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  1. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Lana shopping at 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, CA - July 28th, 2020   
    I swear, Azeillia Banks is the Donald Trump of the music business. 
    I know what privilege is. And Lana is misunderstood. She never said anything wrong in her IG post from May. It was highly educated wealthy people in the media (with a platform) who twisted her words because they had a political agenda. They want conflict. They want people divided. The people who yell privilege the most are usually wealthy, highly educated people with terminal degrees. Those folks are indeed privileged and they feel guilty about it, so they spread that to everyone else and by everyone else I mean the middle class, which is disappearing as we speak. 
    And I don't think you can excuse Azeilia Banks' behavior. I'm bipolar and I don't make fun of people's weight. 
  2. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    She could do that and actually pull it off effectively too.
  3. American Whore liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    She could do that and actually pull it off effectively too.
  4. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I literally think she's just going to drop the album on September 4th. No pre-order or anything.
  5. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Lana shopping at 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, CA - July 28th, 2020   
    I’m bi, but I never heard this. But then again I have not been following her.
  6. Foxglove liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I think there is nothing wrong with mentioning Beyoncé as an example. She is part of the top 0.1%. I am aware of the sweatshop labor issue. My point is that she is so well connected, has so much money that the reviews she receives will always be positive. She is in with the music industry establishment. Lana in the other hand is not, but Lana has the [working class] people behind her. While Lana is sitting nicely in this business she is not so extremely well connected to the point where good reviews can be an automatic because of money.
    But as I said most of the reviews of VBBOTG have been positive so I prefer to focus on that and the fact that the fans love it.
  7. gatadelrey liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    I already reported her. She should be banned from IG. It’s cyber bullying and it is toxic. Someone needs to put her in her place. Actions have consequences.
  8. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Instagram Updates   
    Everyone please report azeliabanks on IG...
    She just fat shamed lana with almost 15 IG stories..
  9. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Lana shopping at 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, CA - July 28th, 2020   
    That's exactly what I was saying. There is no excuse for Azealia's behaviour.
  10. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Lana shopping at 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, CA - July 28th, 2020   
    I swear, Azeillia Banks is the Donald Trump of the music business. 
    I know what privilege is. And Lana is misunderstood. She never said anything wrong in her IG post from May. It was highly educated wealthy people in the media (with a platform) who twisted her words because they had a political agenda. They want conflict. They want people divided. The people who yell privilege the most are usually wealthy, highly educated people with terminal degrees. Those folks are indeed privileged and they feel guilty about it, so they spread that to everyone else and by everyone else I mean the middle class, which is disappearing as we speak. 
    And I don't think you can excuse Azeilia Banks' behavior. I'm bipolar and I don't make fun of people's weight. 
  11. Mer liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    She’s on the list. I just don’t think it’s going to be an obvious pick. We will know soon enough.
  12. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Lana shopping at 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, CA - July 28th, 2020   
    He misused the word, sure, but he still made a point. It's so easy to do bad shit (and you know it's bad) and then be like omg but it's because I have mental issues!
  13. True Romance liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Hawk: “It’s not about the bunny! Is it about the bunny? No, it’s not about the bunny!”
  14. True Romance liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Azealia Banks   
    1. I didn’t say Beyoncé can’t sing about those topics. Her career her business.
    2. Lana never said she was a feminist. Actually most women do not identify as feminists despite believing in equality on the basis of sex. I personally support the ERA.
    3. I have not said anything racist here. I oppose all forms of discrimination as I have faced discrimination as an LGBTQIA+ person.
    4. Lana does not romanticizes domestic abuse. She writes and sings about experiences. If this is a fan site, then are you really going to suggest we don’t listen to any of the tracks on Ultraviolence? That album is a fan favorite. Lana tells her own story. Men don’t tell her story, so I don’t know where that idea comes from.
  15. ANGELINA JOLIE liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Azealia Banks   
    1. I didn’t say Beyoncé can’t sing about those topics. Her career her business.
    2. Lana never said she was a feminist. Actually most women do not identify as feminists despite believing in equality on the basis of sex. I personally support the ERA.
    3. I have not said anything racist here. I oppose all forms of discrimination as I have faced discrimination as an LGBTQIA+ person.
    4. Lana does not romanticizes domestic abuse. She writes and sings about experiences. If this is a fan site, then are you really going to suggest we don’t listen to any of the tracks on Ultraviolence? That album is a fan favorite. Lana tells her own story. Men don’t tell her story, so I don’t know where that idea comes from.
  16. ANGELINA JOLIE liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Azealia Banks   
    Here’s my take on her IG story post. Don’t take what I am about to say personally. This is just my observation;
    1. She makes fun of Lana’s weight and it’s not a news headline. No one calls her out on it. It’s not even discussed.
    2. Lana mentions a handful of other artists and discuss how the entertainment press covers them in comparison to Lana. Lana says that the press has a double standard in regard to how they cover women in music. She was not criticizing those artists and there was nothing racist about what she said. But Lana gets criticized and called racist.
    So here is what we have;
    1. Azeilia Banks (a black woman) says nasty things about Lana Del Rey (a White woman) and her weight. She body shams her and violates the community standards on Instagram. She has not been banned from Instagram. Does Azeilia Banks get called a racist? No. Does she get called sexist? No. Does she get called mysogonistic? No. Does the media write op-Ed’s about how wrong her comments are? No. Does the press even notice what she said? No.
    2. Lana Del Rey criticizes the music industry and critics and she gets called racist.
    The reality....
    1. Lana has been PROVEN CORRECT about the double standards. Her IG post from May has been proven to be CORRECT and FACTUAL.
    2. Lana mentioned some black artists and she is labeled racist. Azeillia Banks body shams a white woman and no one calls it racist. No one calls it out.
    The verdict;
    Had Lana Del Rey made fun of Azeilia Banks’ appearance she would be called racist. Azeilia Banks criticizes Lana’s appearance and gets away with it.
    Azeilia Banks is privileged. Lana Del Rey is held to a double standard.The media is clearly bias and is trying to divide people.
  17. Vanilla Icy liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Lana shopping at 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, CA - July 28th, 2020   
    Talk about privilege! Using mental health as an excuse to be a horrible person! I wonder if the press would make that excuse for Lana?
    When did she fat sham Lizzo and Rihanna?
    Azeilia is disgusting both inside and out. You listen to her she talks like a truck driver. Azeilia attacked Lana personally because she knows Lana defeated her in the twitter war in 2018. And people were really happy to see Lana take her to school. Azeilia is a disaster. When you see the mind, it’s weak. I don’t see it. Her career is a flop and most people were happy to see her fail. I like to see bad people fail. Azeilia failed, I think most of us were happy. Azeilia is a loser.
  18. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by violets in Azealia Banks   
    lol the body shaming does not just stretch to lana. everyone who sees the shit azealia (and others) are saying also feel affected. how many people have a body like lana? thousands? millions?
    people on here and twitter have already said that they feel personally uncomfortable from all the body shaming. this whole thing isnt just about what is affecting lana, thats the issue.
    she is crazy talented, but the excuses for her actions are bullshit lmao. she has no remorse for anything, when has she ever apologized for the shit she says? she's outspokenly transphobic and xenophobic. she is obsessed with lana. she been bringing her up for 2 years now all while lana hasnt said shit to her. its embarrassing.
  19. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2nd poetry book "Behind the Iron Gates - Insights from an Institution" with Simon & Schuster - OUT MARCH 2021 [POSTPONED]   
    Yesss. Also, the title gives me BTD vibes 
    I love that despite these wild times with heated opinions and flak, that she's just doing her own thing and quietly working on her art. Can't wait!
  20. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by landeath in Azealia Banks   
    Delete this thread. 1 vote
  21. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by J.R.OMEGA in Azealia Banks   
    I replaced Azealia Banks with Leikeli47. I walked away from that hot mess awhile ago. Lana was correct when she told her that she could of been the best, but she fucked it up. This World already has enough drama, I don't need it in my music too, that's my escape from all this shit.
  22. ANGELINA JOLIE liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Azealia Banks   
    Actually Beyoncé does make songs about f****g and cheating.
    And body shaming is wrong and what Lana said two months ago does not make her bring body shamed okay.
    Because if it were the other way around (white woman talking about a black women’s appearance) it would be labeled racist. That word is so overused now that one day we won’t recognize real racism when we see it. All this does is makes people want to vote for Trump again and we can not afford four more years of Trump.
    She is a deplorable person. Azeilia is in a basket of deplorables.
    Azeilia is jealous of Lana. She knows she has zero talent and that Lana on the other hand has real talent. Azeilia is one of those people who can’t handle another woman being successful. Azeilia’s IG account should be banned for violating community standards.,
    She could be in One Flew Over the Kukoos Nest. Nurse Ratchet has her meds ready to go!
    More like talking to herself. Looks like no one cares about her.
    That’s for sure.
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