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Let the Light In

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About Let the Light In

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    It's a Cruel World

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  1. So sick and tired of this narrative of tying everything to race
  2. I was listening to Honeymoon BBC Radio 1 Live the other day and damn when the drums kick in….
  3. I remember their ranking being distinctly different but maybe it was deliberate idk
  4. It’s actually Ace of Base - Don’t Turn Around but she reheated them twice
  5. I don’t think upset part is about that. It’s about people paying twice the price. Fans preordered this months ago, paying $38 or something. Then they received the first edition vinyls. Now they are selling the exact same first edition vinyl for $18 or something. It’s not an exclusive edition so that it has collectors value. The return period already ended and there is no compensation. People who preordered these vinyls just paid the twice price.
  6. It was sold as full price album. Now that we have the full edition it is now sold with discounted half price. People have a right to be upset about it.
  7. Every album needs skips and How Bad Do U Want Cringe and Blade of Ass doing this job perfectly
  8. I enjoy the sound between Vanish and Beast than the first 4 tracks. Shadow of a Man is the best track.
  9. I think it’s a light cute pop album. I enjoyed songs like Shadow of a Man because they are nostalgic sounding pop songs. That being said the lyrics on this album is not that good, I especially cringed at Garden of Eden chorus. I don’t understand the album cover and name also. I don’t think they fit. And finally even though it comes after the ballad segment DWAS does not belong here.
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