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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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ok well now im scared that norman fucking rueben whatever isnt gonna come till 2020 and she only liked the "albums coming this year" comment bc shes a big fan of ellie goulding

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The difference between homophobes and 'heterophobes' is that one group has political power over another. Violent hate crimes, such as the lesbian couple being beaten up in the U.K. 


Hillsong and churches like that might not be burning pride flags and openly using slurs westboro style, but that shouldn't be where we draw the line. Quietly tolerating subtle forms of homophobia leads to violent backlashes against any progress made, something which is found over and over again throughout history. Let grandma call gay people f*gs in private and one day she'll slip up and say it in public. Let cooky fringe politicians rant about the evils of abortion and in a few years you'll have the situation in Alabama, and Roe v. Wade being contested, maybe even overturned. Say nothing as celebrity churches give nothingy statements on whether they think gay people are going to hell or not, don't be surprised when it comes out in a few year's time that they've been funding those cooky fringe politicians. I've said it before and I'll say it again. As a member of the LGBT community, I'm not accepting quiet hatred, and I'm not only viewing outright physical violence as the only valid form of oppression. 




Yes, the'Power Elite' is ostensibly heterosexual, the majority is ostensibly heterosexual (often here we're working on the premise that homosexual and heterosexual are mutually exclusive and 98% of people are one or the other). But I don't buy into the belief that the majority always oppresses and controls the various minorities. Millions of times a day, all over the world, those in the 'majority' treat individuals of various 'minorities' humanly, decently and as absolute equals--and vice-versa--but we never hear about those interactions and transactions in the media, though we enact them ourselves, experience them and witness them ourselves--because the good in humanity, and the good of one individual to another individual, very rarely make the news. 


There are and were also gay 'power elites'--such as David Geffen's current Hollywood-based so-called 'Gay Mafia,' or, in the 1950s, agent Harry Willson, who 'discovered' Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, John Saxon, Troy Donahue and a long string of other male screen actors. In the 1920s and 1930s, there were also smaller lesbian and 'gay power' groups in Hollywood, which Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich were a part of. 


But the main 'gay power' group are the hundreds of thousands of gay and lesbian men and women who are not closeted, but who also do not predominantly define themselves publicly as 'LGBTQ,' no more than their heterosexual counterparts identify themselves as heterosexual when meeting others, being introduced, being interviewed for a job, befriending neighbors, etc.


These women and men are everywhere in America, and perhaps they might share their sexuality, be it bisexual, non-binary, lesbian, gay, pansexual, omnisexual. etc.--only when you get to know them, or they may never speak of it.


Those people, who are discreet, I think they would say, are everywhere in America, they're teachers, professors, engineers, CEOs, tree surgeons, tugboat captains, actors, circus performers, dental hygienists, yoga instructors, doctors, maintenance personnel, airline attendants, shop clerks, high school coaches, entrepreneurs, designers, dry cleaners, insurance salesmen and so on. They're in the Blue states and in the Red states. And they have a lot of power, individually and collectively. Not everyone desires to refine themselves wholly about their sexual identity. Like it or not, there are hundreds of thousands of people who feel like this: "I'm attracted predominately to my own gender, but I don't identify as 'gay' or LGBTQ in the hardline sense of those terms, and I really don't relate to the 'gay community.' Most of my friends are heterosexual, know all about me, and the men I am interested in are men who approach the subject in the same way." 


You may see everything in strident political terms of oppression and victimization, but I don't. Without total fascism strictly and almost supernaturally enforced, no government or other control mechanism can force everyone in the world to accept all other people in all the myriad ways in which people can be individuals and live out their own reality. If I don't like bikers and Hell's Angels, I stay away from them. I don't try to shut down their organization unless they're directly threatening me or my community.  


IF someone attacks someone else, then the attacker must be brought to justice and punished to the full extent of the law. That applies to any and all situations. 

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You may see everything in strident political terms of oppression and victimization, but I don't. 


i wonder why that is   :whatever:

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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Some people dont like full on therapy though, im pretty sure Lana said she went to a therapist once and didn't like it.


"I saw a therapist -- three times. But I’m really most comfortable sitting in that chair in the studio, writing or singing."


Yet she has the money and privilege to find healing in a different therapist, a different medication, a different hobby, or at the very least a different church. You know how vast Los Angeles is? She has no excuse. Lmao

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I'm gonna be honest: her shitty poetry was the only reason why I went out of my way to find fan sites. Which isn't to say it hasn't gotten a little better, or that she hasn't posted a decent poem or two... but her very early ones were just really bad to me, and all the sycophants on IG, and even on the reddit fan subforum, were talking about how amazing all of it was and how she's such a master with words.

I legitimately thought I was going insane. So I scoured the internet trying to find anyone who felt how I did.

A very pathetic irony on my part, I know.



i'm disappointed too, they just don't make too much sense to me (but maybe i'm just stupid who knows) nor make me feel anything tbh. also the lack of album info makes me less interested in her poems as well, whenever i get a post notification and check her insta in hope for some actual news and see that it's just another ratty poem i get disappointed and annoyed, so i haven't even read the newer ones, i just don't have the patience for that shit anymore.

I honestly thought it would be more like Burnt Norton or something (I know not her poem but hoping it was what she was inspiring to be like). Some of her fans lap everything up no matter if it’s really bad.

She’s right in charging 99 cent... it reflects the quality.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Just release the album and then go get your tea with your mom "baddie" friends and call it a day. People will stop asking for it and she can live the boring LA life she wants. We all win.

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Just release the album and then go get your tea with your mom "baddie" friends and call it a day. People will stop asking for it and she can live the boring LA life she wants. We all win.

This lol maybe she wants to wait closer to a scheduled tour?


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Skipping all the bullshit imma say this

Lana is not homophobic




Her happy gay pride tweet from 2009


Ex2. The audio of that interview she did during the lfl era mentions the gays & she seems friendly to the idea



Communism can choke, I prefer the way our society is today although we could use some slight alterations!


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Some of you are mentioning how shes a "pathological liar" or that she might have been this fake persona this whole time, which reminded me of what James Franco said about Lana.
"The thing about singers, especially the ones who write their own lyrics, is that everyone reads the person into the songs. An actor is sometimes aligned with with his roles, but a singer is asked about her lyrics as if they were direct statements of her true thoughts and feelings."
"Sometimes Lana doesn't know what to say in interviews, so she plays into the idea that her songs are her, and not her creations."

Now I know he isn't the best person to be quoting, but I do think these words are coming from things she personally told him.
Another thing I found on Instagram:

"What was the best story she ever told you? -Well, after we were introduced, she told me that she grew up in Arkansas in a trailer park, and was raised by her grandmother. But I'd already known that she was from a family of means in New York. So I was just like, "Huh, you don't say, Arkansas, trailer park." But it was like being around a performance artist. It's not like they're a pathological liar or something, they're just a person creating a character
(Rope, a guy who knew Lana before fame)"

Not sure if the story is true but it could further prove that she possibly has had a fake persona, multiple of them, this whole time.I don't think everything about her is fake, like her emotions. (at least- I hope not) Just the more glamorized things.

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can we all agree to just not give mr. "it's ok to be gay as long as you shut up about it, also white men built the western world" any more attention?

it's just the way i feel

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"What was the best story she ever told you? -Well, after we were introduced, she told me that she grew up in Arkansas in a trailer park, and was raised by her grandmother. But I'd already known that she was from a family of means in New York. So I was just like, "Huh, you don't say, Arkansas, trailer park." But it was like being around a performance artist. It's not like they're a pathological liar or something, they're just a person creating a character

(Rope, a guy who knew Lana before fame)"

if this is true.... wtf

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Omg Yas bartender supports police brutality, wage gap, student debt, big oil, toxic nationalism, political and social racism, the entire country becoming pro-life, and reactionary white/straight pride movements


hello comrade   :oopna:

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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It's Hillsong by a different name. Just Google it. As for the "for sure"...just read between the lines. It's easy to understand what their stance is.


a hillsong by any other name would smell as putrid

it's just the way i feel

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