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  1. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Lana Del Rey declined to be featured in SNL music documentary   
    I wasn't a fan when that took place, but I will say her performance wasn't any worse than the comedy itself. SNL has sucked since the early 90s. Will Ferrel was probably the only bright spot in there. 
  2. Cult Leader liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Lana Del Rey declined to be featured in SNL music documentary   
    I wasn't a fan when that took place, but I will say her performance wasn't any worse than the comedy itself. SNL has sucked since the early 90s. Will Ferrel was probably the only bright spot in there. 
  3. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Lana Del Rey declined to be featured in SNL music documentary   
    I wasn't a fan when that took place, but I will say her performance wasn't any worse than the comedy itself. SNL has sucked since the early 90s. Will Ferrel was probably the only bright spot in there. 
  4. Lanas Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Lana Del Rey declined to be featured in SNL music documentary   
    I wasn't a fan when that took place, but I will say her performance wasn't any worse than the comedy itself. SNL has sucked since the early 90s. Will Ferrel was probably the only bright spot in there. 
  5. TropicoHeart liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Your First's   
    The Jungle Book (DISNEY)  at the movie theater. Those monkeys could swing!
    What's the first Lana song you ever heard? 
  6. taco truck liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Huntsville, AL @ Orion Amphitheater - 21st Sept 2023   
    that show was hopeless
  7. BabyGurl liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Huntsville, AL @ Orion Amphitheater - 21st Sept 2023   
    that show was hopeless
  8. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  9. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  10. Pedriko liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  11. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  12. BabyGurl liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  13. Embach liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  14. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  15. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live. 
  16. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Rank Lana's Albums   
    NFR was easily the best. There is just no competition. 
  17. everymanhashiswish liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Rank Lana's Albums   
    NFR was easily the best. There is just no competition. 
  18. Elina liked a post in a topic by ChestFuckingRockwell in Rank Lana's Albums   
    NFR was easily the best. There is just no competition. 
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