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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I really need her to acknowledge the album again, by name, or else I'm soon gonna cross over to the "it's scrapped" believers

her liking bens comment "album(s) coming too" was pretty reassuring. glad she at least acknowledged its coming

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her liking bens comment "album(s) coming too" was pretty reassuring. glad she at least acknowledged its coming

Or she's just a big dua lipa fan :oopna: 

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I really need her to acknowledge the album again, by name, or else I'm soon gonna cross over to the "it's scrapped" believers

lol I don't think it's scrapped but it's not that unrealistic either. I mean we've been told so many lies so it wouldn't surprise me.

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Delusion is thinking the album is scrapped while she's simply enjoying her life for the first time in a while, taking her time, and won't obviously release new material right after a cover that's doing well :hooker:

That and the false assumption that when an artist finishes a record, he/she will put it out right away.

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I need to watch that movie.

It’s terrific, you’ll enjoy it as long as you’re not looking for too-rational an explanation. Turner Classic Movies shows it once or twice a year.

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her liking bens comment "album(s) coming too" was pretty reassuring. glad she at least acknowledged its coming

The « albums » are probably Lana’s, Dua’s or elle’s. But what if she is recording a spoken album of Violets? (Just a theory)

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Well you can have that as a theory but there's no evidence for it. LDR never responded to Kim and Kim substantially walked back her remarks. My recollection was that it was embarrassing for Kim in the sense there were a lot of google hits with LDR and KG (as if they were touring together), but it was just about whether her criticism was justified, and I don't think it was very sympathetic to Kim, despite the fact she was breaking up with her husband (cofounder of Sonic Youth) at the time. There's also no evidence that LDR ever stanned SY, although they are certainly worth checking out.

The problem with the nature of this forum is that we all constantly have to repeat points endlessly because new people either come on or members only check it out periodically, and so miss a great deal of what has been said.


What I originally said, to paraphrase myself, is that, from 2012 on, LDR took a substantial number of hits in her life, from the broad media, who accused her of being inauthentic, manufactured and the purely result of her father’s money, to her public feud with Lorde and criticisms from people like Kim Gordon and Eminem, to her disastrous appearance on SNL and the fact that SNL further parodied her on ‘Weekend Update’ seven days later, to losing the James Bond gig to Sam Smith, who became successful with his Bond track and then later appeared on SNL...with Lorde.


AND her failed relationship with BJON, the break-ins at her home, threats from fans, the relative decline in her sales, etc., etc.


My original point was, ‘Who wouldn’t be half-crazed by all of that?’


LDR would not have to stan Gordan to be troubled by criticism from her, and criticism that received a great amount of press. It was pretty much what sold Gordan’s book, if it sold at all. It’s probably the only thing most people remember about its release.

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Dam. 11 million views already. Viral sensation. That viral marketing campaign paid off after all

And she's gaining that daily, it's not new. I feel like it's gonna last for more weeks, and when Doin' Time starts to decline, it'll be time to go back on NFR

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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