paid almost $6 million by Britney’s estate, obtained private phone recordings for Britney’s mom and others and obtained GPS ping data to track locations of people close to Britney Jamie has been requested to admit to having a romantic relationship with the mastermind behind the conservatorship and Britney’s former business manager, Lou Taylor Jamie accessed Britney’s “therapy notes” from her iCloud account despite being expressly prohibited from viewing them without permission Jamie Lynn’s husband’s business received more than $187,000 from Britney’s estate Jamie approved payment of more than $30 million in fees to dozens of law firms, “including large payments for evidently small matters, as well as significant overlap in work performed.” Britney’s former music director who worked with her on the Circus Tour (2009) and Piece of Me (2013-2018) said Britney was worked to the bone, often said she needed a break and to sleep, was forced to take lithium, and her schedule revolved around the timing of her lithium doses to get maximum productivity out of Britney Jamie made at least $6.3 million as conservator over Britney Jamie used Britney’s money to pay for his legal fees from getting a restraining order filed against him after a physical altercation with Britney’s youngest son
  6. Just learned that Sylvia Plath and Lou Reed, two artists Lana has referenced in her music, both had received electroshock therapy during their lifetimes. Interesting.
  7. Pretty disappointed that visual albums didn’t become more of a thing after Lemonade was such a success in 2016. It makes sense considering it’s a huge undertaking and really probably doesn’t bring in much extra revenue to the artist, but I really wish more of my favorite artists had embraced this. The Weeknd kinda did it with After Hours, just all in separate videos, how he kept a storyline and character going throughout the entire era. I wish more artists invested this much into a single era, really creating an aesthetic, storyline, concept, and theme throughout all the music, photoshoots, videos, and public appearances. As far as Lana goes, with how creative and dope the Chemtrails video was and with the lyrics + vibe of Tulsa Jesus Freak, I can’t help but imagine a visual album for Chemtrails. I think the era was such a missed opportunity, which I know was affected by covid and all, but still. I actually have been working on a visual album concept with the Chemtrails video as the foundation for what the rest of the visual album would be shaped around, and I can’t help but get both excited and disappointed at how cool it could’ve been if executed. Which Lana album would you most like to see as a visual album?
  8. I can objectively recognize what an impressive feat this album is. I love how much vision Abel has had for both After Hours and Dawn FM. But something just isn’t connecting for me yet on this one. I don’t know if I need more time with it (first half of the album grew on me, but second hasn’t yet) or if it’s just not my preferred musical style or what. Favorite songs so far are How Do I Make You Love Me? and Take My Breath. Weakest song for me is Here We Go… Again, which is disappointing since I was looking forward to the Tyler feature. Also, while I know that all the Jim Carrey/radio interludes are part of that vision and experience for this album, I actually find it distracting. Where After Hours just transports me through a musical experience, all the talking interruptions on Dawn FM sort of take me out of it and make me feel annoyed. I guess it’s PTSD from actual radio commercials.
  9. This. @Elle There’s also a shit ton of nudity - like more than I’ve ever seen in a single show or movie. Just FYI.
  10. I’m going to openly be a gatekeeper, petty, and unlikeable here, but all these unreleased Lana songs becoming popular on tiktok… I was listening to these 10 years ago. Where were y’all at?
  11. my favorite show of all time. I’m so glad they kept their “DNA” from season 1. I was afraid they’d change too much and it wouldn’t feel like Euphoria, but the new episode just made me feel at home again.
  12. The way I knew this album was coming out this week on Friday but didn’t realize today was the day until I saw this thread
  13. I’ve always unironically liked Coachella and never really understood the hate towards it. It’s also I think the closest we’ve gotten to all of those unreleased pop-ish songs Lana made in the early 2010s.
  14. This is the advantage of being a flop fan. I used to have one of those masterzips from tumblr from like 2012 downloaded with all of Lana’s unreleased songs, but I haven’t followed any of her newly leaked songs since then, so all of the songs on her albums since then have been new to me.
  15. Nectar of the Gods is the best song on the album. Come for my neck, I’m ready for it
  16. Thinking back on all of Lana’s music… how is it possible for one person to make this much fantastic music? It’s seriously unbelievable.
  17. Paradise EP since it came out in November 2012
  18. new New York Times article exposing Lou Taylor, owner of the company Tri Star, Britney’s former manager, and alleged mastermind of her conservatorship: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/19/business/britney-spears-conservatorship-tri-star.html Highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend reading but here are the highlights from Liz Day if you don’t have time: In Jan 2008, Tri Star loaned over $40,000 to Jamie Spears, who had a troubled past with money, alcohol & abusive behavior. Less than a few weeks later-- and after consulting with Lou– Jamie had Britney placed into a conservatorship. Jamie’s lawyer first told us there was “never” any loan then eventually acknowledged it. Guardianship experts said this was a serious conflict of interest-- Would Jamie as conservator make decisions in the best interests of Britney or in the best interest of Tri Star? In the 90s, Lou ran a different Tri Star in FL...but she was suspected of hiding $ fr its parent company. They changed the locks & lawyers searched her files w/ an armed guard. She ultimately paid back the $ Her lawyer called it a business “dispute” & said she did nothing wrong Lou and her husband then move to TN where he starts a new Calvary Chapel church Jamie— who got an est $6M fr Britney during the cship— donated (or “tithed”) 10% of that conservatorship income at times to Lou and her husband’s church, which is roughly 500 miles away fr his house Under the conservatorship, $$$ from Britney’s charity went to a controversial counseling group with ties to Lou. The founder of the group, Mercy Ministries, has been criticized for anti-gay beliefs— at odds with Britney’s status as an icon for the LGBTQ community. A perplexing relationship is between Lou Taylor and Stonebridge, a wealth management firm she co-founded and had owned 50% of Many Tri Star clients use Stonebridge. Experts said a business manager recommending a firm she owns half of presents a potential conflict of interest. Stonebridge is tiny. It is run by Mitch Martin and his son, whose only other job listed in SEC filings was in the restaurant of a Chinese food restaurant. Up until 2006, it managed less than $10M Days after Tri Star became business manager, Britney-related accounts at Stonebridge appeared Stonebridge’s lawyer says it advised the cship on the use of “money market funds,” but charged no fees for this work Experts noted its strange for financial firms to do work for free Stonebridge later does more free work, advising the conservatorship and Britney’s trust on its Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch investments. It finally starts getting paid when it enters into a consulting agreement with Jamie as conservator in April 2020. In July 2020, Jamie’s lawyer says he may consolidate B’s $ & has been “vetting” Stonebridge for 13 yrs. She said Stonebridge was “independent from" & “not affiliated” w/ Tri Star Then, B’s sister petitions to move trust $ into a Stonebridge-advised account. She withdraws request Britney’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, has been investigating whether her $$$ was ever mismanaged. He filed discovery & deposition requests to Jamie and Tri Star to get more info on how much $ they made & the network of LLCs thru which the estate operated. Rosengart has repeatedly asked Tri Star a question: How much money did the firm make from the estate? Tri Star has refused to provide the number. Rosengart has filed to depose Jamie— who has twice failed to appear. Also under scrutiny are ways the estate was billed for things relating to Lou: In 2019, Britney canceled her 2nd Vegas show— costing Tri Star its expected 5% cut. Lou emailed Jamie to change Tri Star’s compensation to automatically get at least $500K a year. Jamie swiftly agreed Lou used lawyers to pursue legal action against Free Britney fan Bryan Kuchar, who alleged Lou used a private investigator to try to get incriminating info on him. The law firm billed some of the costs of the legal action to the estate. Black Box Security also used Britney’s money to keep tabs on Free Britney fans who criticized Lou. The estate paid for Hollywood trade ads praising Lou and Tri Star. This was tricky to report. Lou’s lawyer Charles Harder sent NYT 8 cease and desists. They warned former employees of legal repercussions if they spoke w/ us & told them to forward any communications w/ NYT Many said they’d love to go on the record but were scared of being sued
  19. It’s about time the song gets recognition. No shade to White Dress, but I feel like Chemtrails the song and TJF are being very underrated on these types of lists and deserve it over White Dress.
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