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  1. Escapism liked a post in a topic by luminom in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Born To Die




  2. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Nick Del Rey in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I honestly don't think anyone has an accurate idea of when anything is happening
  3. Escapism liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I don't usually go into full on speculation mode (especially when we have no official information, like definite dates and what not) but if there's any truth to the supposed November/December timeline that 2 radio stations have mentioned, what would that timeline look like? Announcement in Nov, single in Dec? Could there be a an album release in January to mark the 5 year anniversary of BTD? Just a thought, please don't drag me
  4. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Melanie Martinez   
    nnn, not for nothing but you really can't talk about melanie  when you stan for an artist who made this 

  5. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Limelight in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    There's just one thing missing that could make this whole thread even messier

  6. Escapism liked a post in a topic by reputation in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Even if Eclipse were lying he's not really gaining anything from out. If you don't beileve him just keep it to yourself unless you yourself have amy evidence
  7. Escapism liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    I was just wondering who which photographer took this photo and when
  8. Escapism liked a post in a topic by wthebluemascara in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    This is one of the proofs

  9. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Escapism in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to  picture discs/7in singles type of thing.  
  10. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    wow love how my alternate account is leaking iconic bops  something I could never do 
  11. Escapism liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Reading 83 pages of a pre-pre-release thread like,

  12. Escapism liked a post in a topic by valentinoeyes in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    The UV boxset was honestly the best in terms of the pictures and aesthetics. I mean quality wise the vinyl didn't play well but it's gorgeous. Here's to hoping Neil Krug is the photographer for LDR4/5 or at least someone new!
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Escapism in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to  picture discs/7in singles type of thing.  
  14. grabmebymyribbons liked a post in a topic by Escapism in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to  picture discs/7in singles type of thing.  
  15. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Escapism in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to  picture discs/7in singles type of thing.  
  16. Escapism liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    That reminds me that I still need the Blue Jeans and National Anthem picture discs. 
  17. Kommander liked a post in a topic by Escapism in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to  picture discs/7in singles type of thing.  
  18. Elle liked a post in a topic by Escapism in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to  picture discs/7in singles type of thing.  
  19. SlowGinFizzzz liked a post in a topic by Escapism in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to  picture discs/7in singles type of thing.  
  20. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    lets argue about something more interesting; Subversive is a dumb album name and I'd hate for Lana to name it that
  21. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Paradise is not an EP though. Interscope used the same strategy like they did with Gaga for The Fame Monster. Technically, counting the tracks, it is an LP by definiton. Interscope just sells it as an EP so the sales get added to Born To Die.
    So next album is LDR5
  22. Escapism liked a post in a topic by theviolence in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I see this as LDR5 but don't count LDRAKA because she wasn't even REY back then. You can't buy it either, and BtD is the beginning of her current form, so btd is ldr1.
    I count paradise as separate because it genuinely differs a lot from BTD, and has different religious themes and cutting lyrics. So Paradise is ldr2 in my eyes, even though it is just an ep.
  23. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Angel Fire in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    The thing is we know by now how sellings and charts are simply based on how an artist is known and how he/she promotes their work with big budgets (just like the elections). Some big pop music stars don't even write their own music, but they have built a name that's so solid, that the name ALONE is enough so that their album reaches #1. It doesn't mean quality at all. People don't even know the songs sometimes.
    For example, I remember when Lemonade was realeased, all my straight friends (who don't listen to pop music at all) knew about it, even though they didn't like Beyoncé or knew nothing about her music, but the media was so explosive about it that everyone knew about its releasing.
    BTD being in the charts years for now shows that the promotion that was done by the label worked. But with the fame came a lot of suffering and Lana saw herself in a position she really didn't enjoy. I feel like her music was always somewhat intimate for her and, although she wanted to share her creations with the world, all the harassment put her in a very sad and depressing place. That's why I would prefer if she continued to stay hidden, I feel it's healthly for her, it's the way she found to keep composing and being true to herself and to the songs. Going back to exposure, big budgets and her name all over the place must be really frightening and uncomfortable after all she went through. Besides, even though UV and HM sales are very low compared to BTD, it's undeniable how richer the last two are when compared to her debut. But, as she doesn't promote and people don't know about it, it just doesn't sell. It may be even better, 'cause the fans who truly get her mind and love her sound will keep following her work and praising her, while those that just came for the beats and the bling will be gone.
  24. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    even though ive said this is ldr5 before, i truly believe this is ldr4 because aka isnt even purchasable, she ignores it, and it was lana del RAY
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