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Everything posted by Lirazel

  1. Lirazel

    Emilie Autumn

    I'm so tempted to re-read The Asylum For Wayward Victorian Girls. I have a lot of much more important books to read, not to mention the pile of novels that are patiently waiting for me to take my time with them...and Emilie's book is not The Best Novel On Earth, not even close to what it was hyped us...but yeah... I love her writing style (when she writes confessions), and TAFWVG makes me feel like I was in her Opheliac word.
  2. I love Pepsi, but it doesn't mean that I drink it... it's so unhealthy. Never liked Mountain Dew.
  3. I know how you feel... I don't really want it to leak, cause it would ruin her plans... but I'm so damn curious! It's good, at least we've got something to look forward to.
  4. I'm so listening to Tori Amos. I really wanna get into her even more. Some of her songs are amazing, some bore me... I hope that most of her stuff will grow on me! I think that this is my fave song... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqHFixn_a_A
  5. I have such mixed feelings on Lana's "I'm so crazy" theme. Half of the time, I find her singing how crazy she is empowering. The other time, all I hear is "lol you guise, I'm so fucking crazy!" And it reminds me of those young teenagers who think they're oMg So CrAzYyYyY!!! because they party and do dumb shit. Basically, my opinion depends on if I'm in good or whiny/angry mood.
  6. I almost feel sorry for the guy. I wish that fans didn't make idiots out of themselves.
  7. I know how you feel. I have nothing against Lana's family, but I don't care for them... and I find it creepy when fans treat Rob like a God or something, or suck up to him. They wouldn't give him the time of their day if he wasn't Lana's father. Judging by immaturity of some younger fans here in Poland - if not the connection to Lana, he would be nothing more than an old geezer to them. I had no idea he exists, not to mention that he starred in Tropico. lol
  8. Something Corporate - Konstantine I don't even like pop-punk, I find the singer's voice super whiny in some parts (and I love male voices that a lot of people find whiny, like Geoff Rickly's) and not all lines are stellar... but then there's the part where he sings 'It's not hard to dream, you'll always be my Konstantine" and it gets me every time I listen to this song.
  9. Oh, I get it... don't you hate when it happens? Meanwhile I just noticed how godawful the Paradise Yayo is. I just can't... she half whines, how screams the song. All the subtlety is gone. Why couldn't she just sing it like on AKA?
  10. I always kinda related the Carmen character to Lana, but not in a literal way... just that she's a made-up, condensed version of teen!Lana.
  11. I can't believe this - I love it! INot to mention I think that lyrics are amazing.
  12. I don't... I share with Naoko Takeuchi, Eva Longoria and Fabulous Fabio Lanzoni
  13. Okay, so mine are: - the entire Sirens, From the End and Quiet now - it's not that I actively dislike them, I just don't feel the need to listen to them. I played them like once to see what the fuss was about. Maybe they will grow on me someday? - from AKA: Oh Say Can You See Gramma, Smarty, - from Born to Die - Million Dollar Man. I also like a little bit less Without You, Lolita and Lucky Ones, but they're bonus tracks, so maybe it's unfair to compare them to the rest of the album. -Paradise Edition - the entire record is pretty meh to me when compared to Born to Die , but the worst offenders are Body Electric and Cola. Those songs sound the same to me. Unreleased songs that I listened to and which failed to grow on me: Delicious, Summer of Sam, 1949, various other "crying on macbook" acoustic songs.
  14. My favourite ones are 1.Summertime Sadness, 2. Born To Die 3.Blue Jeans.4. National Anthem The rest is pretty meh, with the Carmen one being the worst
  15. Everybody's talking about aliens, but I saw no aliens? What have I missed?
  16. Oh God, like the song wasn't wrong enough I can hear it like this too...
  17. I've just fallen in love with Butterflies (Part 2), and the chorus gets me every single time: Sing a sad song." My baby has an eye, For pretty things, pretty things. He thinks that little girls, Are butterflies and cuts their wings. Sicko, psycho, sicko, But he's my beau. Puts them on a rollercoaster, Lures them in with Coca-Cola! Boy, you've been, catchin' butterflies, All the girls believe your lies, don't they? Boy, you can pin, me up if you like, A pin-up in a lonely sky, baby. You give me butterflies, You're catchin' butterflies. You give me butterflies, I'm fluttering, fluttering high.
  18. You know, it depends on how bad the person is, and how much the personal beliefs or behaviour are present in the music. Probably none of the musicians I listen to are flawless, but at least they are not total assholes. It's not about stoping listening, more like about getting interested in the first place. For example, I refuse to listen to Eminem - no matter how amazing he may be - because I can't stand how full of misogyny he is. Would you buy novels by Anne Perry? I try to be aware of "crimes" of my favourite musicians. If they screw up, they screw up. I don't defend them if there's no point, but I also don't act like they're demons (of course I'm not talking about cases like Chris Brown, more like cultural appropiation or other insensitivity). Sadly, I have to agree - not to mention that her personality turns me off her music I feel that sometimes she tries too hard to be a rebel and over-intellectualizes simple matters(No, Amanda, supporting the Klan is never okay! You don't get a free pass just cause you proclaim it to be a irony)
  19. OMG, I agree with all of your choices except for Nirvana (like them a lot, not my fave band, but yeah), Bruce Springsteen (haven't tried to get into him.. yet?). I'm happy that I'm not the only person who doesn't get the appeal of The Beatles. I mean, I know that modern music owes a lot to them, but I just don't see them as fun to listen to. They're too poppy for me(Not to mention that they're the "in" band for the hipster crowd, at least in Poland...it's trendy to love them). I love the Cure too ever since my parents introduced me to them in early childhood. I'm happy that somebody gets me about Linkin Park! Thanks for letting me know about Puller, I've never heard about this band, and it sounds interesting. And I get how you feel as a feminist (I'm one too) - a lot of good music stops being pleasurable when you realize how misogynistic the lyrics are. It's not only about Christian music... It's such a shame that music of every genre is ruined by it - alt rock, rap... even indie rock, which should be against mainstream trends. It makes me sad that I have to reject a lot of good tunes, because the artist is an asshole (and it puts me off). Sorry for rambling so much
  20. :agree: about all of this! Yesterday I've been reading on the Aum Shinrikyo sect and looks like every sect/fear-mongering theory tries to make people believe that the mass media are literally brainwashing them... in order for naive people come to them and let be brainwashed into believing in Holy Guru or other crap. They pretend to be wiser and know the truth, but what they do is brainwashing people into seeing a fake reality. Also I try really hard not to be distracted by your lovely Playing the Angel avatar - it's my favourite Depeche Mode record ever! Not to mention that Pinfeathers is adorable
  21. "Manga’s economic and cultural significance Manga is a major part of Japan’s publishing industry, accounting for over 25 percent of all printed materials in the country. They offer something for everyone and can be purchased from a wide range of retail and online stores. As Mr. Teiji Hayashi, former Director of the Public Diplomacy Planning Division, Public Diplomacy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan explains, “manga has a wide range of fans, from small children to senior citizens, because its storylines are clear and the characters are rich in humanity.” This is why they are often “utilized not only for entertainment but also to provide simple explanations about difficult matters like history, natural science and social issues.” I need this for my BA Paper.
  22. Anything out of the Body Electric part, it was gloriously kitschy (obviously the whole movie was - but I only truly enjoyed the Body Electric part) Oh, the trailer scenes were also good and unexpected! Such a cool throwback to her Lizzie Grant days
  23. and your pixel army can't save you now my finger's on the kill switch i remember i used to compose your dreams control your dreams and don't be afraid to expose yourself before i shut you down you made some changes since the virus caught you sleeping Orgy - Fiction (Dreams in Digital)
  24. You know, sometimes I need more bands with that kind of sound in my life (there's Dangerkids, but they have more metalcore sound).... It's a shame that I can't stand when singers pull "hahaha, thanks for listening to us, sucker" on me. Time for another confession: I can't stand John Green, nor his books. Read two (Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars) and they were both awful. So pretentious and overrated. Stop being so damn happy with yourself for abusing the word metaphor and knowing about Maslow's Pyramid, for some people it's a common knowledge
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