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  1. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Rob ended up being the biggest troll of this era... lfl is shaking right now 
  2. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Imagine if we didn't have Ben or the W Magazine interview... I'd be crying right now 
  3. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    she officially announced his debut a year ago 
  4. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by DCooper in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Omg has the mystery of Rob been solved 
  5. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    It's been in front of our faces this whole time... 
  6. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    re: rob and all the recording he’s doing … i forgot about this post she made (edit: in 2020) until just now

  7. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    My only hope is that they are waiting to re release the whole BTD + Paradise in November but I don't think it's happening... the fact that she didn't even post a picture about BTD on its anniversary 
  8. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    What is up with her management omg 
    Lana's streams are at an all time career high, now is the perfect time to release a summery bop. Just release QoD or whatever...
    That Gayle girl became world famous in a matter of days thx to clever management.
    We all know Ben and Ed are very capable based on Dua's FN stardom.. I get that Lana doesnt want all the promo and whatnot. But from their pov, now that Lana is their biggest artist they should push her more
  9. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by LifeOnMars in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Yeah I don’t get this either. BTD(album) could have easily gone #1 a few months ago, if they had done anything to release a 10th year anniversary version on streaming and a few new vinyl versions. They should be able to easily download some unreleased songs from SoundCloud or YouTube and just put them on streaming. They don’t even have to make her re-record them. 
  10. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Drew did the horn arrangement according to the wiki, together with Lana.
  11. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Drew did the horn arrangement according to the wiki, together with Lana.
  12. Venice Peach liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Drew did the horn arrangement according to the wiki, together with Lana.
  13. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    didnt lana arrange the horns on IYLWM
  14. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Drew did the horn arrangement according to the wiki, together with Lana.
  15. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I know people (me included) think of piano when Drew is mentioned but he's (probably) also the one that added the gorgeous IYLDWM outro so I have hope for a broader and fuller sound in some of the LDR9 songs. The Arcadia horns were also very nice.
    The micro snippet we have from his studio also sounds promising (and Lana cutting the video right when the music starts makes me think it is indeed one of her songs)
  16. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Exactly this!!! 
    I trust Drew, Arcadia instrumentation is very beautiful , the IYLDWM outro is a serve & also the strings in the Beautiful string version are beautiful 
    I think in the micro snippet we heard a guitar ( so no piano,  at least in the first 0,01 seconds of the song) so it indeed sounds promising 
    It's on her Honeymoon insta. You can hear it at the end of the video with the charting charting charting Drew Erickson caption,  I think it was around April 11
  17. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I remember when she posted that gorgeous pic in the flannel back in March… and her caption was like 
    They say if you try and think of something you want that you've never thought of before it takes away the pressure of something else that you've been really wanting or not wanting and focusing on.

    Think of like some random trip to Italy or buying a new dress or giving yourself bangs LOL or moving to Jacksonville. Something random.
    YOU GUYS SHE LITERALLY TOLD US SHE WAS GOING TO ITALY 2 MONTHS IN ADVANCE!! Quick, look for any captions about the UK! 
    anyways, bookmark me when she releases the newest single off LDR9 titled London Fog 
  18. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Buddy's Rendezvous (Lana's Version) to be released on streaming services - OUT: June 16th, 2022   
    Should we make a thread for her version being released tomorrow?
  19. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by PatentLeatherDoOver in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think the pocket area of the flannel is different, but I could 100% be wrong. 
    The flannel in the chair has the little flap thing over the pocket, but Lana’s doesn’t (unless it’s being covered by the way the shirt is folding)
  20. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Looks similar but not the same to me. The white stripes seem different.
  21. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Go ahead and tell me this isn’t the same flannel.
    I’ll wait 
  22. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I guess if Rob is not playing for LDR9 then for another British artist of tap music,  having in mind that personal meeting with Ben a few months ago. At least that makes the most sense to me.
  23. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Buddy's Rendezvous (Lana's Version) to be released on streaming services - OUT: June 16th, 2022   
    Here is the spotify link, midnight your time.. it's out in australia
  24. hotshot2am liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Surely that’s not Lana’s flannel in the background on the chair… right? RIGHT??!!! 
  25. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I just can't see him rent Jack's studio and his audio engineers for a piano album?
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