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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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God bless Lana but it must be really hard to manage her. 




Yeah, it's no doubt why Ben has the demeanour of a fed up school teacher

Slightly off topic but I found it funny how this is accurately placed in past tense, bc the record's done, reminding me of how long it's been it is waiting for the recooooord 


I mean, I hope it's indicative of something, log lady's pretty significant in a sense so let's hope it means something at least a joke, but there's usually some kinda truth hidden in them- but we'll never really know fersure  :byeh8rs:


She's holding a fire log ... she's about to light everything the fuck up with Norman Fucking Rockwell, perhaps  :et:

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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OHMYGOD. tenor.gif?itemid=8335315 She's fuckin beautiful tumblr_muafbgCZie1ri221fo4_500.gif Rorman, biiiiiitch 2h8cy83.jpggiphy.gif oweihgeraiognwoingeariogheighaerighr


one day i'll understand the inner machinations of ur crowded mind in what made u transition to a gif streaming bot with the wildest scenarios and events that you post alongside rightful text despite the gifs having next to no real place or coherence with what ur saying...even after elle said to curb gif usage u crank the bitch up harder than a sailor boy arming a cannon towards an innocent village


chaotic neutral


definitely not good but not chatoic chatico enough for evil

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one day i'll understand the inner machinations of ur crowded mind in what made u transition to a gif streaming bot with the wildest scenarios and events that you post alongside rightful text despite the gifs having next to no real place or coherence with what ur saying...even after elle said to curb gif usage u crank the bitch up harder than a sailor boy arming a cannon towards an innocent village


chaotic neutral


definitely not good but not chatoic chatico enough for evil

giphy.gif Loev ya too Sal o o 2eyus5i.jpg


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She might not even interact with the crowd in Ireland to avoid people asking for new songs, but honestly it's not like she would Cinnamon or HIAB if she heard someone asking

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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She might not even interact with the crowd in Ireland to avoid people asking for new songs, but honestly it's not like she would Cinnamon or HIAB if she heard someone asking

Mm. I'm actually a bit worried at what she'll b performing for that set, seeing as to how we haven't heard much of anything in full yet. Made a post on what I thought would b great to perform there at the castle but that was waaaaaaay hundreds of pages ago. 


Safe bet is to think she'll perform National Anthem and VG too tho 


edit: also, we knew what happened when they asked her to perform something new at Buku so  :die:


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I'm actually a bit worried at what she'll b performing for that set, seeing as to how we haven't heard much of anything in full yet.


I'd expect something like this...


01. Cruel World

02. Cherry

03. Pretty When You Cry

04. White Mustang

05. Blue Jeans

06. Born To Die

07. Mariners Apartment Complex

08. Summertime Sadness

09. Ride

10. Video Games

11. Venice Bitch

12. National Anthem

13. High By The Beach

14. West Coast

15. Off To The Races

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I'd expect something like this...


01. Cruel World

02. Cherry

03. Pretty When You Cry

04. White Mustang

05. Blue Jeans

06. Born To Die

07. Mariners Apartment Complex

08. Summertime Sadness

09. Ride

10. Video Games

11. Venice Bitch

12. National Anthem

13. High By The Beach

14. West Coast

15. Off To The Races



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it would be so understandable if she just wanted to make music quietly for the sake of art but she can't make that transition without communicating it and expect fans who've stuck with her through her career of massive productions to not be confused and angry

all she has to do is make an honest statement not veiled by poetic words or ambiguity and she can extinguish this shit storm in 1 second

you said it so well

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at this point why dont Lana go full nutcase and just make an entire album as one single music video that reuses the MAC / VB / HIAB footage and the Freak footage, AND throws in some Daryl Hannah Splash vibes for effect



what will it take to convince Lizzy to bleach her hair again, will we ever get new music, how many licks does it take to get to the end of the NFR era, the world may never know


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it would be so understandable if she just wanted to make music quietly for the sake of art but she can't make that transition without communicating it and expect fans who've stuck with her through her career of massive productions to not be confused and angry

all she has to do is make an honest statement not veiled by poetic words or ambiguity and she can extinguish this shit storm in 1 second


and just like that... the last 50 pages of this thread have been filed away nicely  :justride2:


till later...

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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I wish she had turned into a different kind of lazy, and decided to pick a dozen old unleaked songs we've never heard of, put them in an album, used some Neil Krug pic from 2017 as the cover and called it a day. It would have required even less effort on her part, and we would have probably been happier for it.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Honestly... Velvet Crowbar would be a perfect track for this album I think. “You’re not that bright for a star...” “I was addicted to you but I didn’t know it... you were afflicted by booze” ugh it’d be perfect and those GUITARS could you fucking imagine if they redid the instrumental and kept it heavy guitar led


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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