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angel with an attitude

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  1. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by cranekiss in Charli XCX   
    your true intentions are obvious, stop asking for leaks it hasn't even been a week since we lost her
  2. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Imalreadygonebaby in Charli XCX   
    I still have a feeling this was either charli or someone on her team - getting out a backlog of old leaks to shut us all up from asking for them and so we’d just focus on music she makes going forward 
  3. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Charli XCX   
    it's been 48 hours since sophie died and some of you are already back to begging for leaks again, seriously fuck you guys lmao
  4. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by howtobeaheartbreaker in Charli XCX   
    My discourse for today is that anyone who is blatantly disrespectful during this trying time (for not only our community but also for the artists whom we respect) instantly gets on my ignored list. 
    Additionally, the #HereForCharli tag is cute, but I hope it doesn't make Charli feel pressured to publicly speak out if she's not ready. I think a tag like this might've been more appropriate if/when she were to decide to address the situation.
  5. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Charli XCX   
    i wish my biggest problem was being a millionaire 16 year old with people telling me to get a job and to not vacay in the bahamas during a pandemic dsjlfkjsdklfdjs obviously don't agree with the bullying but- 
  6. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Charli XCX   
    Discourse is the last thing either of them would want to transpire after this. This is just so fucking disrespectful. Let everyone mourn in peace, fuck.
  7. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Gentleman in SOPHIE   

  8. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by faceshopping in SOPHIE   
    We cannot let this topic die. Her work, music and existence must forever be celebrated. I have refreshed this forum at least once a day for at least the past two years. It's naturally become a habit of connecting with other fans and listeners of Sophie in a world where she was criminally underrated. I'm so grateful that people like us really understood her gift and celebrated it from the beginning.
  9. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by electra in SOPHIE   
    90 minutes might sound really insane but there's probably a lot of procedures paramedics need to go through before they can remove a patient from a scene. it's always not just a manic rush to the hospital. i'm sure the paramedics knew what they were doing in that situation.
    i touched on this a few months ago in a status but when i saw that person who got hit by a car, a good portion of time (an hour to an hour and a half) was spent on the scene. they weren't moved for a very long time. paramedics need to assess the injuries and provide the immediate care the person might need before they can transport them. unless any actual claims of malpractice come from sophie's close friends / people who were present don't be quick to project anger. i'm sure they were only doing their best to save her in the middle of a global pandemic.
    i know it's hard though. a lot of people will want something to blame, but in reality this was just a tragic accident. i'm sure any of us wish we could have changed that.
  10. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in SOPHIE   
    sad when people get recognition after  
  11. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Fusel in SOPHIE   
    i am well aware how cheesy this is but I couldn't help myself last night

  12. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in SOPHIE   
    I’m so glad I got to see the album tour and I got to see her perform with Charli in London and even do Taxi, I know we all joke around about that song but I’m just thankful I got to experience her
    I’m still just so...angry? I don’t even know, it’s like the same feeling I had when Naya Rivera died, to know her and Sophie’s last moments were probably filled with fear and panic just makes me feel so fucking angry at the world and it’s like you don’t know how to feel because it was an accident, no ones at fault, you can’t blame anyone for it, it was just a horrible accident
  13. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by snake in SOPHIE   
    Annie Mac played it's okay to cry on BBCR1 today and I think she described SOPHIE music how I felt about it too, she said it was very 3D and like a sculpture. I truly think SOPHIE brought so much texture to everything she made, and discovering her music in a time most pop/music I had previously heard felt bland ,the sounds she used were always so captivating and I think that's what solidifies her as a visionary for me.  She gave music such a new dimension.
  14. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by LoveIsReligion in Charli XCX   
    im furious how much tiktoker can be so ignorant going to bahamas while people dying and taking over # hereforcharli trends on twitter which was meant for Charli XCX

  15. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by clementines in Charli XCX   
    i’m so distraught over this huge loss of SOPHIE and for anyone in here and on the internet trying to ask for leaks or disrespecting a fucking hashtag trying to support Charli after losing such a close friend is SICK
  16. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by dance4u in Charli XCX   
    please please refrain from asking for leaks and stop making jokes in any context to any degree on here and elsewhere on the internet. i feel like i shouldn't even have to say this. i have no desire whatsoever to listen to any new leaks at this point because i'm still heartbroken about sophie i assume most all of you are too. it feels extremely fucked up to try and turn this situation into something its not
  17. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in yeule   
    She did a “”””secret”””” song without her label’s permission on her Twitch about a week ago! Here it is - (the title is unofficial)
  18. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by lizyyygrant in Charli XCX   
    I can’t even capture how girl must be feeling right now. It must hit so hard, especially during quarantine. I wouldn’t blame her if it took months to even mention this (and no I don’t think there should be a time limit at all I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised). 
    I came across Sophie’s gf’s post. God every word made me want to cry. From saying being with her was “the best dream” and how she’ll get to see the cosmos and that she now is an “immaterial girl”. I can’t imagine losing a partner like that. I hope she takes some time for herself as well. 
    I feel bad for all her friends and loved ones. Sophie definitely is the last person to even deserve death, and it must be devastating for them right now. 
    I wish there was some sort of festival to honor her name. Fuck, the fact nobody can decide to celebrate her life right now like that grips at me so hard
  19. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by pinewoodlogs in Charli XCX   
    this is so insensitive to post lol fuck you
  20. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by alkolmoldah in Charli XCX   
    https://dbree.org/v/500927 I'm starting to think whoever posted this had the right idea
  21. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by rosesofsaigon in SOPHIE   
    My heart still feels so fucked up.
  22. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Total Freedom in SOPHIE   
    the fan title for bikers was "petals" if anyone doesn't recognize that name, pretty sure it's even older than kitty cat
    it was a birthday song for sophie by ag about when they travelled together for the first time and some bikers on the road got angry with them
  23. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by alkolmoldah in SOPHIE   
    So far since her passing
    Kitty Cat
    The Way It Is (HQ)
    Me and My Girlfriend
    Burn Rubber (in slightly higher quality)
    Bikers (with A.G. Cook)
    High School Luv
  24. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Charli XCX   
    I really hope she’s alright. I was watching some Exchange videos last night and you can just tell how much SOPHIE meant to her by the way she would look up in awe at her while she spoke. She deserves such big hugs rn
  25. angel with an attitude liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in SOPHIE   
    wanted to share the sophie tribute art i did, to me there's nothing more iconic that her album cover for oil

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