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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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sky ferreira is going to drop a single in 6 days. imagine the irony if masochism comes out before norman fucking rockwell.

then it would be confirmed that the simulation is real



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how long was UV delayed?

Long enough for her to threaten Interscope by saying she’ll stop making music and long enough to piss off Dan Auerbach


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Long enough for her to threaten Interscope by saying she’ll stop making music and long enough to piss off Dan Auerbach

jesus, I was watching UV news like a hawk back April-June 2014, how did I miss this???



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jesus, I was watching UV news like a hawk back April-June 2014, how did I miss this???

It wasn’t a long delay. They figured they could delay it and have her work with another producer and she wasn’t willing to. Maybe that’s what’s going on with this one again. I think they wanted her to work with Mark Ronson?


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I'm so glad I can smell people's bullshit from a mile away just from looking at pictures of them. Ugh my mind. :makeup:

Some of us are just gifted with gut feelings, and sadly some of us don't possess that trait :poordat: but I feel like the more people live life (hopefully) the more they learn from their experiences and what the common denominators are and how to spot shit in people, although I know a couple people who are in their 40s and still can't sense danger or bad in people even if it was tattooed on their forehead :deadbanana: some people just never learn sadly


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Some of us are just gifted with gut feelings, and sadly some of us don't possess that trait :poordat: but I feel like the more people live life (hopefully) the more they learn from their experiences and what the common denominators are and how to spot shit in people, although I know a couple people who are in their 40s and still can't sense danger or bad in people even if it was tattooed on their forehead :deadbanana: some people just never learn sadly

why did i immediately think of dina lohan lmao



anyway yeah gullibility knows no age


but some people can be really good at fooling others

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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say what y'all want but i don't like these girls.


just like darling Peroxide, I've been jumping from friend groups to friend groups because I've never felt like i belonged anywhere. and it's actually really draining and hard. the Lana i'm seeing now is literally me like 3 or 4 years ago lol. i hope my girl is okay

Yeah sadly I was out looking for my people my whole teen life, so I pretty much settled for whatever shit came my way, and that's what most people do not understand; mass manipulaters can sense when you are weak and in need of TLC, they prey on those kind of people. I was out searching for love and I'd wonder why I always end up with shit, until I kept getting hurt and eventually learned my lessons.


Now I love being alone, and FINALLY have good friends. I didn't search for them, they just came in the best situations. If you're completely grounded in yourself, the good will come to you. If you're completely insecure, the bad will come to you to prey on that. I just hope Lana breaks out of this rotten cycle soon. Being sound by yourself is truly one of the greatest things ever

why did i immediately think of dina lohan lmao



anyway yeah gullibility knows no age


but some people can be really good at fooling others

Omg Dina literally is the perfect example :thumb3: I feel so bad for her tho...


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Maybe the Norman Rockwell estate are angry and that's what the issue is

I don't think they can do anything legally though

I want Lana to pull a Honeymoon music video and just post cinnamon on picosong or something and make a private instagram account with the link :sadcore:


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I honestly think 95% of it is the fact she’s famous which is why they’re hanging with her. But if these are ‘her people’ yikes. I think I’d rather it be Bikers and sugar daddies.

It's the first thing that comes to my mind. I like how casual they act around her but I bet they're dying inside because they are hanging out with LANA DEL REY.

At the same time they look like the kind of people that would make fun of girls like her :ohno: . But who knows, they might actually be really nice people.

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Maybe the Norman Rockwell estate are angry and that's what the issue is

I don't think they can do anything legally though

well The Mowglis just released their single titled Norman Rockwell...so i don’t think it’s an issue. unless the ‘Fucking’ in there pissed them off lol


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Yeah sadly I was out looking for my people my whole teen life, so I pretty much settled for whatever shit came my way, and that's what most people do not understand; mass manipulators can sense when you are weak and in need of TLC, they prey on those kind of people. I was out searching for love and I'd wonder why I always end up with shit, until I kept getting hurt and eventually learned my lessons.

that was a personal attack  :krylie: 

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I think people need to mind their own business in terms of who she is friends with. I'm not someone who thinks you shouldn't critique lana, or be frustrated with this album release--its messy. But we don't know these people at all and have no way of knowing whether they're her genuine friends. Critiquing things you know nothing about make other legitimate complaints look like just more whining. It feels really petty to me. 

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I think people need to mind their own business in terms of who she is friends with. I'm not someone who thinks you shouldn't critique lana, or be frustrated with this album release--its messy. But we don't know these people at all and have no way of knowing whether they're her genuine friends. Critiquing things you know nothing about make other legitimate complaints look like just more whining. It feels really petty to me. 


Yeah, Lana could even be using them just for company for all we know. It does at this point seem that Lana came into celebrity life with no real day 1 friends from when she wasn't famous and she has just kind of bounced from people to people over the years maybe struggling to find people she can trust.

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If she doesn't say anything about NFR then stans have the right to ask for a refund.


on the whole back catalog or..?


Not to interrupt all this setlist discussion but I think I may have cracked the "self-publishing" / "worldwide distribution" enigma. What if she actually self publishes, hand prints, and binds a small number (less than 100 copies) of Violet Bent Backwards, which is what she'll be bringing to Mom and Pop bookstores in Cali, but then has a wide distribution of a more cost effective and factory friendly version that will go to places like Target, Barnes & Noble, etc. It would be similar to what JK Rowling did with Tales of Beetle the Bard or whatev, where she had the widespread marketable copies but also the "illuminated manuscripts" I think she called them, which sold for much higher. Maybe Lana, herself, will sell the personalized copies for a dollar, but then people will take it to Amazon and eBay for $500+ Anyways, just my speculation! Nothing she does these days make sense anyway so I could be completely wrong


she can't even put together a setlist for an hour gig


hope the band gets mad at her for putting them on a normal flight and cancel on her


lol sing bitch

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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People believing stuff on 4chan loool just when you thought things had reached rock bottom there is another floor this fanbase falls through.

What happened with 4chan???? I haven’t seen anything about it lmao


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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