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psycho lifegaurd

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About psycho lifegaurd

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  • Birthday March 26

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  1. why is it so easy to become a president? like you can be a felon and cognitively impaired and you can still be president, HELLO? we have so many dumb requirements to be a recipient of federal aid for college, but barely anything on being president? ummmmmm....
  2. maybe if we all decided to threaten a mass sxicide if Lasso gets scrapped, she’ll for sure release it 😁 User was warned for this post
  3. It is irrefutable that Lana is one of the most influential and groundbreaking artists in our Generation, as she constantly questions our culture and isn't afraid to disturb conformity by bringing originality and thought. For that reason, Lana brings many to change their notions and ways of thinking and living with her distinctive ideas. How has she changed you, helped you, or made you in a positive way? I'll go first: Lana Del Rey's Lust for Life album made me question this short life that we live, and how we must appreciate everything, question systems and politics, and truly live. She taught me to really appreciate and fight to experience the best life; she taught me to Lust for Life. I wrote about this notion multiple times in college and scholarship essays, where I then bagged a Full-Ride to one of the top public universities. I seriously owe Lana so much, for if it wasn't for her, I would have a very undynamic mind, and I couldn't have pursued the career of my dreams as I wouldn't have gone to college. Because of Lana, she inspired me to really be the "master of our own fate, captain of our own soul" and to not give in to the systems that would make me undistinguishable. I wish Lana would know of how much she really changed so many lives for the best.
  4. at UT Austin, it was insane. they sent the mf NATIONAL GAURDDDD!
  5. you’d be totally right! i seriously dont understand why its hated its a good song!
  6. nah cause you ate for putting most of LFL in there. LFL is such an amazing album and it seriously changed my entire life. LFL title track so overhated. people think its overproduced, but its part of the theme.
  7. Entire song good but the bridge is exquisite
  8. What are great songs that you KNOW are overhated? For me, it’s Lolita and Summer Bummer.
  9. Imagine if Lana pulled a "Roses Bloom for You" and teases a snippet of a song she wont release? Craazy!
  10. I totally agree. LFL had that theme of internal and external reflextion, and OB really did it too. I kinda just wished Lana never really “Ended Eras” and would provide more media and content from them. You ate!!
  11. begging for a Lust for Life 2. I’d doubt she’d make one cause Ocean Blvd really closed this door, but imagine a Lost for Life or Life for Lust? 😞
  12. she would probably also have menu items named after american icons. like elvis sandwiches.
  13. Millionaire Snippet 1 - Lana del Rey 😑😑😑
  14. I was definitely thinking of there being a "Lana at Waffle House" breakfast special.
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