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past the bushes

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  1. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana's Albums as Months of the Year   
    I created a new thread for this discussion since it had absolutely nothing to do with Chemtrails and didn't belong in its Pre-Release Thread.
    Anyway, here's my take -
    Sirens - January
    AKA Lizzy Grant - December
    Born to Die - March
    Paradise - November
    Ultraviolence - June
    Honeymoon - April
    Lust for Life - July
    Norman Fucking Rockwell - October
  2. Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in Lana's Albums as Months of the Year   
    u forgot aka being the december album, festive af also can't ignore the tree decorating anthem brite lites 
  3. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Serene Queen in Lana's Albums as Months of the Year   
    LFL is definitely March, because it doesn’t have a distinct vibe to it, and neither does March. They both just kind of…exist
  4. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus in Lana's Albums as Months of the Year   
    You know just to take our collective minds off of cocc for a minute I was wondering if you too guys associate Lana’s records with particular months of the year rather than seasons? 
    For me COCC is shaping up to be her October record, full blown Autumn shit.
    - BTD is June, beginning of summer, lots of bangers, mild nostalgia, living wild.
    - UV is somewhere around January, cold, grey and angry.
    - HM is July/August, total summer ethereal oblivion 
    - LFL (a mistake)
    - NFR definitely September, end of summer but still close enough to reminiscent

    what do you guys think? 
  5. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Elle in Billboard Fan Army Face-Off 2020 - Round 2: Lana Del Rey vs. EXO [VOTING OPEN]   
    Actually Ariana is currently losing her battle against GOT7, another Kpop group. Kpop groups are currently winning 6 out of the 7 battles they're in lol. The only losing Kpop group right now is Blackpink to Miley Cyrus, so if Lana wins, we'll most likely continue to be against Kpop groups.
    But on the brighter side, Lana's vote is growing, now at 26.1%! Still have a far way to go, but it's a positive thing we're growing x
  6. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Billboard Fan Army Face-Off 2020 - Round 2: Lana Del Rey vs. EXO [VOTING OPEN]   
    lanatics beating armys has to be some kind of fever dream 
  7. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Billboard Fan Army Face-Off 2020 - Round 2: Lana Del Rey vs. EXO [VOTING OPEN]   
    my question is why are they pitting Lana against all of the fucking k-pop groups
    sis talks about being set up to lose by the industry and at this point i believe her
  8. West Coast liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in Rank Lana's Albums   
    1. Honeymoon
    2. Ultraviolence
    3. Paradise
    4. NFR
    5. AKA
    6. BTD
    7. LFL
    I believe Paradise, UV and HM are peak Lana, the way she paints pictures just with words (some of my favorite lyrics of her are scattered across these albums) and the attention to detail in the production of each track amazes me in every listen.
  9. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Hey everyone! With the Interview photoshoot out in HQ, I wanted to use it to make a new set of covers for Chemtrails! Hope you guys like them!  
  10. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by ANGELINA JOLIE in Billboard Fan Army Face-Off 2020 - Round 2: Lana Del Rey vs. EXO [VOTING OPEN]   
    after that 5th Sep COCC fiasco we could very well just call ourselves clowns or delulus lol
  11. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    "witchy" has basically become a meme at this point on lb, but i'll try to answer this to the best of my ability.
    it's funny, because now that i think about it, i don't really know what lana songs are truly "witchy". a while back, and i'm talking 2017 / 2018 i would of considered cherry to be "witchy", and now i don't really at all, there's nothing about the song that constitutes it being "witchy". another example could be serene queen since i think the lfl era in general is associated with the "witchy" aesthetics, such as the album trailer, but to me, serene queen is not really "witchy", when i listen to it, i feel like i'm hula hooping with a ring of blue fire in a desert. another track that i feel like is commonly associated with the fabled "witchy" aesthetic is the first lfl demo, but to me, that song is more "spacey" than anything.
    i feel like perhaps the most "witchy" song in lana's discography is probably "season of the witch". to me, a song that is "witchy" would have some eerie, almost halloween like elements to it, to stretch this even further, the song may not necessarily have a "witchy" sound, but may contain lyricism and imagery that is "witchy", and i think a good example of that could be raise me up, with lyrics such as "it's the voodoo mississippi south, sixty nine million stars, birds are flying out of my mouth, spirits creeping in my yard".
    i didn't mean to write an entire essay but, hopefully this helps answer your question. 
  12. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    in general she's never really acknowledged may jailer era but she did leave a comment on a yt upload of "a star for nick" way back, said something like "idk how you got this song, i was 17 when i recorded it". 
  13. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in Instagram Updates   
    no way...i swear what's wrong with that place 
  14. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Instagram Updates   
    I’m really disgusted by the conversation I just read. Who the f*ck are you to come on this website and judge her for things you have no idea about?
    We don’t know Lana. We don’t know the relationships she has. We only know tiny bits that she chooses to share with us. 
    Get a f*cking life and stop talking shit about her. Get outta here with your pseudo-psychologist asses 
  15. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Instagram Updates   
    I'm not sure if some of you guys don't go outside and socialize or just don't really get it but picking up traits from the people you surround yourself with the most is a completely natural thing and has zero association with any sort of mental illness, how do you think people grow and further develop their personalities? humans are products of their environment. 
  16. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Instagram Updates   
    So, I don't want to be the tyrannical dictator some people think us Mods are, but this thread seems like in need of its own rules
    As discussed weeks (and months...) ago, misogyny will not be tolerated on LanaBoards. That goes from trying to apply the Golden Rule to her ears to assuming she doesn't know who she is when she's single (which is outdated to think as she literally just released a poem about knowing who she is after getting out of toxic relationships). Mental health is a serious topic and I'm sure many members from here do suffer from disorders/issues, just like most of the world population (I myself suffered from eating disorders all my life), so I don't think implying Lana is either bipolar or borderline or whatever and then saying she shouldn't have children because of this is nice by any means, and it's also triggering for those struggling with these diseases. The member who said this got a WP. Please be careful and tactful with your posts!
  17. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by mypolaroidfrown in Instagram Updates   
    None of us really knows what goes on inside the inner workings of her mind and of course, her personal life. She shares what she chooses to share. I'm her age, and honestly I can relate to her on a few levels. Ultimately I just hope she finds happiness, peace and stability.  Only a qualified medical professional can diagnose someone. One of my exes is actually a borderline personality and it took multiple doctors and multiple years for him to actually receive that diagnosis.  He was initially diagnosed with ptsd. I spent a few years in therapy after that relationship to sort myself out, because my ex constantly switched through the different cycles of Love bombing me and then devaluing me , casting me aside. It was the constant up and down, back and forth that was difficult to live with.   My heart goes out to anyone on here who either suffers from BPD or has a loved one suffering from it.  
    On a lighter note, does anyone follow Rob on Instagram? He is so adorable and I love all of his cute posts with his different tropical Hawaiian shirts!  He also posts really sweet inspirational things which is always refreshing to read. I definitely recommend following him on Instagram if you're not already!  
  18. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Elle in Billboard Fan Army Face-Off 2020 - Round 2: Lana Del Rey vs. EXO [VOTING OPEN]   
    Today is the LAST day to vote in Round 1, so get your final votes in! Lana is still in the lead with a growing margin of 3.3% x
  19. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in Instagram Updates   
    there’s so many things wrong with this post
  20. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Instagram Updates   
    Stop dude, just stop! Dude, what?
    I'm legit angry borderline pissed with the way you chose to end your shit of a post.
    Where's your PhD in Psychology? How close are you to Lana? Exactly.
    Stop talking bullshit, please. Who are YOU to say that it's best if someone doesn't have a kid at all? 
    Damn, what kind of crap. You're new here but you've taken the prize of the worst member already.
    What was all this misogynistic shit I've just read?
  21. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    ...i think it's kinda strange and unfair to assume that somebody has a personality disorder because it appears as though they pick up on the interests that their partner has. 
  22. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by suicideblonde in Instagram Updates   
    We’re seriously claiming that lana has no personality of her own when she’s clearly very introspective and were literally In this forum because we enjoy her art which is deeply about herself and how she thinks and behaves ? Of course she has a personality y’all are crazy. She wouldn’t have one of the most obsessive fanbases if she was bland 
    edit: and all of this was coming about bc she posted about fantasy football which is pretty common for most people to be involved with where I’m from 
  23. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in Instagram Updates   
    The thing with Clayton was a story though!
  24. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Doin Time in Chemtrails Over The Country Club: The Album Concept   
    Hi guys, so I was inspired by the gorgeous kpop albums, their amazing packagings and how much effort they put into the physical albums experience and decided to do my own spin to it, I haven't touched photoshop in a WHILE so excuse me if this is garbage, I just did it for fun and to pass time 
    So if you don't know, kpop albums usually come in a multiple different packages with each package having a different yet cohesive style concept and items, with all the songs being the same of course. I modeled mine after the amazing Blackpink's albums (stream HYLT and Ice Cream)
    First we have the covers:
    Chemtrails Version:

    Country Club Version:

    The Album Packages:

    Please share your kind thoughts and which version is your fave? 
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