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  1. Kristine liked a post in a topic by sophiesmom in Sky Ferreira   
    sky's vocals being "drowned" has always been part of her signature sound, her voice being mixed between instruments rather than being in a privileged spot in the design is something that goes back to NTMT –for example: the whole album lmao but like boys, ain't your right, omanko etc. and the same applies for her "noisy production".
    sky's music is not for you if you consider don't forget "horribly mixed", and that's ok, but don't pretend like that's your hot take and not just a matter of personal preference. 
  2. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Sky Ferreira   
    I guess only few people with exquisite taste can appreciate the masterpiece that Don't Forget is and that's absolutely fine
  3. Kristine liked a post in a topic by wildstar in Sky Ferreira   
    Don't Forget is amazing y'all just forgot what good music sounds like cause you haven't heard good music in almost 10 years 
    Also that pitchfork article is clearly just bait lmao they knew they would get all the attention by bad mouthing a HIGHLY anticipated song every other critic is loving.
    (and it worked cause that article is probably getting tons of clicks/views) 
  4. Kristine liked a post in a topic by paltargeist in Sky Ferreira   
    Kristine is literally my favorite song of hers idg why y’all don’t like it
  5. Kristine liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  6. Kristine liked a post in a topic by sophiesmom in Sky Ferreira   
    mosochism will sure sound more “orchestral” (if that makes sense) than ntmt and im here for it 
  7. Darkbloomep liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  8. Kristine liked a post in a topic by sophiesmom in Sky Ferreira   
    when the song leaked I wasn't sure but... oh boy I love this song and its production, the ending violins makes it transition so well into downhill lullaby 
  9. Kristine liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Sky Ferreira   
    i love how the SECOND it got released all of you were ready to bitch about the song. y’all are something else.
  10. Kristine liked a post in a topic by xenomorphqueer in Sky Ferreira   
    Legit don't know what some of you expected from her lol... and this doesn't sound like NTMT "filler" at all. Are we saying this is worse than Kristine or Omanko?? I sure don't think it is. This is literally in line with everything she's ever done
    With that being said, with my first few listens of the leak, I remember being very confused with the song's structure. It's got a lot going on. It's probably going to be a running theme with some of the songs she's been sitting on for years and years. I like it, but it's a lot
  11. sack liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  12. Fetiche liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  13. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  14. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  15. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  16. Kristine liked a post in a topic by DownhillLullaby in Sky Ferreira   
    During both conversations, Ferreira sounds confident that Masochism will arrive sooner than later — even this year, perhaps. Compared to the “Downhill Lullaby” rollout, there’s more evidence to back her up this time, from a new publishing deal to an upcoming music video (which she’s been editing herself) and tour to increased public appearances in recent weeks, namely a Met Gala showing that set the gossip press off. Ferreira now thinks back to her first album, which she only released once she convinced her label, Capitol, to let her self-fund recording sessions so she could work without oversight.
  17. ItGirl liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  18. Kristine liked a post in a topic by playboy barbie in Sky Ferreira   
    if you think this song is literally not good then did you not enjoy NTMT at all? this ticks all the boxes: gritty guitar + strings + moody synths, anthemic chorus???????????????????????????????????? girlies you hhave NO IDEA how obsessed i am with this song 
  19. Kristine liked a post in a topic by pabstblueribbon in Sky Ferreira   
    I can't believe we all collectively teleported the the dimension where Sky releases! Don't Forget is as good as I Pray For Rain, Descending & Guardian. I for one am falling for her again with belief of an album being real
     I don't need to deceive ya
    I'm the real bad girl 
  20. maysparkle liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  21. earthferreira liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  22. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  23. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  24. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
  25. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    I agree that the interview still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but her determination to not kill this momentum really comes across. She’s very aware of how she is perceived and the fact that she is talking about the album, tour, and that this isn’t going to be another Donwhill Lullaby situation is all very promising.
    im so proud of her. This song is amazing, like yes I’m prolly biased but I don’t know what more you people want. It’s dark, powerful and catchy as fuck
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