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Disney Slut

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  1. To anwser your questions 1) People are angry at the UN, ICC and NATO, fuck them all, they're all a bunch of spineless puppet figures who only exist to benefit the US and it's allies and if they genuinely were useful this would've been over months ago or maybe even never started in the first place. Idk where anybody said that the NATO or whatever were right or why you assumed that but no, as a matter of fact, if you read more about this you'd learn that people have been calling for the ICC for months to put a stop to this and sanction Israel but basically nothing happened. Not to mention the fact that the US and other NATO countries keep sending billions and billions in arms to Israel to continue its genocide. 2) anti-zionism =/ anti-semitism, anyone who's calling to gas the jews is part of the problem and should be arrested. But it's also important to note that the majority of pro palestinian protests were organized by jewish people (most notably jewish voice for peace) and a ton of jews participated in them and said that they felt perfectly safe. As a matter of fact, i honestly don't understand why you linked the specific article that you did, when that article itself admits and says that there is no evidence that "gas the jews" was said and that it was probably misheard. But yeah, from the thousands of protests were there some people who said some anti-semitic things? i mean yes most likely. Does that make it ok or good? Obviously not and they should be prosecuted it for it. But do you know who also need to be prosecuted? the zionists who keep crashing Pro Palestine protests and encampments calling for the death and rape of Pro Palestine protestors and beating the shit out of them, the zionists who SHOT palestinian students in the US for wearing a keffiyeh, the zionist who STABBED AND KILLED a 6 year old in chicago https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/27/three-palestinian-students-aged-20-shot-injured-in-vermont-what-to-know https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/202404https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/1/ucla-clashes-pro-palestinian-protesters-attacked-by-israel-supporters29-pro-israel-protestor-wishes-pro-palestine-student-is-rped/ https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/16/us/chicago-muslim-boy-stabbing-investigation/index.html And I'm not even talking about Israelis, because the shit those people are saying/doing about Palastinians is so disgusting this is nothing compared to it. 3) I thought we moved on from the pink washing since November but oh well. You should probably read this as it has good information: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/pinkwashing/#:~:text=“Pinkwashing refers to when a,— Decolonizing Palestine%2C Pinkwashing But to briefly give my opinion, no matter how awful individuals of a society are to the LGBTQ+ community or any other minority, that doesn't justify commiting a genocide against them, that doesn't justify bombing them and that sure as hell doesn't justify them "finding out" ESPECIALLY when 47% are literal CHILDREN, not to mention: A) Commiting a genocide won't suddenly make that society more LGBT friendly lol, quite the opposite actually, because now, as opposed of the lgbt community focusing on making their voices heard, they have to focus on staying alive, after all bombs surely don't descriminate, and as far as i know, they haven't made bombs that specifically kill straight people yet. A society can only progress and assure the rights of it's minorites if everybody else has basic rights and aren't fighting for their lives in the first place. B) Israel isn't this "safe haven" for queer people in the first place, and especially not palestinian queers. Do you think no gay person was killed in Israel by an israeli for being gay? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36081114 Not to mention threatning palestinian queers if they don't spy for them as well as harassing and brutalising them https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/8/9/against-the-pinkwashing-of-israel https://www.thenation.com/article/world/gaza-queering-the-map/#:~:text=In fact%2C Israeli security forces,of transphobic and homophobic scapegoating. C) Homophobia doesn't just exist in Palestine, what about all the red states in the US? do we bomb those too for passing homophobic legistlations? do those people too deserve death and torture? Anyways, I genuinely hope all this comes from pure ignorance, which in that case, please open a book, read a couple articles, watch some documentaries, listen to some palestinians and quit watching and repeating all the propaganda the BBC, CNN, fox news and the biden administration keeps spewing cause you sound pretty dumb.
  2. Also, i find it kinda funny how much you have to say and how ready you are to give it your all and defend Israel when you don't even know how many people they murdered these past months lmao. Now for everyone else in here who has more than 2 functioning braincells, it's important to note that the 36k death toll number is extremely inaccurate and hasn't been updated in months due to the destruction of the health sector and hospitals in gaza as well as the murder of the journalists who were reporting on it and the fact that several parts have become virtually inaccessible (eg; north gaza) due to the heavy bombardment. The real numbers are probably much, much, MUCH worse.
  3. Israel literally declined every hostage deal that was presented to them and have basically said "fuck the hostages i'm going to keep bombing the shit out of gaza" not to mention they LITERALLY killed the hostages themselves either by bombing them to death or the IOF directly shooting some of them. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67738111 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-02-09/ty-article/.premium/idf-investigation-reveals-high-probability-that-hostage-killed-during-air-force-bombing/0000018d-8e4d-d9cc-a5cd-ffffe7840000 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-armed-wing-says-israeli-strikes-gaza-have-killed-two-israeli-hostages-2024-02-11/ But since we're on the topic of hostages, what about the 1000s of palestiniens that have been illegally arrested by the IOF with no charges throughout the years? what about those hostages? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/29/jailed-without-charge-how-israel-holds-thousands-of-palestinian-prisoners https://www.npr.org/2023/12/01/1216643555/thousands-of-palestinians-are-held-without-charge-under-israeli-detention-policy What about the palestinian children arrested INDEFINITELY and held with no charge and no evidence? https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_detain_record_number_of_palestinian_children_without_charge#:~:text=Palestinian children held under administrative,alleged basis%2C according to documentation
  4. Not you erasing a whole 75 years of occupation Also, read this article, and then check the date on it https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank Not to mention, what about the west bank? Hamas isn't in the west bank yet Israel keeps on terrorising them, killing them, kidnapping them, torturing them, burning their villages and stealing their homes, so what part of the "finding out" does that really address?
  5. It already backfired massively lol, thousands more students are now protesting in columbia with more and more students from other universities starting to also protest.
  6. Sorry but even in my wildest dreams and fantasies the most we'll get out of honeymoon is 1 song and 1 interlude
  7. Now hear me out; i know this is a bit late but I've been thinking about this none stop today and i have to share it somewhere so here's my literal dream performance lol. The stage will have some small bleachers, like 2 or 3 rows (think beyoncé's coachella set but smaller) behind it will be a big "HOLLYWOOD" sign on a platform and behind it will be what we had today, so some pillars, a balcony and spiral staircases. There will also be the big cake infront ACT I: Coachella Intro 1. Lust for Life ft. The Weeknd (the stage is dark then it lits up with her being on top of the H of the hollywood sign, after the first chorus she goes down and that's when the weeknd comes out) 2. Stargirl Interlude ft. The Weeknd (after she finishes singing her part she dances on the stripper pole like she did today while the Weeknd sings his part) 3. Jealous Girl (will be entirely choreographed with 10s of dancers, male and female, throughout the stage dancing like cheerleaders, during the bridge, after she sings the spelling part, she falls back where she'll be carried by some guys to the front while singing and during the last chorus there will be alot of acrobatics performed by the dancers, think literal cheerleading) 4. National anthem/I want it all (Mashup) 6. Without You/Radio (Medley, at the end of Radio's bridge, There will be fireworks and confetti right at the beat drop) 7. Cherry 8. She's Not Me (Long Intro, Alot of dancers, she sings the first verse without being on stage, then during the first chorus she comes out of the cake) ACT II: Ave Maria Interlude + Outfit Change 9. Ultraviolence 10. West Coast 11. Brooklyn Baby ft. FJM 12. Let the Light In ft. FJM 13. Say Yes To Heaven/ Fine China (Medley) 14. Living Legend 15. Shades Of Cool/ Your Girl (Medley, Shades of cool guitar solo transitions into Your Girl's birdge with lana screaming then the chrous) 16. Bel Air (Will be performed alone without dancers on top of the balcony) ACT III: Ride Monologue Interlude + Outfit Change 17. Ride 18. Summertime Sadness 19. The Blackest Day/ Arcadia / Y&B (Medly, Will be performed on the center of the cake that will have a platform that goes way up) 20. DYKTTUOB 21.COCC 22.Video Games ft. Billie 23. Ocean Eyes ft. Billie 24. The Grants (Ends in a jazz outro with lana and the dancers all dancing on the stage and cake with fireworks like in this coachella performance but more "grand', think the great gatsby party scene) ACT IV: Wipe Out by The Surfaris Interlude + Outfit Change 25. Peppers ft. Tommy Genesis 26. St Tropez 27. Meet me in the pale moonlight OR Queen Of Disaster 28. Doin' Time ft. Sublime 29. FIILY 30. NFR / MAC (Mashup) 31. Venice Bitch (Shortened, With elements of VB, the end will be instrumental like Hollywood Bowl performance with her exiting in motorcycles with the dancers) So in The end It'll have: Born to Die: 5 Paradise: 2 Ultraviolence: 4 Honeymoon: 1 LFL: 2 NFR: 5 COCC: 1 BB: 2 Ocean Blvd: 4 Other: 4 Unreleased: 7 Anyways, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
  8. the first thing i thought about seeing that billboard was like a prayer
  9. I am a bit late to this but oh well, better late than never! https://www.unicef.org/sop/media/2056/file/CAAC Bulletin 2010.pdf https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut_-_Sexual_Torture_of_Palestinian_M_by_Israeli_Authorities.pdf https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-21/ty-article-magazine/.premium/beatings-burns-attempted-sexual-assault-settlers-and-soldiers-abused-palestinians/0000018b-530f-d1d7-ab8b-7f5fca1d0000 https://www.haaretz.com/2010-05-28/ty-article/over-100-palestinian-minors-reported-abuse-in-idf-police-custody-in-2009/0000017f-dbae-db22-a17f-ffbf50f80000 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=8426367700767677 Anyways, I'm just scratching the surface as you don't really need to do that much research to get literally hundreds of articles, testimonials and videos of human rights organizations talking about the sexual violence commited against palestinian men, women and CHILDREN by the IOF, also for the sake of argument i used sources such as the UN and haaretz instead of some that might be deamed 'biased" such as Al Jazeera or the direct testimonials of palestinians (Even tho they have repeatedly proven to be completely reliable and true). Also, here's a lovely insight towards some israeli's comments and opinions! https://www.dailysabah.com/world/mid-east/deceased-israeli-soldier-boasted-about-raping-palestinian-woman Of course, You can take this with a grain of salt if you wish as there isn't that much media coverage towards this tweet (or at least not that i have been able to find) but i choose to believe it simply because in the past couple of months alone i have seen pretty much the exact same stuff (and worse) repeated by israelis and zionists on twitter. EDIT: Is there any way i can make this photo smaller?
  10. Because it literally is a genocide genocide is defined as "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." which is literally what has been happening for 75+ years now. Israel is intentionally killing (and has killed these 2 weeks alone over 5000 people and displaced over 1 MILLION) all palestiniens and have been very open and direct about their intentions, they have dropped the equivilent of a 1/4 of a nuke these past 2 weeks and the only reasion they haven't dropped a nuke is because of the worldwide implications it'll have and the fact that they wont be able to defend that and come clean out of it (although seeing the western leaders reaction and positions, i'm starting to doubt this more and more each passing day). More info about the 10 stages of genocide and how israel has been executing them: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCFMMngFCX/?fbclid=IwAR2WWylDrpNqv0D5feHH-oWrMCxg-PDUnHAXNwcjYURiLQvyV4EBikiRYac&img_index=1
  11. Because it literally is a genocide genocide is defined as "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." which is literally what has been happening for 75+ years now. Israel is intentionally killing (and has killed these 2 weeks alone over 5000 people and displaced over 1 MILLION) all palestiniens and have been very open and direct about their intentions, they have dropped the equivilent of a 1/4 of a nuke these past 2 weeks and the only reasion they haven't dropped a nuke is because of the worldwide implications it'll have and the fact that they wont be able to defend that and come clean out of it (although seeing the western leaders reaction and positions, i'm starting to doubt this more and more each passing day)
  12. When i tell you my heart dropped seeing her name on that list... But on another hand, can we stop with the "I'm sure she meant well" and "She has a good heart she just isn't well informed" excuses? It isn't like this is the first time anyways. Not to mention, this isn't the 70s or 80s anymore, access to information has never been easier, literally one click away and she could've learned and read/seen all about the history of this ongoing genocide, especially now when for the first time ever it seems public opinion is swaying a bit into the palestinian side and videos are being posted literally everywhere. Not to mention the amount of american musicians and artists who've been very vocal about this such as kehlani and the fact that lana is friends with Elyanna who is palestinian. And if she was living in her own bubble and hasn't been keeping up much with what's going on, then in that case maybe she shouldn't be going around signing open letters taking stances.
  13. Holy shit y'all were ruthless back in the day lol
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