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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Lana Del Ete

I screamed.


Maybe she blocked them

I screamed again! 


loreen is a troubled case and an amalgamation of mistaken atoms with a wasted no-potential purpose; frget their lack of charisma and general posterity and soon their physical form will vanish into bags of polyurethane into a local river. with river.

I fucking love you. 


You know, this is one of those days where you can just bop to Doin' Time, question your life choices, and hate your fave, but also love her, but mostly just hate her...


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This era is a joke, but its not even a funny one! First of all, releasing a song call doin' time doesnt mean u have to crash a car and go to prison to fit the mood and second of all it wouldn't surprise me if at this point insta stans are going to pretend shes deleting comments to promote how to disappear or sum. Shes litteraly deleting us from her life slowly


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I left two comments. One saying how impressed I was that she was deleting all the comments, but that it was pointless and hopeless, and one asking if she could delete the comments but also call us a horde of bitches.


She deleted the first, more rational one, and left the second, more offensive one.


Maybe she just really liked the idea of calling us a horde of bitches so she left that one up, idk.

This is so disrespectful and desperate

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Idk if I sound like a crackhead here with this wild ass theory but am I the only one who feels like the NFR lead up has been weirdly similar to the AKA one? Aka was recorded in 2008 and she released an ep of 3 songs from it in fall ‘08 and was supposed to release it early ‘09 but it was shelved and she was forced to put everything on hold and just live her life then it was finally released early 2010. Ok so we know nfr was recorded in 2018 and she gave us 2 songs in the fall (and another in Jan) and the album was supposed to be out at “the top of 2019” but we’ve had no news and Lana seems to just be living her life so idk I keep thinking the album will be out Jan 2020 to parallel completely whether deliberately (transitioning back to Lizzy? Leaving her label? Idk) or just a weird coincidence the universe set up or maybe I’m just connecting things that aren’t related lol. I first started thinking that when she was on her old twitter and said something about how over 10 years things have changed but haven’t changed at all. Thought I’d finally share my delusional theory with everyone. And yeah I know it’s all likely bullshit but I’m just having fun while I wait.


To actually go off of this, was her label why she had to delay AKA? Was she not allowed to release it before or did she hold it back herself? Because you might be onto something, this makes a lot of sense. If she was having label issues again, she might’ve tweeted that “have changed but haven’t changed at all” meaning her LABEL is holding back the album maybe because they don’t trust her style of music to sell as well as they need it to? I originally thought that tweet was more or less about her depression or a certain person. Maybe it’s another UV and she’s just waiting for them to be like “Alright fine”. Maybe she said that meaning she didn’t think this type of delay would change as well as everything else? (If I’m repeating anyone before me sorry I didn’t read the past couple of pages)


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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u new bitches got thin skin! y'all need a glittergate to push ur feeble lil midns to the edge and JUMP and see if ur calloused clawed feet can carve itself into the saltstone cliff we call pre-release


shit! the fuc kup youngin's

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I honestly don’t believe the reason AKA was shelved for 2 years was due to label issues. If you take into account that Lana probably had most of the songs by 2007 which is when she signed her multi-record deal with 5 Points then I think it’s safe to assume David Nichtern would have heard a sizeable chunk of the album’s rough ideas already. So signing her having heard her music with no plans on letting her release it 1 year later seems very unlikely to me.

It's only my dark city, only my new man...

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lock this thread i'm begging

Stop clicking it if you don’t want to read it. Period.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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u new bitches got thin skin! y'all need a glittergate to push ur feeble lil midns to the edge and JUMP and see if ur calloused clawed feet can carve itself into the saltstone cliff we call pre-release


shit! the fuc kup youngin's


I don't understand all of this post but it's definitely a work of art. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I don't understand all of this post but it's definitely a work of art. 

do u hear the bells? the bells? the copper? the ringing? the branches twine that strips it's immaterial flesh onto itself as it wrings around an inner coil to suspend the brass sheath of sonically tangible vibrations ? do u hear it? see it? the crack in the blell? the liberation of millions? the ever present ever persistent droning of white noise, no, blakc noise, from an outer reach and interchangable depth of inner magnitudes? the golden trim on the holocartographic leaves hitting their professions for hundreds of hours to make up the cement artistry and labor of humane history made in the image for humans of humans by humans? to ring that miniscule, irrelevant, obnoxious fucing dumb fucking bell? tell me rorman nockwell where the fuck is the bell


do u taste cinnamon? nutmeg? cardamom? chrysanthemum? hycodoxyne? a new flavor not yes discovered? by not even lana herself? tell me. 

tell me. 

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do u hear the bells? the bells? the copper? the ringing? the branches twine that strips it's immaterial flesh onto itself as it wrings around an inner coil to suspend the brass sheath of sonically tangible vibrations ? do u hear it? see it? the crack in the blell? the liberation of millions? the ever present ever persistent droning of white noise, no, blakc noise, from an outer reach and interchangable depth of inner magnitudes? the golden trim on the holocartographic leaves hitting their professions for hundreds of hours to make up the cement artistry and labor of humane history made in the image for humans of humans by humans? to ring that miniscule, irrelevant, obnoxious fucing dumb fucking bell? tell me rorman nockwell where the fuck is the bell


do u taste cinnamon? nutmeg? cardamom? chrysanthemum? hycodoxyne? a new flavor not yes discovered? by not even lana herself? tell me. 

tell me. 


i'd buy 100000 copies of your poetry book before i'd buy elizabeth's

it's just the way i feel

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"created by a bunch of studio execs" yall are we in 2012 again? As if label crews could manufacture a persona as complex as Lana's, as though they'd have the balls to create a character and artistic style so wildly different to contemporary pop music at the time. Industry plants co-opt the prevalent sound and image on the charts, they don't come in and subvert the norm like Lana did


I'm a bit late to this discussion, but I just wanted to add that even IF she was "manufactured" or even if her dad "bought her a career", a successful career in the music industry isn't guaranteed. How many people out there are actually trying to rise to fame?


I think that some people assume too easily that pouring money into someone will always have a successful effect/outcome. What I'm trying to say is: there is no scientific formula (as in: if X then always Y) for 'how to become famous'.

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i forgot ben didn't like the original album cover. that's it. that's what this whole thing has been about. she is being petty as hell and refuses to do anything for the next year because she doesn't like to be told no. i can see the whole scenario of her managers texting and calling and asking about the new cover while she just sits on a lawn chair with her insta friends and takes 5 days to text back a "respect my process please" text while taking another sip of her green matcha whatever drink. 

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