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  1. lili liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope she gives us a visual of her lying on the floor/ carpet with her hair spread out giving siren mermaid vibes, an idea from ur lb piscean
  2. lili liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I’ll move the day I see Barrie’s name in the written by section 
  3. lili liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    whatever happened to the hype i knew 
  4. lili liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Ok actually I’m in the same boat, I bought the boxset for Lana’s version, Hell I love her rendition of it.
    But I actually listen to FJM’s more…

  5. Escapism liked a post in a topic by lili in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I like the original Buddy’s Rendezvous better. Even though I first listened to Lana’s version, I couldn’t get into the song until I listened to the original and now I can’t stop replaying it. Absolutely heartbreaking, it might easily be one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.
  6. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by lili in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I like the original Buddy’s Rendezvous better. Even though I first listened to Lana’s version, I couldn’t get into the song until I listened to the original and now I can’t stop replaying it. Absolutely heartbreaking, it might easily be one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.
  7. DeadSeaOfMercury liked a post in a topic by lili in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I like the original Buddy’s Rendezvous better. Even though I first listened to Lana’s version, I couldn’t get into the song until I listened to the original and now I can’t stop replaying it. Absolutely heartbreaking, it might easily be one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.
  8. lili liked a post in a topic by sunday afternoon in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    It's not mean, and I respect other singers, but I think Lana is the only one to be the queen of her genre, to have developed it with incredible musical and artistic perfection. She's just perfect everywhere. She's kind of like the top of the class, she's got it all figured out. I think too many artists try to copy her, although they try to change a few things here and there, there is often an obsession in the background to copy what she does and her videos. It may not be their intention, but it's hardly laughable, and no one comes close to it. There is inspiration and inspiration and for many there is not.
    Since she became known, I have lost count of the number of "sad and aesthetic" artists who have appeared, it's nice but there are too many now. Lana deserves more credit. I'm not targeting her in particular, but Ethel Cain is a distant copy of Lana Del Rey for example, she sings well but people have to find their own universe like Lana built hers.
  9. lili liked a post in a topic by Sunset Opal in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I am obsessed with Greek mythology right now so LDR9 Greek Gods aesthetic please 
  10. Elina liked a post in a topic by lili in Rank Lana's Albums   
    My updated ranking:
    1. Ultraviolence
    2. Lana Del Rey AKA Lizzy Grant
    3. Born To Die
    4. Honeymoon
    5. Blue Banisters
    6. Paradise
    7. Lust For Life
    8. Norman Fucking Rockwell!
    9. Chemtrails Over The Country Club
    *did not include Sirens, I love it, but it feels so different from the rest, couldn't decide where to place it.
  11. COCC liked a post in a topic by lili in Something You Like (Alphabetically)   
    ascension paintings 
  12. Elina liked a post in a topic by lili in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    This is the most interesting entry on the most interesting thread on LB for me... Can't believe I haven't discovered it before...
  13. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by lili in Ethel Cain   
    I swear people are so goddamn miserable that they get off on causing anyone successful misery on the internet. There’s no other explanation for this kind of hatred.
  14. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by lili in Halsey   
    I hadn't known a single Halsey song before this album. But because I dig NIN and Reznor so much decided to give this one try. There are some gems on there where Reznor's magic really shines through and some cutesy meh songs. I can't name songs off of the top of my head because I haven't listened to it that much. Still if you're a fan of NIN, it's worth giving it a listen to imo. 
    Edit: Warning though, cause she sounds like you mentioned at times and her lyrics make me cringe sometimes.
  15. colacoven liked a post in a topic by lili in Ethel Cain   
    I swear people are so goddamn miserable that they get off on causing anyone successful misery on the internet. There’s no other explanation for this kind of hatred.
  16. The Siren liked a post in a topic by lili in Ask a question to the PROFILE PIC below you   
    Andrei Tarkovsky's "The Mirror" or "Solaris".
    Suppose reincarnation is real. What would you like to come back as? (non-human)
  17. The Siren liked a post in a topic by lili in What is that User Known For?   
    Awww, you're such a sweetheart! thank you! 
    known for stealing my heart by writing "reading" and "mythology" consecutively in the "something you like" thread 
  18. The Siren liked a post in a topic by lili in What is that User Known For?   
    hot profile picture 
    Doubt I'm known for anything but do speculate please 
  19. rockwellfckingnorman liked a post in a topic by lili in Ethel Cain   
    I swear people are so goddamn miserable that they get off on causing anyone successful misery on the internet. There’s no other explanation for this kind of hatred.
  20. trailerparkdream liked a post in a topic by lili in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It seems almost unbelievable to me that this album exists, yet at the same time I can't recall a time in which it didn't. It's all so surreal, as if Ultraviolence has always existed, transcending time and space and this angel had to grow a new heart to channel her way through the dark nooks of the soul for those who were lucky enough to happen to be there to bear witness. All my experiences before this album are imbued with it, all my future recollections will be bathed in it. It echoes the chronic emptiness and disillusionment "the flesh is heir to", yet never hopeless, always holding onto the image of "cherries in the spring", the "magnificence" of it all if we could only give up on our used-up prosthetic eye through which too much beauty goes unnoticed. This album, to me, is a lament to the beauty of the existence and the burden and the ensuing loneliness you find yourself to be laden with when you are the only one to see it all, the beauty, the sun and ocean blue. But what is to see, when it can't be shared in the way you like it to? It's limiting, depressing and violent. But she still goes on. Dancing the night away.
    Sorry, I get very emotional over this particular masterpiece.
    Edit: I originally wrote this entry on @Ultra Violet 's blog on UV since I wanted it to be on this thread, too. Hope that's okay.
  21. Distantly liked a post in a topic by lili in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It seems almost unbelievable to me that this album exists, yet at the same time I can't recall a time in which it didn't. It's all so surreal, as if Ultraviolence has always existed, transcending time and space and this angel had to grow a new heart to channel her way through the dark nooks of the soul for those who were lucky enough to happen to be there to bear witness. All my experiences before this album are imbued with it, all my future recollections will be bathed in it. It echoes the chronic emptiness and disillusionment "the flesh is heir to", yet never hopeless, always holding onto the image of "cherries in the spring", the "magnificence" of it all if we could only give up on our used-up prosthetic eye through which too much beauty goes unnoticed. This album, to me, is a lament to the beauty of the existence and the burden and the ensuing loneliness you find yourself to be laden with when you are the only one to see it all, the beauty, the sun and ocean blue. But what is to see, when it can't be shared in the way you like it to? It's limiting, depressing and violent. But she still goes on. Dancing the night away.
    Sorry, I get very emotional over this particular masterpiece.
    Edit: I originally wrote this entry on @Ultra Violet 's blog on UV since I wanted it to be on this thread, too. Hope that's okay.
  22. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by lili in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It seems almost unbelievable to me that this album exists, yet at the same time I can't recall a time in which it didn't. It's all so surreal, as if Ultraviolence has always existed, transcending time and space and this angel had to grow a new heart to channel her way through the dark nooks of the soul for those who were lucky enough to happen to be there to bear witness. All my experiences before this album are imbued with it, all my future recollections will be bathed in it. It echoes the chronic emptiness and disillusionment "the flesh is heir to", yet never hopeless, always holding onto the image of "cherries in the spring", the "magnificence" of it all if we could only give up on our used-up prosthetic eye through which too much beauty goes unnoticed. This album, to me, is a lament to the beauty of the existence and the burden and the ensuing loneliness you find yourself to be laden with when you are the only one to see it all, the beauty, the sun and ocean blue. But what is to see, when it can't be shared in the way you like it to? It's limiting, depressing and violent. But she still goes on. Dancing the night away.
    Sorry, I get very emotional over this particular masterpiece.
    Edit: I originally wrote this entry on @Ultra Violet 's blog on UV since I wanted it to be on this thread, too. Hope that's okay.
  23. The Siren liked a post in a topic by lili in The "Do You?" Game   
    I do. I think it is about overcoming the obstacles in yourself and grow out of yourself as the best version possible.
    Edit: Oh, damn I forgot to ask a question.Luckily, @TropicoKitten did it for me.
  24. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by lili in Lana/Music-Related Frankenstein Game   
    Same lol. I have always suspected I am somewhat visually dumb, but this game truly calling me out 💀
  25. The Siren liked a post in a topic by lili in Wordle   
    Wordle 348 4/6
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