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Sam Fucking Rockwell

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  1. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by clementines in What happened to Lana´s look?   
    the people from this thread probably died when they saw her in 2017/18
  2. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in What happened to Lana´s look?   
    The fact that this was posted in 2013... 
  3. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by UltraviolentJack in What happened to Lana´s look?   
    right LMFAOOO.. I can't believe anyone ever complained during these early eras...
  4. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by Elle in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Since no one has posted exactly what she said -
    So I’m like super excited about self publishing my first poetry book. And I just wanted to say any mom-and-pop SoCal/ San Fran book stores that are interested in having it just let me know and I’ll drive you out a couple boxes when I’m done binding it in a few months xx”

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t she say she wanted the poetry book out before the album? This might not be a good sign for NFR since she said it’ll be a few months before the book is ready x
  5. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    uhhhh don’t fucking tell me that ben lied to us?!!!! is she really only putting a few of her poetry books out in lame ass cali?? does she not know that all of her fans don’t live in fucking cali??!! i’m angry if you can’t tell.
  6. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    No offence but can some of ya'll shut up about people complaining? We have every right to complain considering it's been 6 whole months since she released MAC and VB and Lana hasn't bothered to give a quick little update on the album process. PeriodT.
  7. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I’m sorry but you can’t say that knowing the existence of a cover can make up for the fact that we don’t have a cover (plus what happened since early January? maybe she changed it, or maybe she doesn’t have one anymore), nor that knowing 6 song titles can make up for the tracklist (are they actual titles? what are the others? in which order? have they all been kept? and Cinnamon was never confirmed for NFR) but MOST IMPORTANT you can’t reasonably say that “between April and June” (which we don’t even know???) is a satisfactory answer.
    Truth is, we don’t know much about the record, and 80% of the info we have is 6 months old. Knowing she hasn’t finished it by now, knowing what all those sources said, knowing what she did to Lust for life, almost nothing is sure.
  8. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    why do u contrarians pop up in this thread and say the same damn thing and act stupider than everybody know's you are 'you guys are hYpOcRiTeS for wanting information she just teased poems and teased songs in the past!!' as if that is information
    tossing out 15 seconds of vocals and production with no caption is equal to nothing but spoiling1 the sonic elements of the album, randomly posting a stanza out of the blue isn't information- and with what most of her poems so far have been about, there wasn't any material to discuss because the content was rudimentary and vague; it isn't like AKA songs where we could dissect lyrics for context clues into life events we knew about from her past, these don't give much. 
    what we WANT from her/ben/ed/anybody in terms of information or REAL teasers:
    -Album cover
    -Album release date
    -Photoshoot(s) with even Chuck or something simple with Neil, people aren't asking for La Chapelle 2.0
    -Book title (official)
    -Book cover
    -Size of album or book
    -Sonic elements of the album
    -If the 3 solo songs so far are on the record
    -Future plans
    -Cancelled tour dates that I still don't think we've gotten notifications for yet??
    -What happened to the musical she hinted at
    -Soundtrack ideals
    -What happened to her past songs she wanted to release (BAR/YOS)
    -25 Unreleased Compilation album discourse
    ^^^THAT is information; it isn't complex nor hidden as to what the people want. don't be dumb dumb
    1And for reference, people don't want her to give away all the secrets of songs except for titles. We had a LOT more fun guessing what Heroin and Get Free were gonna sound like and a LOT of disappointment finding out White Mustang, a song she teased several times, was her shortest track ever and the only thing she DIDNT tease was the bridge. We already know of 9 potential titles of songs to be on the 13 track album and we've heard 7 teasers/releases out of such. For Lust for Life we knew about all but 3 tracks before the tracklist was unveiled and heard 8 of them from her snippets. It isn't hard to ask for a surprise in an era.
  9. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I have the very strong belief that it's all gonna be okay when the middle aged people currently in power all retire and our own generations take the wheel.
    Change will be so so rapid hwen that happens, we won't believe our eyes, and we'll be so happy.
    I love this kind of hope, when I know my generation is overall going to do so much good instead of bad.
    But also, don't want to make this thread sappy. Soz
  10. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by Elle in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Hi everyone - I've unlocked the thread. Let's try to keep further discussion in this thread on-topic and relevant. Empty spam posts aren't fun to have flooded here! I know it's a difficult time in this era, but let's at least try to keep the discussion enjoyable for everyone.





    Here's some useful links for discussion not related to Norman Fucking Rockwell:


    Random Conversation Thread


    Random Lana Discussion


    Lust for Life - Post-Release Thread


    Honeymoon - Post-Release Thread


    Ultraviolence - Post-Release Thread

  11. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by violets in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i was in traffic
    tweeting on my phone
    watching the cars go by very slow
    i guess i was in it
    cause baby for 3 hours
    i did not move an inch
    in the next hour
    i told my fans it was very trumatic
    tensions were rising in my twitter replies
    i deleted the tweet
    tried to sit and forget about it
    all the hatred that i saw this night
  12. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by heroindealer in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    in your car, we go fast, we go so fast we don’t move 
    Now shes traumatized so IYC is officially scrapped and replaced with Traffic - Truma in my mind produced by Rick Nowels
  13. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I honestly need them to step up their vinyl game... it doesn't have to be just one colour, there are so many cool options they could explore:

  14. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i'm sorry i know taste is subjective but if you think VB is a bad song i literally think less of you as a person
  15. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    People who complain about the lenght of VB should be banned, the song is a masterpiece just as it is 
  16. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    tbh i can't really tell when she's joking bc she's naturally cringy and at first i thought she was joking about almost everything when she was actually being serious
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