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  1. Theomo liked a post in a topic by COCC in 'ban' The Person Above You   
    For not having a profile pic. You already have 147 reputation points but still walk around with that silly „T“ 
  2. Theomo liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Nikki Lane and Lana Del Rey: Possible Country Album on the Horizon - Rolling Stone Interview   
    Imagine hating on Nikki Lane after the absolute serve she delivered on Breaking Up Slowly? 
  3. Theomo liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    if she does a country album i just want her to actually be excited about it. like i just want her to do what she wants 
  4. Theomo liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    this may be a really unpopular opinion but i'm totally fine with the idea of lana making a "country" album because i know it's not going to be like modern, mainstream country, it'll probably be more "rural" or "western" like desert rock, similar to guns & roses and queen of the gas station, maybe something bluesy like sad girl, i think it'd be a beautiful sound for her, i think breaking up slowly's biggest issue was nikki lane's feature, but other than that, it was gorgeous
  5. Theomo liked a post in a topic by wild caged animal in Richard Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen - Survivor   
    Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), opera, WWV 86a
    Orchestervorspiel - 10
    Scene 1. Weia! Waga! Woge, du Welle - 10
    Scene 1. Garstig glatter glitschiger Glimmer! - 10
    Scene 1. Wallala! Lalaleia! - 10
    Scene 1. Lugt, Schwestern - 10
    Scene 1. Der Welt Erbe gewänn ich zu eigen - 10
    Scene 1. Orchesterzwischenspiel - 10
    Scene 2. Wotan, Gemahl! Erwache! - 10
    Scene 2. Nur Wonne schafft dir - 10
    Scene 2. Sanft schloß Schlaf dein Auge - 10
    Scene 2. Zu mir, Freia! Meide sie Frecher! - 10
    Scene 2. Endlich loge! - 10
    Scene 2. Immer ist Undank Loge's Lohn! - 10
    Scene 2. Taugte wohl des goldnen Tandes - 10
    Scene 2. Hör, Wotan, der harrenden Wort - 10
    Scene 2. Jetzt fand ich's: hört, was euch fehlt! - 10
    Scene 2. Orchester: Abstieg nach Nibelheim - 10
    Scene 3. Hehe! Hehe! Hieher! - 10
    Scene 3. Wer hälfe mir? - 10
    Scene 3. Mit eurem Gefrage wer seid denn ihr Fremde - 10
    Scene 3. Was wollt ihr hier? - 10
    Scene 3. Habt Acht! - 10
    Scene 3. Riesen Wurm winde sich ringelnd! - 10
    Scene 3. Orchester: Aufstieg nach Nibelheim - 10
    Scene 4. Da, Vetter sitze du fest! - 10
    Scene 4. Wohlan, die Niblungen rief ich mir nah - 10
    Scene 4. Der Ring? - 10
    Scene 4. Bin ich nun frei? - 10
    Scene 4. Lauschtest du seinem Liebesgruß? - 10
    Scene 4. Halt! Nicht sie berührt! - 10
    Scene 4. Nicht so leicht und locker gefügt - 10
    Scene 4. Freia, die schöne - 10
    Scene 4. Weiche, Wotan, weiche! - 10
    Scene 4. Hört ihr Riesen! - 10
    Scene 4. Furchtbar erfind' ich des Fluches Kraft! - 10
    Scene 4. Schwüles Gedünst schwebt in der Luft - 10
    Scene 4. Zu Burg führt die Brücke - 10
    Scene 4. Rheingold! Rheingold! - 10
    Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b
    Act 1. Orchestervorspiel - 10
    Act 1. Wess' Herd dies auch sei - 10
    Act 1. Kühlende Labung gab mir der Quell - 10
    Act 1. Müd an Herd fand ich den Mann - 10
    Act 1. Friedmund darf ich nicht heißeb - 10
    Act 1. Aus dem Wald trieb es mich fort - 10
    Act 1. Ich weiß ein wildes Geschlecht - 10
    Act 1. Ein Schwert verhieß mir der Vater - 10
    Act 1. Der Männer Sippe saß hier im Saal - 10
    Act 1. Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond - 10
    Act 1. Wehwalt heiss'st du fürwahr? - 10
    Act 2. Orchestervorspiel - 10
    Act 2. Der alte Sturm, die alte Müh'! - 10
    Act 2. Heut hast du's erlebt - 10
    Act 2. Was verlangst du - 10
    Act 2. Schlimm fürcht ich, schloß der Streit - 10
    Act 2. Lass' ich's verlauten - 10
    Act 2. Ein andres ist's - 10
    Act 2. So sah ich Siegvater nie - 10
    Act 2. Hinweg! Hinweg! - 10
    Act 2. Siegmund! Sieh auf mich! - 10
    Act 2. Du sahest der Walküre sehrenden Blick - 10
    Act 2. Zauberfest bezähmt ein Schlaf - 10
    Act 3. Hojotoho! Heiaha! Wart ihr Kühnen zu zweit? - 10
    Act 3. Schützt mich und helft in höchster Not - 10
    Act 3. Nicht sehre dich Sorge um mich - 10
    Act 3. Hier bin ich, Vater, gebiete die Strafe - 10
    Act 3. War es so schmählich, was ich verbrach? - 10
    Act 3. Deinen leichten Sinn laß ich dich leiten - 10
    Act 3. Du zeugtest ein edles Geschlecht - 10
    Act 3. Leb' wohl, du kühnes, herrliches Kind! - 10
    Act 3. Loge! Loge! Hieher! - 10
    Siegfried, opera, WWV 86c
    Act 1. Orchestervorspiel - 10
    Act 1. Zwangvolle Plage! - 10
    Act 1. Nun tobst du wieder wie toll - 10
    Act 1. Vieles lehrtest du, Mime - 10
    Act 1. Wo hast du nun, Mime, dein minniges Weibchen - 10
    Act 1. So starb meine Mutter an mir? - 10
    Act 1. Das gab mir deine Mutter - 10
    Act 1. Heil dir, weiser Schmied! - 10
    Act 1. Hier sitz ich am herd - 10
    Act 1. Viel, Wanderer, weißt du mir - 10
    Act 1. Was zu wissen dir frommt - 10
    Act 1. Nothung heißt ein neidliches Schwert - 10
    Act 1. Nach eitlen Fernen forschtest du - 10
    Act 1. Verfluchtes Licht! - 10
    Act 1. Fühltest du nie im finstren Wald - 10
    Act 1. Her mit den Stücken, fort mit dem Stümper - 10
    Act 1. Nothung! Nothung! Neidliches Schwert! - 10
    Act 1. Hoho! Hoho! Hohei! Hohei! - 10
    Act 1. Den der Bruder schuf, den schimmernden Reif! - 10
    Act 2. Orchestervorspiel - 10
    Act 2. In Wald und Nacht vor Neidhöhl' halt ich Wacht! - 10
    Act 2. Durch Vertrages Treue Runen - 10
    Act 2. Fafner, Fafner! Erwache, Wurm! - 10
    Act 2. Ich lieg' und besitz', lasst mich schlafen - 10
    Act 2. Wir sind zur Stelle! - 10
    Act 2. He, du Alter! Ist das alles! - 10
    Act 2. Daß der mein Vater nicht ist - 10
    Act 2. Aber, wie sah meine Mutter wohl aus? - 10
    Act 2. Du holdes Vöglein! - 10
    Act 2. Es schweigt und lauscht - 10
    Act 2. Siegfrieds Hornruf - 10
    Act 2. Haha! Da hätte mein Lied mir was Liebes erblasen! - 10
    Act 2. Da lieg, neidischer Kerl! - 10
    Act 2. Zur Kunde taugt kein Toter! - 10
    Act 2. Wohin schleichst du so eilig und schlau? - 10
    Act 2. Wilkommen, Siegfried! - 10
    Act 2. Das sagt' ich doch nicht? - 10
    Act 2. Neides Zoll zahlt Nothung! - 10
    Act 2. Hei! Siegfried erschlug nun den schlimmen Zwerg! - 10
    Act 3. Orchestervorspiel - 10
    Act 3. Wache, Wala! Wala! - 10
    Act 3. Stark ruft das Lied - 10
    Act 3. Dir Urweisen ruf' ich ins Ohr - 10
    Act 3. Dort seh' ich Siegvater nahn - 10
    Act 3. Mein Vöglein schwebte mir fort! - 10
    Act 3. Kenntest du mich, kühner Sproß? - 10
    Act 3. Orchesterzwischenspiel - 10
    Act 3. Einleitung - 10
    Act 3. Selige Öde auf sonniger Höh'! - 10
    Act 3. Das ist kein Mann! - 10
    Act 3. Heil dir, Sonne! Heil dir, Licht! - 10
    Act 3. O Siegfried! Siegfried! Seliger Held! - 10
    Act 3. Dort seh; ich Grane, mein selig Roß - 10
    Act 3. Ewig war ich, ewig bin ich - 10
    Die Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), opera, WWV 86d
    Vorspiel. Welch Licht leuchtet dort? - 10
    Vorspiel. Wisset ihr noch, so windet von neuem das Seil - 10
    Vorspiel. Orchesterzwischenspiel - 10
    Vorspiel. Zu neuen Taten, teurer Helde - 10
    Vorspiel. O heilige Götter! Hehre Geschlechter! - 10
    Vorspiel. Orchesterzwischenspiel (Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt) - 10
    Act 1. Nun hör, Hagen, sage mir Held - 10
    Act 1. Brächte Siegfried die Braut dir heim - 10
    Act 1. Heil! Siegfried, teurer Held - 10
    Act 1. Wilkommen, Gast, in Gibichs Haus - 10
    Act 2. Deinem Bruder bot ich mich zum Mann - 10
    Act 2. Blühenden Lebens labendes Blut - 10
    Act 2. Hier sitz ich zur Wacht - 10
    Act 2. Orchesterzwischenspiel - 10
    Act 2. Altgewohntes Geräusch raunt meinem Ohr - 10
    Act 2. Höre mit Sinn, was ich dir sage - 10
    Act 2. Welch banger Träume Mären - 10
    Act 2. Brünnhild'! Ein Freier kam - 10
    Act 3. Orchestervorspiel - 10
    Act 3. Schläfst du, Hagen, mein Sohn? - 10
    Act 3. Orchesterzwischenspiel - 10
    Act 3. Hoiho, Hagen! Müder Mann! - 10
    Act 3. Hoiho! Ihr Gibischsmannen - 10
    Act 3. Heil dir, Gunther - 10
    Act 3. Brünnhilde, die hehrste Frau - 10
    Act 3. Was müht Brünnhildes Blick? - 10
    Act 3. Ha! Dieser war es, der mir den Ring entriß - 10
    Act 3. Helle Wehr! Heilige Waffe! - 10
    Act 3. Welches Unhold List liegt hier verhohlen? - 10
    Act 3. Dir hilft kein Hirn, dir hilft keine Hand - 10
    Act 3. Frau Sonne sendet lichte Strahlen - 10
    Act 3. Siegfried! - 10
    Act 3. Ihr listigen Frauen, laßt das sein! - 10
    Act 3. Hoiho! - 10
    Act 3. Trink, Gunther, trink! - 10
    Act 3. Mime hieß ein mürrischer Zwerg - 10
    Act 3. Brünnhilde, heilige Braut - 10
    Act 3. Trauermarsch - 10
    Act 3. Was das sein Horn? - 10
    Act 3. Schweigt eures Jammers jauchzenden Schwall - 10
    Act 3. Starke Scheite schichtet mir dort - 10
    Act 3. Mein Erbe nun nehm' ich zu eigen - 10
    Act 3. Grane, mein Roß, sei mir gegrüßt - 10
    Act 3. Zurücl vom Ring - 10
  6. Theomo liked a post in a topic by Elle in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Since it’s been a week & a day since Chemtrails was released, I thought I’d finally give my thoughts now that I’ve given the album proper time to settle. I’ve given the album about 30 listens all the way through so far, so I sort of know what my thoughts are.
    First off, this just screams ‘end of summer, transitioning into autumn album. The original September release date would have been absolutely perfect, as this album would be a great play from September – November and I really look forward to hearing it then. Last weekend, my friend and I saw another friend for his birthday, and the three of us sat around a bonfire outside while I played Chemtrails and it fit the mood just perfectly. 
    In my opinion, this album features some of her, perhaps even her definite, best vocals. Yosemite is just insane all around with her vocals in the very best way. Not All Who Wander Are Lost also features those gorgeous high vocals she does so flawlessly. The singing style on the bridge of Dance Till We Die is one of the best moments of the whole album, and I hope she makes more songs where the entirety is in the style of the bridge.
    Dark But Just a Game is a career highlight. Anyone who disagrees with me here is just simply wrong. Immediately, the production on the verses and chorus reminded me of two separate songs, but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it. The verses sort of remind me of Adele’s version of Lovesong, but that’s not exactly what I’m thinking of. It’ll come to me one day in the middle of the night, I’m sure of it. Either way, this was an immediate favourite and I really, really hope she makes more songs in this sort of style.
    I’m also glad to see Breaking Up Slowly finally getting some praise here and there, because I really do love this song and I knew I would. I’ve become quite the Nikki Lane fan after seeing her open for Lana in Wichita during the NFR Midwest leg, and I think her harmonies with Lana sound really pretty. I’ve been anticipating this song since the live snippets in October, and it lived up to my expectations.
    I’m also glad Zella Day finally got her moment with Lana. I’ve been a huge Zella Day fan for the past 6+ years, so I’m so happy they finally have a song together (I just wish it was an original rather than a cover!)
    I haven’t quite decided where Chemtrails lands in my overall album ranking, but it’s somewhere in the middle. I do feel though that with time, this album will crawl its way to an upper spot, especially when autumn hits and it really fits the time of the season.
    Here’s my track ranking (subject to change over time), with 1 being my favourite:
    1.     Dark but Just a Game
    2.     Tulsa Jesus Freak
    3.     Breaking Up Slowly
    4.     Yosemite
    5.     Wild at Heart
    6.     White Dress
    7.     Dance Till We Die
    8.     Chemtrails Over the Country Club
    9.     Let Me Love You Like a Woman
    10.  Not All Who Wander Are Lost
    11.  For Free
    Something I will say about this album though is that the track order seems so weird to me. Songs like “Wild at Heart” & “Dark but Just a Game” seem like such obvious closing tracks, so it’s super odd and comes off as out of place to me that they’re both right in the middle. Also, the actual closer “For Free” seems much more like mid-track, like a little interlude. White Dress also just doesn’t seem like a proper opener either. As beautiful as it is, I just feel like it doesn’t set the tone of the album either thematically or sonically. I know it’s one of the more unpopular songs, but out of all the songs on the album, “Let Me Love You Like a Woman” strikes me as the most “opener”-esque. I think that thought is really because of how the song both begins and ends. The ending is so abrupt, that it’s almost like a pre-lude to the story she’s about to tell. Especially if it were to be followed by Chemtrails, I feel like those songs would be really nice back-to-back together to start the album. & that opening line from LMLYLAW, “I come from a small town, how ‘bout you?” really is so fitting for the album and would’ve been a great way to open it.  I reordered the album to what makes more sense to me and have been listening to it in a playlist & have really been enjoying this order, but I'm still experimenting with it:

    Overall though, really love this album. I love how all of her albums are distinctly different, she truly is capable of anything. Can't wait to see what's to come  next, and will be happily enjoying this album in the mean time x
  7. Theomo liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Born to Die Survivor   
    Off To The Races - 24
    Video Games - 61
    Million Dollar Man - 65
  8. honeybadger liked a post in a topic by Theomo in 'ban' The Person Above You   
    for using too much numbers 
  9. Theomo liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    The thing about this record is that it screams “URGENCY” - I can sense that she’s somewhat dying to get this record out, as you would think an artist like Lana who really appreciates albums as bodies of work values the importance of having space between them to breathe once they’re in the world (even if she’s already fully moved on to her next project). So it’s intriguing that she wants this album to be out as soon as possible, especially since she said she’s going to be addressing the way the media has treated her in it. 
    I think this record is going to be just as vulnerable as Chemtrails, but will take on a bit of a wry-ness with its narrative, which I imagine will translate into its sound. Chemtrails lamented wistfully on the fragility and fleetingness of life and thus, had this very delicate sound to it; I think Rock Candy Sweet will do the exact same thing but in a slightly more jaded, perhaps ruminative and brooding way - which to me, signals a sharp turn away from Chemtrails’s sound. 
    If this album is to come in June, it would make the most sense for it to accomplish the same thing/build upon what she explored in Chemtrails in the most stark, opposite way. That is what her urgency for it to be out seems to indicate. Excited!
  10. Theomo liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone Germany - April 2021   
    Translated most of the article except  for page 40 which is just a rundown of her discography, maybe @COCC is gonna translate that at some point?  
    Translation is a bit shaky at certain points, I didnt revise it at all but its still better than Google I suppose
    here you go
  11. Theomo liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Standard edition Lana Del Rey Webstore exclusive “Rock Candy Blue” vinyl concept and limited edition Urban Outfitters exclusive vinyl concept
    (Yes, I edited her popsicle to be rock candy )

    I’m all excited about the vinyl from the last few pages! 
  12. Theomo liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lanaboards' New Owner! - Video   
    Hi everyone,
    As promised, here is my introduction video! It's a bit long (I tend to babble), so I suggest switching the speed to 1.5 or 2 if you don't really want to sit through a 16 minute video. Or you don't have to watch it at all, just if you kind of want a heads up with what's going on!
    The video covers some basic things about me & my relationship with Lana (0:00 - 4:26), my plans for the site (4:27 - 12:19), and ways you can help (12:20 - 16:11)
    Also, I apologize for sounding so obnoxious in this video!! I'm always told my voice is quiet, so I tried to be louder, but ended up just sounding really annoying.
    Anyway.. here it is!

    Contact my other admin account @@admin for site problems
    If you would like to Donate, please PM @@admin and I'll let you know the paypal address you can donate to (too lazy to figure out the paypal module rn and I want to post the video lol) but again, no one is obligated to do so!
    Lots & lots of love 
  13. Theomo liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    just for you!! :))
    Thank you so much!!! <3
  14. Theomo liked a post in a topic by mezzanine in LDR VILLAGE - Merch Drop   
    For the same reason she can sell her shit for whatever price she wants to, I can choose not to buy it yet have an opinion and express it on a public forum   some people in here need to understand that if we're all here is because we like her, but that doesn't force you to eat everything she/her team does, this is not a cult as far as I've understood, you can disagree, no one is gonna question how good of a fan you are or give you a commemorative pin for it.

    No one is telling you not to buy anything, just in case that's not clear at this point.
  15. Theomo liked a post in a topic by electra in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone Germany - April 2021   
    me spelling everything wrong and pressing enter on google translate

  16. Feelia liked a post in a topic by Theomo in Tulsa Jesus Freak   
    I think it's the eternal life Jesus's talking about. Also it seems like a description of 'light' for me. 
  17. Theomo liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    This is kind of bad  but I had an idea for the album cover where jagged pieces of rock candy would frame a shot of Lana to represent the way she’s been viewed by the public over the last year, since that has shaped the narrative it seems to have. 

  18. Theomo liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope the emoji is apart of the official title, I love it LOL
  19. Theomo liked a post in a topic by uvbabe in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Us to COCC last night 

  20. Red Dress liked a post in a topic by Theomo in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    feels like a whole new chapter to me 
  21. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Theomo in Instagram Updates   
    She sounds so clever. And it's not something she should be shamed about at all, it's actually really beautiful and honorable that she's feeling that way, but still doing the whole thing, not for herself, but for others. A great and beautiful example of self-sacrifice. 

     I wish I could hear how she continues. 
  22. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by Theomo in Instagram Updates   
    She sounds so clever. And it's not something she should be shamed about at all, it's actually really beautiful and honorable that she's feeling that way, but still doing the whole thing, not for herself, but for others. A great and beautiful example of self-sacrifice. 

     I wish I could hear how she continues. 
  23. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Theomo in Instagram Updates   
    She sounds so clever. And it's not something she should be shamed about at all, it's actually really beautiful and honorable that she's feeling that way, but still doing the whole thing, not for herself, but for others. A great and beautiful example of self-sacrifice. 

     I wish I could hear how she continues. 
  24. Theomo liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Instagram Updates   
    pretty sure this is all she said:

    not her getting the guy's name wrong 
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