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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I bet that if we hadn't found out about Doin' Time from the radio impact date she just wouldn't have said anything until the day before releasing it  :rip:


We need to find the person who insisted that it was sent to radio (because let's face it, it wasn't her idea) and make them make her do other stuff. 


A simple solution, really. 


Also Elizabeth is following Elvis' granddaughter and I hope it means she's going to be involved in Baz's biopic. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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This is without doubt the messiest pre-release of any artist I've ever known. I am surprised that Interscope is letting her behave this way, honestly.


You would think that certain standards of professionalism would apply. Like, 50865774854 fans are clearly confused and asking ... even the articles out in the past few days about the DT snippet are all, "the release date for Norman Fuckimg Rockwell is still a mystery ...". You would think someone from Interscope would tweet something, or ask Elizabeth to, or something. Maybe I expect too much, but I find it quite mind-blowing. 

This a thousand times


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Listening to Venice Bitch again makes me so mad that the album still ain't here


I deadass haven't listened to Venice Bitch since january I think :rip:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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umm... sorry but her using the same pronouns in a cover (which she also did with other covers like blue velvet) isn’t her being “more queer”, especially when she’s never sang or wrote about her interest in other women in her hundreds of songs, nor have any collaborators done in their songs. (straight men love doing that, like abel talking about bella in lost in the fire.) i know we all wanna be hopeful or whatever that she’s more relatable to us but lana loves straight men and wouldn’t be caught dead in hillsong nor any other sus ass church if she was anywhere near gay. otherwise wtf does “queer” even mean anymore if not explicitly being attracted to at least the same gender along with others? we all know lana’s tired ass brand of white feminism as shown by her lack of ever speaking up on social issues or making a public statement on coming out day and thinking feminism is “boring” till trump was elected and it was now popular to care.


not saying i need her to making statements on social issues, i’d rather her not bc half the time she doesn’t know what she’s talking about or is just spewing things everyone else has said a million times before, but to say she’s anywhere at all near being “queer” is a reach. :crossed:


anyway inb4 interscope sees the money grab in this and has her add some random ambiguous song with queer baiting into nfr a la ariana grande. jk they don’t give a shit about her career anymore!


edit: also this skirtsandsuits girl is pissing me off with how she’s just deleted the comments on that beverly hills post to keep her ugly over saturated “”””aesthetic”””” rather than take it down or apologize and say she didn’t know. it speaks volumes... i’m sure she’s also the type of girl to also want “a gay best friend to go shopping with zomg!!!!1” :stareney:

yeah fluxodite youre right. i meant "more queer" as in sliiiiiiiightly more gender-bendy than her typical hyper-femme persona.  but youre right. shes not AT ALL, which is why i followed up with the "homophobic asshole" bit.  it's really disheartening to see a supposed "gay icon" like Lana just totally trash us thru her silence and supporting fucked up institutions like hillsong and beverly hills hotel.


up till Lust for Life, i thought Lana was deeper than she is.  i thought she was satirizing like white girl culture, pointing out how its set up for people to be unable to live up to expectations, to try to find their worth thru shitty relationships with shitty men... but then i realized, nope my analysis was just my projection, and that's just who she is.  and her trying to be overtly political on LFL made me realize she's ignorant af.  im turning in my stan card.

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3. Yosemite (requires too much faith to happen)


says who

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i also thought she was way deeper than she is. i thought she had way more about her, but given the descent of her lyrics and her repetition i've started to realise she's pretty much a one trick pony who is actually very one dimensional. i think that's why her drastic and unexpected change of image gave me some hope and i do like it, but given her output is lazier and nonexistent ehhh. not to say i don't enjoy some of the new stuff, she definitely knows how to present things really beautifully musically. it's just theorising any deeper leaves you disappointed these days

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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i always couldn’t understand why she chose those ig girls as her friends but i also just realized she sings about being in the popular group at school (tiwmug), maybe she’s always been this way? idk but i just looked through their instas for the first time and my mood legitimately dropped and i almost feel like crying bc it’s that frustrating, it’s literally just them being rich and performative and fake deep. there’s like no substance or even self awareness it seems. do they not realize how braggy their posts seem?? what i still can’t understand is WHY lana is friends with them... what kind of relationship do they even have. how many of us would die to be friends with her and always keep her best interest in mind, it feels like they’re just using her tho and like djdgzgzgzgsb grr i don’t know what else to say it just feels really bad


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do they not realize how braggy their posts seem?? what i still can’t understand is WHY lana is friends with them...

Maybe she’s doing immersive research for her Norman Rockwell concept and she’s lying when she says it’s done because these vapid girls who think they’re the shit just keep inspiring her best record ever .. lol


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i always couldn’t understand why she chose those ig girls as her friends but i also just realized she sings about being in the popular group at school (tiwmug), maybe she’s always been this way? idk but i just looked through their instas for the first time and my mood legitimately dropped and i almost feel like crying bc it’s that frustrating, it’s literally just them being rich and performative and fake deep. there’s like no substance or even self awareness it seems. do they not realize how braggy their posts seem?? what i still can’t understand is WHY lana is friends with them... what kind of relationship do they even have. how many of us would die to be friends with her and always keep her best interest in mind, it feels like they’re just using her tho and like djdgzgzgzgsb grr i don’t know what else to say it just feels really bad


Maybe she’s doing immersive research for her Norman Rockwell concept and she’s lying when she says it’s done because these vapid girls who think they’re the shit just keep inspiring her best record ever .. lol

...are y’all ok? She just found a group of girls she gets along well with. You don’t know them, you don’t know what type of people they are. It’s so weird how people on here are so obsessed with who she’s friends with when in reality we know nothing about her friend group except for what we see on their instas.

We need to find the person who insisted that it was sent to radio (because let's face it, it wasn't her idea) and make them make her do other stuff. 


A simple solution, really. 


Also Elizabeth is following Elvis' granddaughter and I hope it means she's going to be involved in Baz's biopic.


she goes by Lana, not Elizabeth. You’re not her father/personally close to her in any way, stop.


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i always couldn’t understand why she chose those ig girls as her friends but i also just realized she sings about being in the popular group at school (tiwmug), maybe she’s always been this way? idk but i just looked through their instas for the first time and my mood legitimately dropped and i almost feel like crying bc it’s that frustrating, it’s literally just them being rich and performative and fake deep. there’s like no substance or even self awareness it seems. do they not realize how braggy their posts seem?? what i still can’t understand is WHY lana is friends with them... what kind of relationship do they even have. how many of us would die to be friends with her and always keep her best interest in mind, it feels like they’re just using her tho and like djdgzgzgzgsb grr i don’t know what else to say it just feels really bad


in a way i do think it's always been there. i mean she's always unapologetically documented the most vacuous aspects of LA and celebrated them, was easy to see it as this cultural snapshot showing the good and bad, but she's obviously about that life

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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Listened to HIAB long version on YT while looking at all the butterflies in my backyard. Needless to say, cried some beautiful tears... :crying4:


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So V Magzine new cover is Avril Lavgne.. So we can exclude this possible for Steven Klein shoot.. The album shoot is coming :flutter:


I thought it was Lizzo (and the magazine only releases every other month unless it's a special edition).


But Steven Klein already confirmed their shoot was for the magazine.

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