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  1. Serene Queen liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana should do a Christmas album, but original Christmas song and by that I mean depressing songs about the holidays!
  2. only1ilove liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana should do a Christmas album, but original Christmas song and by that I mean depressing songs about the holidays!
  3. the bootleg queen liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana should do a Christmas album, but original Christmas song and by that I mean depressing songs about the holidays!
  4. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I remember Joni saying that too, acknowledging that, some time ago. 'Woodstock' was her response. 
  5. wthebluemascara liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    “You see, I have no mother
    And you do
    A continental shelf
    A larger piece of land from where you came
    And I?
    I'm an orphan”
    Not to start spilling my own shit, but I know what this feels like. I had so many problems growing up and I felt emotionally neglected. My issues were never taken seriously. So I totally know where Lana is coming from.
  6. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana should do a Christmas album, but original Christmas song and by that I mean depressing songs about the holidays!
  7. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I kind of wish “Beautiful People Beautiful Problems” had a music video. It would have been cool to see Lana and Stevie Nicks in a music video together.
  8. clementines liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana should do a Christmas album, but original Christmas song and by that I mean depressing songs about the holidays!
  9. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I kind of wish “Beautiful People Beautiful Problems” had a music video. It would have been cool to see Lana and Stevie Nicks in a music video together.
  10. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TW: Court releases docs. on G. Maxwell's dealings w/Jeffrey Epstein   
    They better keep a close eye on her to make sure she does not “hang” herself. She has a lot of dirt on a lot of people. The truth must come out!
  11. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TW: Court releases docs. on G. Maxwell's dealings w/Jeffrey Epstein   
    And they really deserve justice. It sends a really bad message if predators keep getting away with it.
  12. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Azealia Banks   
    Exactly! It’s all bullshit. Kanye running for President is just Kanye looking for attention, meanwhile Trump and Russia are loving it! Not to worry, Biden will win!
  13. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana should do a Christmas album, but original Christmas song and by that I mean depressing songs about the holidays!
  14. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Instagram Updates   
    Maybe she stitched the video clips together?
  15. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    People are strange and are complex. Nothing is ever cut and dry.
  16. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I’m glad you mentioned Joni Mitchell here! During the Vietnam War there was anti-war protests everywhere. Joni did not really agree with all that because she wanted to be supportive of the troops. She knew people who were over there. She did not fully embrace the counter-culture of the time.
  17. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    I love this latest post!
    If it weren't for COVID she could probably have done a book tour and read these to the audience in person!

    Charlie took the video, so it was probably him. I just love how the cameraman talks at the last second! lol
  18. fvck liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Azealia Banks   
    Exactly! It’s all bullshit. Kanye running for President is just Kanye looking for attention, meanwhile Trump and Russia are loving it! Not to worry, Biden will win!
  19. pussycat liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    “LA, who am I to need you when I have needed so much, asked for so much, but what I have been given, I'm not sure yet
    I may never know that either until I'm dead“
    Been thinking about this part. So many people come to LA expecting magic to happen. The thing is you make your own luck in LA. So many people move to LA thinking the city will solve all their personal problems that they bring with them. Lana says that she won’t know her true legacy until she is dead. No artist ever finds out their true legacy because your legacy isn’t written when your alive. So this is very powerful.
  20. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Musicians are human beings too. Her songs are beautiful, inspiring and relatable. What I’m saying is that there is a sad place where sad and dark songs come from. It doesn’t just come out of thin air. But she takes that pain and makes it something beautiful and there is something to be learned from that.
  21. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by SouthInGuy in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    That tik tok thing gives me Twin Peaks-ish vibes. Sign me up! 
  22. wildstar liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Azealia Banks   
    She is just one of those people in this business who got ahead despite not having anything special to offer. One can go on all day naming people who got ahead who should not have gotten ahead. But hey, thats showbiz for you.
    The fact that we (myself included) are even talking about her is the problem. She does not deserve one second of our attention. We have a lunatic for a President, a pandemic, a legal system with systemic racism, millions homeless, millions without health insurance, climate change, rising crime and a crumbling infrastructure. These are issues that demand attention.
    Azealia Banks? She's a waste of time and energy so I think we should just call it a day at this point. I know we have all said a lot of things, but this just feels like the right time to make her go away by ignoring her. Its the best way to deal with a narcissist. 
  23. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by Marius in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    She announced Norman exactly 1 month (31st of July) before the release. Lets pray for this August 5th!
  24. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Azealia Banks   
    I don't even care if Kanye is gay tbh, I'm bored of celebrity bullshit. It's all fake and based on image, who is really gonna be genuinely surprised by anything at this point?
  25. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Musicians are human beings too. Her songs are beautiful, inspiring and relatable. What I’m saying is that there is a sad place where sad and dark songs come from. It doesn’t just come out of thin air. But she takes that pain and makes it something beautiful and there is something to be learned from that.
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