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boom like that

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  1. boom like that liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    I agree completely tbh. I don't suck up to lana with everything she does but i genuinely don't have a problem with what she did. I know mother's day is very triggering to myself, and when you're constantly shoved with pictures of everyone and their perfect relationships with their mothers, it can get to be very tiring. I don't have the worst situation imaginable, but i think what she said on twitter is encouraging to people who don't feel content with their family relationships on a day that is so family-centred and too idealistic for many people.
  2. boom like that liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Twitter Updates   
    I mean she’s going to be 35 soon and she is not in any relationship that we know of right now.... plus she seems the type that would want to be in a committed relationship with someone for awhile before starting a family. It’s sad for her. She’s always said that she’s wanted a family and I’m sure her best friend having a baby is an especially introspective and possibly anxious time for her.
  3. boom like that liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Twitter Updates   
    idk why y'all are so pressed over what lanas saying like sure its kinda immature and random but she probs has a good reason for it. last year didn't she kinda misread that critics article and said she thought it alluded to her being abused as a child? we don't know but its probable some serious shit has gone down between them 
  4. boom like that liked a post in a topic by jazzsinger in Instagram Updates   
    what? she isn't allowed to be honest about her relationship with her mother? its her social media - she is allowed to post about whatever and whoever...
    you're acting like she is shit talking her mom when in fact she wrote a very lovely comforting letter to women everywhere who may not have your typical mother-daughter relationship lol... don't know why this offends you

    hmmm... theres a difference between writing a letter to women who have complex relationships with their mothers (we exist) and writing a letter stating that you don't like your mother. its not really a cry for help - but rather a comforting letter to those who may be hurting on this day for whatever reason
  5. boom like that liked a post in a topic by jazzsinger in Twitter Updates   
    Lana's letter made me so emotional and her words were so comforting. I no longer talk to my mother anymore and its draining what lengths I have to go through to justify why when people ask me bc very few understand and those who don't can be judgy
    also- idk why people are saying shes being shady? shes being honest about her complex relationship with her mother? theres obviously a reason why they are not close..
    and its interesting how people think lana should have kept this private... its not like she didn't choose to share this with us? Stans have done crazy things to find out private details of her personal life - but when she chooses to share something its offensive? make it make sense
  6. boom like that liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Twitter Updates   
    Holy shit. I understand where she is coming from tho. I mean not all of us have decent mothers and unfortunately that’s just how it is. Personally, my relationship with my mother is not great and it’s toxic af but I am not strong enough to leave the situation. I commend Lana for being strong and clearly being okay with separating herself from her mother. It isn’t an easy thing to do and she did it, but also has accepted it.
  7. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Formation in Twitter Updates   
    She really out here calling Patty a cold hearted b***h   (Joking aside, it's clear she's just not close with her mother, and she seems to be at peace with that. Honestly neat that she's being more open about it)
  8. boom like that liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t think what she said was that shady like all she rlly said was that she’s grateful she gets to choose her own family. Y’all are making it seem like she’s throwing petty shade at her poor loving mother who never did anything wrong when in reality she just didn’t mention her mother and instead mentioned her friends. Her mom’s probs toxic so she chooses to not acknowledge her and instead celebrate her chosen family. It’s not rlly that deep.
  9. boom like that liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Twitter Updates   
    she said fuck patty’s fake a$$
  10. boom like that liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in Instagram Updates   
    also wtf people are allowed not to mention thier moms on a mothers day post. people are also allowed not to like their moms. grow up
  11. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Instagram Updates   
    I don't see the problem with her seeing her friends as family but whatever. We don't know the extent of her issues with her mom. Let her be.
  12. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Marius in Instagram Updates   
    Guys we cannot say things like „poor Patty”. We don’t know what happend between the two of them. People really have „parent issues” and it doesn’t matter if they’re 15 or 30.
  13. boom like that liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    why r ppl pretending toxic moms dont exist, her name’s literally patricia
  14. boom like that liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Instagram Updates   
    y'all saying poor patty when its probably her fault lana doesn't like her 
  15. boom like that liked a post in a topic by True Romance in Charli XCX   
    I didn’t enjoy the snippets for this song because they were boring and after hearing this song in full I still feel the same. Just wondering why out of all the songs she has she chose this one as the last single. I do like the song, but it’s not close to being on the same level as forever and claws. Hoping I like it better in the context of the album
  16. boom like that liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    yeah it bothers me and i've seen many people post about it in the pre release thread when the track list was announced. it's just another reason why this era pisses me off. so messy and looks last minute or not well though out. we know she listens to Ariana, and i think that she was a big influence in the way hope is a dangerous thing was made to be all lowercase around the time when thank u, next was big. but i think hope being lowercase is probably for the best. if it followed the correct format, it would end up looking like HiaDTfaWLMtH- bIHi
  17. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    She basically admitted that he was an afterthought when she described her process for making that mv, and it's a bit of a shame. When she first put that photo on Insta of the two of them, I expected him to feature more heavily.
    Anyway, lately I've been listening to more NFR but I still cannot fuck with HTD no matter how hard I try. Godtender is still extremely good.
    Given that Gerald recently released that Moana song which is basically him talking about how amazing he thinks he is, I am more convinced than ever that NFR (the song) is about him. And maybe also James Franco, a bit.
    End of transmission
    She was lo fi way before he turned up, and I hate to break it to you, but it's very possible they're still (or back) together.

  18. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    Guys she is 34 and 49. She did the cringeworthy Bartender-video, where she displays the behaviour of a 13yo tictoc user.
    The only problem she has is that she's leaning into the rich-priviledged-american lifestyle way too much right now, singing halfassed "political" songs with the depth of a puddle and constantly doing cringy bs with her gUrLs. This is not about persona or race (lol), this is just her posting cringy shit on her insta while everyone waits for her to announce an release, which is fairly annoying.
  19. boom like that liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    excuse me, but i never attacked her clothing, hair, makeup, plastic surgery, weight, choice of men, childhood traumas and political feelings. please show me where i did. to say Lana is left-leaning because she hates Trump or called out Kanye is foolish. those were easy moves that had no effect on the revolution. and no she's a centrist, and an apathetic one at that. see now i'm criticizing her. and where the fuck do you get off, telling me to get over it? mankind is everybody's business. 
    and last time i checked, this is a Lana Del Rey forum and guess what? we discuss Lana Del Rey!
  20. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    IKR I bet she was bored and lonely so she called him up and now they'll get back together and everything will be terrible and awful again.
    Who the fuck wants songs about a middle-aged reality TV c*p from Oklahoma? No one.

    Also, she fails miserably at social distancing. Seeing as there are so many cases in the US ... aren't there rules? Like, we're only spose to have one visitor at our house. She has like four, plus she's out with Alex, and the other day she had Jen and Annie over ... what the fuck.
  21. boom like that liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Instagram Updates   
    She’s not saying she’s angry we’re not giving her enough because she’s *not* losing listeners or her money, lmao. She’s pretty much ensured her coin no matter what promises she drops for the fans — I’m sure the fanbase and what we expect of her is not very pressing on her mind.
    If she wants to be unconcerned with the fan base and make art on her own terms, I don’t think many of us would deny her that. What’s not cool is being at this weird middle point where she drops a crumb from time to time and then doesn’t deliver.
    She should either tell us nothing and release stuff whenever she gets around to it, so no one’s left hanging, or actually follow up on her word — that’s the issue.
  22. boom like that liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Not this again. People are allowed to be annoyed that something that was meant to be released on Jan 4th has been extended indefinitely with the only confirmation that it's still in the pipeline being an album cover. We're not /owed/ it in the same way we don't owe her streams, pre-orders, etc. It's really not unreasonable to be a bit peeved that instead of giving any updates she's active only to post this type of thing.
  23. boom like that liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    This woman modeled for Gucci one year ago, had one of the best critically acclaimed albums of 2019, announced the release date of a whole new project, postponed it, and now she's promoting holistic creams and chakra alignments to her 16 million followers months after wearing a mall dress to the Grammys 
  24. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Kim Petras   
    why even bother asking anymore girl, of course!
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