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Platinum Greenwich

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  1. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    This may or may not be a highly inappropriate post   
    However, I can not say much besides that I also hope that this not another chorus where she just repeats the name of the song. Like wtf? 
    Is that the new formula for the "majestetic choruses"? 
  2. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    ^ same
    tbh is the setlist ben mawson's fault because if homegirl is over the setlist she's been repping for like 3 years then u'd have thought she'd CHANGE IT UP tbh
    (wow i began and ended a sentence with tbh; i need an intervention don't i)
  3. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    If she's sick of playing the same damn songs, she needs to change her setlist even slightly, seriously.
  4. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    Switch up ya damn setlist then. Watch as the Endless Sumemr tour comprises of Blue Jeans, Video Games, National Anthem and Summertime Sadness
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    Okay, but...
    If only I put this much effort into my academia...
  6. Kommander liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    I think the appeal in Lana's dichotomy for me lies with the fact that, like... I've said this before, but you see a random chick on YouTube named Lana Del Rey (which is a bombastic pseudonym in and of itself) with a song called Video Games, and you click on it expecting, I don't know, EDM realness.
    Enter church bells, a blockbuster harp riff and back-of-the-local-establishment ingenue vocals. And the video moved me, too -- I've always felt like Lana and I both have the same sense of aesthetic, only she knows how to convey it and I don't.
    It all feels so handpicked. The clips in her videos, the musical motifs. Backyard barbecues and choking on your tears in the presidential suite. It's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, which is what everyone's life is like.
    Her design has continuity, nevermind that I'd love it anyway. Kind of like watching the last arc of Sailor Moon and seeing nods to past episodes.
    Lana may well seem nostalgic, but that's because she's singing about K in 2005 and 2014. She loves Lolita and blue flowers and she keeps to that, you know? It's hard to not appreciate, I think.
    It's not even integrity, it's just a sense of self that I think she might lack (knowledge of how to express) elsewhere in her life, and that's where I connect with her. It's romantic, which is what I think the GP likes, and it's inspirational. It's wish fulfillment for me, and I'm projecting because we just so happen to like the same things. She's as loyal as I am, and I can get to experience her allegiance to her feelings because I know that elsewhere, in my own life. It's more of what I love.
    People think they like Lana because aw, she's so relatable but still kind of pipe dreamy about it -- but she wouldn't be if she didn't do what she does without conviction. Like we all do. She puts her life into music, which all people can relate to, and then her aesthetic is the make-or-break in the making of a fan, if that makes sense.
    That was a mouthful, and kind of soppy and messy and I really could write an essay on this shit, I could, but idc.
  7. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    I think the appeal in Lana's dichotomy for me lies with the fact that, like... I've said this before, but you see a random chick on YouTube named Lana Del Rey (which is a bombastic pseudonym in and of itself) with a song called Video Games, and you click on it expecting, I don't know, EDM realness.
    Enter church bells, a blockbuster harp riff and back-of-the-local-establishment ingenue vocals. And the video moved me, too -- I've always felt like Lana and I both have the same sense of aesthetic, only she knows how to convey it and I don't.
    It all feels so handpicked. The clips in her videos, the musical motifs. Backyard barbecues and choking on your tears in the presidential suite. It's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, which is what everyone's life is like.
    Her design has continuity, nevermind that I'd love it anyway. Kind of like watching the last arc of Sailor Moon and seeing nods to past episodes.
    Lana may well seem nostalgic, but that's because she's singing about K in 2005 and 2014. She loves Lolita and blue flowers and she keeps to that, you know? It's hard to not appreciate, I think.
    It's not even integrity, it's just a sense of self that I think she might lack (knowledge of how to express) elsewhere in her life, and that's where I connect with her. It's romantic, which is what I think the GP likes, and it's inspirational. It's wish fulfillment for me, and I'm projecting because we just so happen to like the same things. She's as loyal as I am, and I can get to experience her allegiance to her feelings because I know that elsewhere, in my own life. It's more of what I love.
    People think they like Lana because aw, she's so relatable but still kind of pipe dreamy about it -- but she wouldn't be if she didn't do what she does without conviction. Like we all do. She puts her life into music, which all people can relate to, and then her aesthetic is the make-or-break in the making of a fan, if that makes sense.
    That was a mouthful, and kind of soppy and messy and I really could write an essay on this shit, I could, but idc.
  8. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    I think the appeal in Lana's dichotomy for me lies with the fact that, like... I've said this before, but you see a random chick on YouTube named Lana Del Rey (which is a bombastic pseudonym in and of itself) with a song called Video Games, and you click on it expecting, I don't know, EDM realness.
    Enter church bells, a blockbuster harp riff and back-of-the-local-establishment ingenue vocals. And the video moved me, too -- I've always felt like Lana and I both have the same sense of aesthetic, only she knows how to convey it and I don't.
    It all feels so handpicked. The clips in her videos, the musical motifs. Backyard barbecues and choking on your tears in the presidential suite. It's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, which is what everyone's life is like.
    Her design has continuity, nevermind that I'd love it anyway. Kind of like watching the last arc of Sailor Moon and seeing nods to past episodes.
    Lana may well seem nostalgic, but that's because she's singing about K in 2005 and 2014. She loves Lolita and blue flowers and she keeps to that, you know? It's hard to not appreciate, I think.
    It's not even integrity, it's just a sense of self that I think she might lack (knowledge of how to express) elsewhere in her life, and that's where I connect with her. It's romantic, which is what I think the GP likes, and it's inspirational. It's wish fulfillment for me, and I'm projecting because we just so happen to like the same things. She's as loyal as I am, and I can get to experience her allegiance to her feelings because I know that elsewhere, in my own life. It's more of what I love.
    People think they like Lana because aw, she's so relatable but still kind of pipe dreamy about it -- but she wouldn't be if she didn't do what she does without conviction. Like we all do. She puts her life into music, which all people can relate to, and then her aesthetic is the make-or-break in the making of a fan, if that makes sense.
    That was a mouthful, and kind of soppy and messy and I really could write an essay on this shit, I could, but idc.
  9. Tommi liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    I think the appeal in Lana's dichotomy for me lies with the fact that, like... I've said this before, but you see a random chick on YouTube named Lana Del Rey (which is a bombastic pseudonym in and of itself) with a song called Video Games, and you click on it expecting, I don't know, EDM realness.
    Enter church bells, a blockbuster harp riff and back-of-the-local-establishment ingenue vocals. And the video moved me, too -- I've always felt like Lana and I both have the same sense of aesthetic, only she knows how to convey it and I don't.
    It all feels so handpicked. The clips in her videos, the musical motifs. Backyard barbecues and choking on your tears in the presidential suite. It's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, which is what everyone's life is like.
    Her design has continuity, nevermind that I'd love it anyway. Kind of like watching the last arc of Sailor Moon and seeing nods to past episodes.
    Lana may well seem nostalgic, but that's because she's singing about K in 2005 and 2014. She loves Lolita and blue flowers and she keeps to that, you know? It's hard to not appreciate, I think.
    It's not even integrity, it's just a sense of self that I think she might lack (knowledge of how to express) elsewhere in her life, and that's where I connect with her. It's romantic, which is what I think the GP likes, and it's inspirational. It's wish fulfillment for me, and I'm projecting because we just so happen to like the same things. She's as loyal as I am, and I can get to experience her allegiance to her feelings because I know that elsewhere, in my own life. It's more of what I love.
    People think they like Lana because aw, she's so relatable but still kind of pipe dreamy about it -- but she wouldn't be if she didn't do what she does without conviction. Like we all do. She puts her life into music, which all people can relate to, and then her aesthetic is the make-or-break in the making of a fan, if that makes sense.
    That was a mouthful, and kind of soppy and messy and I really could write an essay on this shit, I could, but idc.
  10. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    I saw them too, WTF "dés l'an prochain"
    ... but the article was beautifully written.
    My favorite part:
    Je comprend qu'elle veuille faire plus attention, mais moi j'aime ce côté raw et direct. Je trouve ça dommage que les haters aient tant d'emprise sur elle, mais je la comprend... moi non plus j'assume pas toujours ce que je dis publiquement quand on me juge durement. M'enfin...!
  11. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by guardian in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    Orchestral Soft Grunge
  12. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by LiamViljoen in Lana to feature on Barrie's upcoming album!   
    Fixed it for ya
    Supposedly the name of a duet with Brian Wilson on his upcoming record "No Pier Pressure" but there's been no news on this for months.
  13. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana to feature on Barrie's upcoming album!   
    I BET it's a part where we only hear a cut-off syllabe of Lana and the rest is Barrie singing.
  14. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by Anthem in Project "Lana Del Ray A.K.A Lizzy Grant"   
    @@Skid Row Cherry Pie just sent me her gapless track.  So that is taken care of.
    I'm going to try and get quotes on booklets and packaging and shipping so I should have some pricing info up within the next week. 
  15. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by Anthem in "Lana Del Ray" gapless   
    Is there any way I could get this from you? I, like a few others, have edited versions that are not gapless and I need the gapless version to make CDs. 
  16. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana covers Galore Magazine   
    what the fuck lana
  17. microgrooove liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in I Can Fly   
    And there's (mid-)July again. This bitch!
    EDIT: It's "midsummer", not "the summer". In the first verse, anyway.
  18. SarcasticBeauty liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in 'Big Eyes' and 'I Can Fly' Released, Featured in Tim Burton's 'Big Eyes'   
    holy shit yes
    edit: like tbh the writing is nothing to write home about (lel) but the sounddddd my god i am so ready for music to watch boys to
  19. Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Skid Row Covers [BANG BANG + KISS KISS MIXTAPES]   
    So, uh... Nevada got a companion piece, kinda.

    I don't even know if this is a legitimate outtake, or just a fan edit -- but I slapped some badly shopped Philfont on it and here y'all go...!
  20. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Skid Row Covers [BANG BANG + KISS KISS MIXTAPES]   
    Didn't mean for this to come out quite so garish, but I still like it.

    And, uh... Someone on here made an LDR booklet a while back, right? This cover is nigh-identical to one of the pages in that, but I had to make it anyway.

  21. Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Skid Row Covers [BANG BANG + KISS KISS MIXTAPES]   
    This is stupid and sloppy, but I love it so much.

    I love you forever (I really love you forever) if you get the reference.
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Skid Row Covers [BANG BANG + KISS KISS MIXTAPES]   
    Forgot about TinyPic. Thank you!

    alternate version without the "ft. starz" text
  23. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Skid Row Covers [BANG BANG + KISS KISS MIXTAPES]   
    this isn't for anythin', really... just felt like doing it, so i did x

  24. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Skid Row Covers [BANG BANG + KISS KISS MIXTAPES]   
    ^ I meant for the text to match her shade of lipstick, but you're right -- it is kinda garish-looking. Will edit when I can be bothered to!  <3


    alternate version without the "side a/side b" text
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