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boom like that

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  1. boom like that liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    This woman’s mind. I love her so fucking much.
  2. boom like that liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    Holy shit. Devastating and beautiful. I'm worried and blown away.
  3. boom like that liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    She updates the caption on the poem to say “music as always by jack”
    Also is behind the iron gates insights from an institution meaning the institution is her mind....? Like in hope is a dangerous thing how she says “ A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off”
  4. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Instagram Updates   
    not sean still liking her posts and not realising she's unfollowed and is probably shading him 
  5. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Patent Leather Do-Over
    I knew what you meant when you talked about swimming in the ocean and leaving your patent leather black shoes pointed towards it while you swam
    It tickled you to leave them there
    It was the thought of a young child
    or of a lost fairy
    It reminded me of who I am
    That's why I'm now at this facility by the ocean
    And why I go barefoot and why I go calmly
    Why I leave my shoes up by the stairway
    I do it for you and I do it for me
    because having learned from others and from you
    I learned there was a missing piece to finding existential calmness and and domestic bliss to lead to peace
    You see, you cant fall in love with a man like Ted or a musician who sings about being free
    A woodworker doesn't a good man make if he wants his work to be on TV
    You have to separate the wheat from the chaff
    You have to be discerning
    It takes diligence, consequence and other things to keep that sea from churning
    and to keep yourself from longing to let those painted waves take you under
    It isn't just the water black that makes the body plunder
    from high sea cliffs
    I know, my dear
    I wish that I had been here
    or there
    I wish that you were here now
    If you're not now
    because who knows how these things work?
    Sylvia, Marilyn, Violet, Diana
    All of my kind women
    Who came before me
    I dyed my hair black for you
    I turned my back in that black pond
    I swear I wont stop until I'm dead
    and here I am at 34
    and what for?
    To bring my pair of baby pattern leather shoes to turn them the other way
    towards the sea cliff stairs, not at the ocean
    To bring them back up safe to the facility instead
    and I think of you as I walk to the 280 wooden steps dynamited into the cliffs 100 years before
    I let myself into room 2 and got undressed
    I was sunburnt
    Contemplative and sore
    and as I fell asleep
    by Gabapentin
    I lay my head on the pillow
    and stretched my hand out on the cool white linen
    and sang you a lemon melody
    I kept the shoes on the sill by the window seat
    in case you got restless and wanted to leave
    and I hugged you with my baby's breath
    and sang your spirit to bed
    the way I would have if you were my child
    or if I had children
    My Queen Anne's lace heart weightless on your little head

  6. boom like that liked a post in a topic by peach perfume in Instagram Updates   
    God everything about that was fucking brilliant 
  7. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Paradise era x Wayamaya vibes from that spoken poem and instrumental, it was so beautiful 
  8. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    lana's speaking voice is SOOO beautiful
  9. boom like that liked a post in a topic by SweetHenny in Instagram Updates   
    We don't want another massacre. The bodies are still warm, the wounds are still bleeding honey
  10. boom like that liked a post in a topic by SweetHenny in Instagram Updates   
    Wow, it took me a lot of time and determination to catch up with this thread and read the 60 pages I've missed. My eyes are literally non-existent at this point. But that was probably the most interesting novel I've read (don't want a sequel tho)
  11. boom like that liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    this albums gonna be so good ugh
  12. boom like that liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Instagram Updates   
    If WHF is anywhere in that vein of THAT IG post, I am so here for it. I looovvvveeee Old Hollywood.
  13. boom like that liked a post in a topic by electra in Instagram Updates   
    honeymoun deleting their IG lmaoooo
  14. boom like that liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Instagram Updates   
    queen shit
  15. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah, I'm absolutely not going to be disrespected by you. I sent an apology to a user who had just joined and not even been around for a full hour because I did not want them to get the wrong impression of the site. If you are having an issue with what another user said to you, you can hash it out in the DMs and message me there if you think I need to intervene. We also have a report feature. I saw something I didn't like regarding how the site should be viewed as "learning from the bestest" with "hating Lana as a specialty" from another user, so as an admin and owner who disagrees with that mindset, I spoke up.
    Also, I did not delete any of your posts and have no idea what posts you're even referring to. If your posts were in fact deleted, I wasn't the one who removed them. If I ever edit another user's post, I always leave a mod & edit note informing the user that I did.
    Don't try to purposely insult me either for something that I did not even involve you at all with. Y'know, I've only been back to LanaBoards for the first time in over a month as I was in need of a serious break from the internet and all that it harbours, and I think if anything you just made it clear that I'm not ready to deal with all you guys and your drama again quite just yet lol. Probably not the best time for me to have popped back in anyway, but I knew a lot was going on and I wanted to stay updated with it. I knew my return now was only temporary due to the news, but frankly I just don't want to deal with this sort of attitude right now as it's not good for me at this moment, so I'm not going to. Behave yourself, kids.
    The rules are PM'd to every user upon joining and are also pinned under the Help & Support section if you would really like to review them.
    I appreciate the apology. I just didn't like a user's first impression of the site to be the reply you had posted, encouraging hate and stating to "learn from the bestest" in that regard. Just always be cautious of what you encourage to other users, and remember that first impressions matter! x
  16. boom like that liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Instagram Updates   
    this is just like when people were theorizing that lana was pregnant and got an abortion. it's not cool and it's not our business. get a grip lol
  17. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Hounds Of Love in Instagram Updates   
    even though her parents may have been well off it is so obvious they weren't actively supporting her financially?? girl lived in a trailer truck trying to make ends meet like. she is not a kardashian
  18. boom like that liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Instagram Updates   
    Now y’all are just arguing for the sake of it
  19. boom like that liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Instagram Updates   
    I think she got cut off from her parents money in NY. They probably didn’t 100% support her music career and she was leading her life in a way they saw as damaging.
    I do think her parents had money, but she didn’t when she was living in NY. Especially considering her $15k credit card debt.
  20. boom like that liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    However, 5 Points Records owner David Nichtern - who first signed Del Rey back in 2007 - has defended the star and insisted there is a lot of "misinformation" that surrounds her story.
    Talking about accusations that Del Rey's father paid for her career, Nichtern told MTV: "Nobody even fact-checked. For example, her father never had anything to do financially with supporting her creativity.
    "I don't know if he was lending her money to live off of, but at least when she was with us, not a penny. I don't know if he's rich or not; I met him and he seemed like a pretty ordinary guy."
    "But that whole thing that she was backed by her millionaire dad is a bunch of crap, basically. Certain facts about the record she did with us are completely misshapen."
  21. boom like that liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Yes her mom was a teacher and teaching positions are notoriously underpaid and treated like crap int the USA. I don't feel like Lana grew up in a castle. She grew up with fortunate circumstances and comfortably for sure, but to pretend like her dad was a wealthy beyond belief is basically like regurgitating what was said by the very same critics she called out in her letter to the "culture", back when she "first" came on the scene.
    Which also makes me wonder how Rob felt when people were using that dumb rhetoric to drag Lana early on.
  22. boom like that liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    I’m sorry to hear that. It’s super helpful to vent. I also have a toxic mother and it’s something I started to realize a few years ago. I write about it a lot and am still learning about all the ways it’s affected me. I don’t want to go too much into detail about my own life, but I definitely understand why Lana wants to be well liked and caring so much about what everyone thinks. I relate to it so much and I’m sure you do as well.
  23. boom like that liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    isnt her mom a teacher? in lots of states teachers arent paid well. and her Dad might have started making more money as he got older, past Lana's actual childhood. Its possible Lana didnt have much money in her early years. Also just because she went to boarding school doesnt mean shes rich lol, she could have been on a scholarship or some other family member paid for it, maybe even a family friend, etc. I dont see any point in her continuing to "lie" about it. unless people provide hard evidence I wouldnt trust anything so easily
  24. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    It annoys me so much cause if she was talking shit about her dad, people will be like 'yassss' 'self care kween' 'tell em gorl!' 
    I have a toxic mother myself and I never hold back from venting about her, it is what it is lol
  25. boom like that liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Also having a toxic mother really fucks you up beyond comprehension. I mean if the ONE person who is supposed to love you in the world acts like they don’t or makes you genuinely feel like they do not care about you and is toxic then it is really damaging. There’s a ton of info online about having a toxic mother and what the long lasting effects of it are for anyone who would like to read about it.
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