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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Me anytime I see someone sharing their negative (but still valid) opinions on NFR: Me after my sigh of relief when I realize its the same handful of people again and again: While I don't share the same disappointment that Vertimus is experiencing regarding her output, they are not wrong when they said this album was basically what we should have expected after the singles and snippets. If the songs on the album sound they were produced in one business day I feel like that was maybe the intention, whether you think it was pulled off successfully or not. When jack was talking about Hope he said it was something that came together quite quickly, after one or two takes. I feel like they wanted to do something that wasn't overworked.
  2. I like Paradise! Ride and Gods and Monsters are God Tier. Bel Air and American are beautiful, soothing tracks that I like to listen to when I'm feeling breezy. Blue Velvet is nice and I don't usually skip Cola I've never really cared for that much but its fine. Body Electric is actually a nice song but its produced so much more quietly than anything else on the record and that aggravates me so I don't really listen to it. Yayo is a nice nod to her past but its not as good as the AKA version.
  3. After reflecting on her previous records, the reason I'm hoping and thinking this might be my favorite by her is that she hasn't released one where I don't skip tracks or really LOVE listening to start to finish yet. We all have different tastes and think each of Lana's records caters to a specific taste or mood while retaining her overall appeal. Singer-songwriter, folk, alternative stuff is my main jam so this album seems right on my alley. Based on the snippets and what we've heard I don't think there will be one (other than Doin' Time, sorry sweetie) that I will be skipping very much.
  4. I was so surprised when this was announced and released so soon after UV. Its so mellow and definitely a slow burn. I wasn't that into it at first as a whole but I've come to like it a lot. The title track gets some hate, but its one her most cinematic songs (and one of the only ones that actually sounds like it has real strings in it). Her BBC performance of it is God Tier and I actually prefer it to the OG. The guitar replacing the strings is so HAUNTING. The synth instead of backing vocals. <3 The rock out during the 'dreaming away your life' part. <3 It's perfect. I wish her concerts were more like this shit. This album (like UV and BTD kinda) I think is MUCH stronger in its first half. I love it all up until right after burnt Norton and I think it loses a bit of steam. Hot take but The Blackest Day and Religion and Salvatore are not in my top songs by her by ANY means. They aren't bad, but I never feel compelled to listen to them on their own. The creepy laughing man in Salvatore is amazing tho and its my favorite part of the song and one of my favorite moments on the record. The cover is maybe my least favorite by her. Its just whatever. Anyways, a very good, cohesive record, but the second half loses me.
  5. This album has my heart <3 (kind of). The first five tracks are IMPECCABLE. Her best sequence of songs thus far imo. West Coast and Shades of Cool very well may be my eternal top 2 by her and they were perfect singles to introduce us to the newer, rawer, more alternative, idgaf what ppl think about me sound. That guitar solo in SoC her chanting "hot weather in the summer, hot neglectful lover" in the background . I mean SHIT it's so good. I was driving around with my boyfriend at the time and his dad (lol) and this song was playing and his dad was like "what is this? this is really good!" and I told him it was Lana and he was SHOOK. He mentioned thinking she wasn't very good (a sentiment shared by many back then) and that song changed his mind (at least for that moment). THE POWER THAT SONG HAS>>>>> Anyways, then the rest of the album happens lol. I don't hate it but I think the sequencing hurts it. Sad Girl and Pretty When I Cry are both very repetitive and share the same key and some of the same melodic elements and I don't understand why they are back to back on the record for the life of me. For a long time I couldn't remember which had which buildup and payoff and to this day I can't remember which one I prefer and which one everyone loses their minds to. Fukt ma way and MPG are similar in that they both have spacious production and lack a bit of the rock bite the first bit of record had and they are also back to back. Easier to tell apart than SG//PWIC, but still too similar for that sequencing. Old Money is amazing and I have nothing bad to say about her. The Other Woman is actually one of my fav covers by her and it wraps the album up nicely, like a bonus scene at the end of a movie (I mean, c'mon, Old Money is definitely the real finale). ] I usually consider this my favorite Lana album for the first 5 tracks +Old Money and Black Beauty.
  6. Scattered early Lana memories: What a start! (kind of?) I remember the first time I saw Lana mentioned was on some 'list of upcoming artists' back in 2011 or 2012 (I was reading the list because Haley Reinhart was on it, American Idol legend, one of the most kickass singers to grace the show) and that was back when 'Gangsta Nancy Sinatra' was her selling point. I can't remember if I listened to Video Games then or not but I remember the comments section wasn't too kind to her (she can't sing, she's got too much work done on her face, blah blah blah ignorant bullshit). Later, I was hunting around the iTunes new music release page (my primary way of discovering new artists back in the day) and I saw the double BtD and Blue Jeans single and I just went ahead and bought it, and listened while walking around downtown Pittsburgh. Video Games SENT me. The harp, the piano, the strings, that damn bell. It's one of more vivid music experience memories that I have. On the other hand I remember listening to Blue Jeans and liking it but questioning whether I thought some of the lyrics were a little too much (fresh to death and sick as cancer, for example, I was a bit more prudish and timid back then). The Born to Die music video gave me EVERYTHING when it came out. I felt so edgy for liking it, with her dead in his arms in the end of the video. I think it was this song and video that cemented her as an artist I was looking forward to continue following. I actually didn't love Off to the Races when it debuted, I thought it was kind of ugly. It's charm has revealed itself to me over the years though and I've come to love it. My one college friend (this album came out my junior year maybe?) would lose it every time I recited the line "sittin' sipping' on that black crystaaaaaaal YES". I even remember where I was specifically when the SNL moment occurred. Friend of a friends college dorm room, probably playing never have I ever, sitting in a circle, drinking Blue Wave and pink lemonade. I was so juiced when Danny Radcliffe introduced her. We all know what happened and that night I felt relieved that half the room wasn't paying enough attention to the tv to actually register the performance. lol. Anyways I think this record, though different than anything else she's done, has aged quite nicely and I can still get down on Friday night to it. Favorites: Video Games, Summertime Sadness, Radio, Dark Paradise, Without You, Born to Die Hot Take Least favorite: Million Dollar Man. Its not a bad song but her vocals sound so FUCKED up on the album. Like they tried to pitch correct it but because she's using a style of singing that elides and scoops and warbles a lot it just sounds so wrong. I skip it every time.
  7. 11 freakin more days. Sometimes it feels like once this record finally comes out I can break free of the curse that keeps me glued to reading this thread. I might take a few days away once it’s here to let it sink in without all this background noise of ppl fighting over whether Love Song is good or not (I imagine I’ll at the very least like it).
  8. It’s gonna be her Norman FUCKING Rockwell by Lana Del Rey and it’s gonna be GLORIOUS.
  9. Hmmmmm. I know these are opinions and all and everyone’s opinion can be different but... hmmmm....
  10. Whew what a day. I was at work when it leaked so I had to catch up on a bajillion pages of ppl asking to definitely not have the link sent to them (admittedly, I did it once for fiily and didn’t even get the damn thing. I was probably drunk and caught up in the moment.). ANYWAYS the reactions have me more excited than ever and I’m digging the lyrics for sure. I’m not gonna listen to a shitty leak but if it leaks in hq I might do it. I feel badly for the little girl who leaked it. She awakened the gay wrath of Lana stans and she had no idea what she was doing. I imagine she will remember this day for years to come and will shudder when she hears any bit of NFR.
  11. Ughhhhhh please nobody send me a lynk??? I def do not wanna her fiily this fine Friday morning p mod note: user was warned for this post
  12. I’m going to try to stop listening to The greatest until we get the album I think. I really do think it’s a great, cinematic track, and it makes me even more stoked to hear the whole thing. I want to not be skipping it when the album comes out so I can’t wear it out now.
  13. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    Someone wanna pm me??
  14. I love that the snippet sounds nothing like I expected it was going to.
  15. I’m drunk af after a ractoneurs show and I I know this gonna b her best. I just know it.
  16. It’s great just make it available to all of us (((
  17. Wait that shit is only UK??? I already ordered the UO vinyl but I would 100% get one of these signed collectors things if I could. About the amount of stuff we’ve heard from the record, the same thing happened with high as hope by Florence. We got 3 singles, 2 live songs and the record was only 10 songs. We went into the record only not knowing 5 songs and even then the last track is like only kinda a full song.
  18. The melody is the same for a second but the follow up is completely different and so is the chord progression. The vibe of the song sounds totally different. Get Free sounded more like creep than this does Sam Smith imo. As a musician I understand where this comparison is coming from but I don’t think it sounds like a replica.
  19. Omg page 3000 right around the corner Nfr getting what it deserves <3
  20. I love the HTD production crucify me. The fake/real saxophones are so Playboy Mommy by Tori Amos
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