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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. I went on a run today and ended it with a fully body interpretive dance to choreomania in the middle of my street, as if I was possessed. The drums in the song are just so blisteringly wild and addicting. Highly recommend giving it a try, even if onlookers will assume you’re having some kind of episode. (Isn’t that the point anyways?)
  2. If June passes with nary a peep about this new album I will be pressed
  3. domandapiano


    Just popping in to say that the shinigami eyes music video is FUCKING iconically good
  4. Wait are they actually dating?? I stan that so hard. I thought they were just friends.
  5. Pitchfork may have deeply let us down, but let’s be happy that she also received 2 more scores of 90 from Clash and The Young Folks! pitchfork also (and I maybe I’m making a generalization here) seems to really not be into anything that could be labeled as slowcore.
  6. So in the interview she says she doesn’t have a name for the album picked out. However, that doesn’t mean between the time she did the interview and now she didn’t pick one. It could be closer than we think! I guess it depends when she actually gave this interview.
  7. Enjoying the record. Choreomania is like crack. When the background vocals yell “SOMETHINGS. COMING.” it reminds me so much of the Kate Bush track Hounds of Love, the little “something’s coming, it’s in the trees” bit. It possesses me with the desire to dance wildly, which I can only imagine is it’s primary objective. It’s stuck in my head and I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s my favorite. Girls against god, the bomb, and morning Elvis are my other favorites. I’m having a hard time really taking this album in as a whole body of work right now, but I imagine once I listen to the whole thing a coupla more times I’ll get the “feel” of the record.
  8. My official favorites are: American teenager, house in Nebraska, thoroughfare, sun bleached flies, and strangers. hard times is close tho. It’s a bit repetitive after the first half, but in a way that’s almost meditative and enjoyable also werk@ another 100 from Sputnik. I’m really hoping pitchfork comes thru and gives it a good score (best new music hopefully). She is playing at their festival so I have to imagine they will give it a review.
  9. Haven’t voiced my opinion on the record yet cuz it’s been a very busy couple of days but I must echo the general consensus: it’s really that good, and there is a high chance it’ll be my favorite record this year. Not a single skip on the album for me. i kinda get the argument that sun bleached flies could be the closing song, but I love strangers so much I couldn’t possibly say it shouldn’t be there
  10. Omg 2 more reviews and they are both 90’s. QUEEN OF CRITICAL ACCLAIM
  11. domandapiano


    Just popping in this thread to say the shinigami eyes music video is THAT BITCH it hypes me up so much and the song is honestly a bop
  12. It got a 5/5 in the physical diy mag and crack mag gave it a 9/10. Manifesting nothing but critical acclaim
  13. i literally went in to buy it, had the vinyl in my hands, went to self check out to purchase and when I scanned it the light started flashing for an employee to come help me. So the employee comes and enters his credentials and the error read that it wasn’t supposed to be on sale till the 13th so the guy wouldn’t let me buy it. i feel like if I went through regular checkout and had someone young with less of a superiority complex I could have gotten away with purchasing it.
  14. This is being sold at my local target early.
  15. domandapiano

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    The song is kind of a serve methinks
  16. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    Hopefully when the record is up for presale the version with the bridge is included in the tracklist!!
  17. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    It’s very good tho for some reason the bridge doesn’t seem to be on Apple Music?? Like I’m listening and the lyrics to the bridge (the watching movies bit) are on the Apple Music page but that part of the song is just not there?? also I need pop queens to stop teasing the entire chorus of a song before it’s out. It dulls the shine of the song a little.
  18. that’s what I like to hear
  19. So was the atrl insider generally positive about the album?
  20. I hate that three tracks are under 2 minutes. looking forward to it anyways. I wonder if pitchfork will trash this record like they did with high as hope.
  21. domandapiano


    it was so good, the movie as a whole, and her in it as well.
  22. the one thing we will never have…
  23. I know she said album in June (fingers crossed), but I hope this music vid comes much sooner than that.
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