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Swan Song

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  1. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    mfw people are criticizing lana about a video that she made to prove that she doesn't give a fuck about criticism
  2. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    The line "The truth is I never buy into your bullshit when you would pay tribute to me" reminds me of that interview she did with that one guy about UV who weaseled out of her the line "I wish I was dead already", which she called out in these tweets

  3. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by whitman in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    I like it! The video has a good concept, it's beatiful shot and has a good  twist, the song is fun. 
    After this video I think the line "The truth is I never buy into your bullshit when you would pay tribute to me" is  directly to media, right? They praised UV but she is so not buying the praise because she knows they will trash sooner or later again
  4. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Creyk in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    The lizard queen of New Zealand would approve
  5. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Francesco: Lana come over

    Francesco: I brought the Italian sausage

  6. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    I love this transformation from submissive, needy and masochistic cry baby to revengeful and bloodlust Amazonian that grabs destiny in her own hands and clutches god by the balls. Sooo refreshing in contrast to her usual imagery. I am glad this is not overly produced, ultrapolished, fancy-schmancy grandiose video, because she already had ones, and also that it isn't flippant, sloppy and hermetic jerking off like Ultraviolence (ok, I don't hate that one, I just state that this overshadows Ultra, although it is as much as simple). It is something brand new, crazy hybrid between Tarantino action and Dogme 95/home video/Steve McQueen seventies/Larry Clark/documentary/voyeuristic  shaky camera, and you can feel that this kind of filming is deliberate. And it is masterfully delivered, because your site is really narrowed in suspense and you feel the excitement and vehemence of the action. Even slow parts are thrilling. Speed and poetry in one. And there is an excellent use of color (azure blue of vast ocean and bare, luminant crinoline of the sky), and frame from the balcony seems cosmically wide –that is the greatness of the vid also: the contrast between tight, claustrophobic tubes of villa halls with her rush like mercury through them and magnificent freedom of the big blue nature principles.
    Although Shades of Cool have very strong visual metaphores, such as Lana in 3D illusion, stabbed by a sword, or gun pointing at her, bullets flying, flowers softly exploding, and magical amalgam of gem-like colors, like ruby, royal blue and mystic violet, this is much more cohesive and that Scarface shooting and explosion in the sky is like her initiation into whole new dimension of existence, personal (spiritual) and artistic. Enough experimental and intimate ("indie" formally, so to say) yet enough cohesive, articulate and charged, or should I say, blessed, with (almost) unexpected, brilliantly depicted culmination and message hidden in it. That climax is like her awakening from the nightmare into pure white bliss. Thousand orgasms from me.
    And yes, she is so cute, funny, vulnerable and human in that scene of her gown being stuck, and the fact that we see her in different emotional states and in physical movement (running, stumbling) is a breezy shift from her gloomy, elusive, mysterious and impenetrable poutiness of a diva. I adore that expression of healthy rage and determination on her face. So complex, soulful and relatable. She creates a powerful space for catharsis.
  7. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by howiet1971 in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    God, most of these opinions are just....blah.
    I seriously tire of these forums.
    Over analyse
    Over critical.
    Over gushing.
    If you don't like, don't play or watch.
    ...and get some balance in your life.
  8. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by guardian in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
  9. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    ...wow.. i think this vid was just meant to be cute/funny... not out to snatch an academy award but 
  10. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Lad in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    When someone calls you fatty and you trying to run away from them making whale sounds at you but destiny wants you to listen to that
  11. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Tommi in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    I love the hand written lyrics getting washed away by the waves at the end, that is beautiful.
  12. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by 111 in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    She's getting tired of my shit.
  13. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Creyk in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    This is like Lana's version of welcome to my crib, with a twist at the end
  14. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    This was both terrible and amazing at the same time I'm... I don't know what to say
    Once again we have a great idea and a not-so-good execution I liked the part with the helicopter by the window but I think its just awkward how she sees the plane, then goes inside and lays on her bed, then she picks the magazine and she runs outside to grab the gun. I agree with the user above, I don't think making it a 'linear' music video helped that much... it just made it awkward.
  15. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    OH. The song was about MEDIA CRITICISM 
  16. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Elle in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Isn't this her house? Maybe this video is made to tell everyone to stop following/stalking her lol..
  17. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by evilentity in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Damn, that house is super close to the road. And it's totally not gonna survive rising sea levels, ha. It's really sandwiched between the road and the ocean. Reminds me of a hotel my wife and I stayed at on the coast near the border between France and Spain last year. On a related note, I think she'd really like my house. White walls, lots of windows with wood frames and wood railings, a bit minimalist. C'mon Lana, you know you want to do that private house party for LanaBoards regulars I always fantasize about.   
    The gun in the guitar case is very Desperado. I got very excited for a minute about the idea of her playing a guitar until I realized that big fucking gun had to be in there.
    I love how she simultaneously indulges the voyeurism into her life while at the same time telling us she really just wants to blow us the fuck up. (And be left alone and get high by the beach.)
  18. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana interview with Annie Mac for BBC Radio 1   
    she talks about the gun lmao (she says that it makes sense within the context of the video)!!! ! ! ! ! !!  !
  19. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Bae in Melanie Martinez   
    Im gonna listen to the album soon but I need to throw myself a listening party w cookies and milk and shit 
  20. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Halsey   
    Its cute to conceptualize the album like that but it comes off kind of........extra? I don't know like I like it but it feel like it went a little over the top at points with that monologue
  21. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Lad in SINGLE: "High By The Beach"   
    There are other ways to express your opinion you know?
  22. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by SoftcoreBabyface in SINGLE: "High By The Beach"   
    also I noticed these:
    Kill Kill: "All our love's flying in the sand"
    HBTB: We're sinking into the sand"
    Body Electric: "Opulence is the end"
    HBTB: "Peace by vengeance brings the end"
    "Tonight getting high by the beach is an actual possibility!!" - Jonah Hill in Superbad

  23. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by electra in SINGLE: "High By The Beach"   
    when ur not invited to the bad blood party
  24. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in SINGLE: "High By The Beach"   
    i'm inspired
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