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  1. SalvaWHORE liked a post in a topic by May in Bridgit Mendler   
    Hello my name is.... is still one of the best debut albums I’ve ever heard
  2. whitehotfrvr liked a post in a topic by May in Lana Songs Going Viral on TikTok (Discussion)   
    this thread was bound to be created eventually so lemme rip the bandaid off
    lately ive noticed a lot of Lana songs going viral in the tiktok-sphere, ive seen mariners, queen of disaster and ride monologue so far
    post here any tiktoks you find or like which incorporate Lana’s songs!
    two million likes  but it’s lowkey true LMFAO i really do be like that
    this one has almost a million likes  i don’t get why but werk i guess!
    there’s also a YouTube upload of queen of disaster uploaded 8 months ago that has 16 million views (more than the majority of all her singles uploads in the past few years) purely bc of tiktok using it as a meme song  

    Id post more but im tipsy and my internet connection is bad but don’t let this flop!
  3. leavealighton4me liked a post in a topic by May in Rarely Known Lana Facts (bottom of the LDR iceberg)   
    i know from talking to one of her ex band mates years ago that one of her favourite drinks is a mint julep (which she name drops in Strangelove)
  4. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by May in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    it’s not weird, what would ur reaction be if ur husband went on Twitter and started publicly stanning for a song which calls ur wife out for being a cunt?
  5. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by May in AI Generated Images from Lana Del Rey Lyrics   
    you taste like the fourth of july

    all that’s real to me is Marilyn and Jesus 

  6. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by May in Dark Paradise (Final and Demo Versions)   
    she wrote summertime sadness and dp in the same day ? sis was really going through it.. a dolly parton writing IWALY and Jolene on the same day tea
  7. Rockwell Firefly liked a post in a topic by May in Fergie   
    Best video of 2016. Best comeback of 2016. Best everything.
  8. Sunnies liked a post in a topic by May in Tessa DiPietro   
    She said “Okay, one thing you can do is picture the floor rising up to support you,
    And sink into the back of the bed that’s behind you.
    Too much of your energy is in front and above you.”
    i imagine this as a song with a beautiful Lana melody and i feel robbed
  9. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by May in Tessa DiPietro   
    She said “Okay, one thing you can do is picture the floor rising up to support you,
    And sink into the back of the bed that’s behind you.
    Too much of your energy is in front and above you.”
    i imagine this as a song with a beautiful Lana melody and i feel robbed
  10. cherryzandwine liked a post in a topic by May in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i'm really interested in who and what Art Deco is about
    'club queen on the downtown scene' suggests it's about a girl which is rare for a lana song
  11. cherryzandwine liked a post in a topic by May in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    some of these would be really good lines in a song.
    i especially love her saying fuck the NY post, i hope she's this outspoken and direct on cocc, reminds me of her sharp ultraviolence lyric style
  12. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by May in ALLIE X   
    i love Tongue Tied too! it's so atmospheric, this sounds weird but when i listen to it i imagine a music video of her in a smoky room surrounded by red neon lights
    O Chad is definitely her magnum opus imo, i love every version but my favourite is the Why You Wanna one. each version of that song evokes diff feelings, it's amazing and i hope she puts an AX version of it on the Unsolved playlist even tho it's super unlikely
  13. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by May in ALLIE X   
    she wrote "XCERCISE FATTY" on mine <3 so sweet 
  14. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by May in ALLIE X   
    i agree with atom heart allie is all around just a better artist than troye imo

  15. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by May in ALLIE X   
    studio version of O Chad slays, everything about it is great and emotional
  16. Daisy Hearted liked a post in a topic by May in Tessa DiPietro   
    She said “Okay, one thing you can do is picture the floor rising up to support you,
    And sink into the back of the bed that’s behind you.
    Too much of your energy is in front and above you.”
    i imagine this as a song with a beautiful Lana melody and i feel robbed
  17. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by May in Heartstopper   
    girl did you edit my post before approving it?  I never typed ‘snake person humour’ idek what that means . I remember typing ‘millennial humour’ … was it autocorrect or you LMAO
  18. ionut liked a post in a topic by May in Boarding School   
    i still can't believe "i'm a fan of the pro-ana nation"   
  19. jellygal liked a post in a topic by May in Lana's Old FaceBook/Twitter   
    not her being one of those ppl who put their cover photo as a selfie  vain queen
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