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Trash Magic

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About Trash Magic

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    Jul 2 2011

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  1. There's nothing wrong with what Lana said whatsoever wtf. Who needs haters when you have fans like this!
  2. What upon first listen I thought was a corny garbage fest of an album is LOWKEY sounding like a classic today... Insane. Like even The Beast and Blade of Grass sound enjoyable.... The album really highlights how important packaging is. It sounds 15x better when you disregard the artwork because the creative direction is SO at odds with the sound! I see blonde hair, lighthearted, kaleidoscopic visuals. Instead we are presented with the polar opposite. Should be like camp Elton John vibes honestly.
  3. LUCINDA WILLIAMS posters on the floor.... wtf.... SO niche and that's one of my favourite albums of all time. and FJM Fear Fun in frame... Something shifted shit's about to get real GOOD for me fr I'm actually accepting this impossible converging of 4 of my favourite artists in one image as a cosmic sign from above....
  4. Everybody say Thank You Michael Mizrahi. This song is like her manifesto.
  5. First few plays I thought the album was garbage, Perfect Celebrity and Shadow of a Man aside. Warming up to Zombieboy and Vanish Into You. Mostly it just makes me want to listen to Fancy Pants and Shake Ur Kitty... Sidenote just searched and it see it listed as "Shake Your Kitty" everywhere. This is my strongest Mandela effect experience. Does anybody else remember it being called "Shake Ur Kitty"?
  6. Define "we"! The real ones have always been bumping it
  7. The new single isn't great, the rhyming pattern feels really off and kind of jarring/dissatisfying to listen to, this is only confirmed by the studio version snippet she shared on TikTok. A miss
  8. Trash Magic

    Miley Cyrus

    oh midnight sky is a bona fide classic. any party I always hijack to Spotify jam and the people love it
  9. 8 years. now this one I really cannot believe. time is not real
  10. Trash Magic


    Totally and even more so on the 2nd demo actually, I linked the wrong one Like the vocal performance and production... it's INSANELY similar
  11. Trash Magic


    We have this song to thank for the existence of Yayo, I am convinced
  12. At first I was just really impressed by the video but the song actually slaps too has been on repeat for hours
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